Thursday, June 30, 2011

Revived By God!

There is no doubt in our lives that God should be the most important thing.  He should be the first thing we think about when we rise from a night of sleep. The first thing we think of when we see another morning and the last being we should talk to before we go to sleep.  Our daily routines have allowed us to neglect our God.  We often get so busy that we don't stop enough to thank Him for all he has blessed us with.

My life over the past few months has been about me and nothing else. I have been worrying and thinking about my life and not on how I can be of service to the one who created me.  I've noticed I have been hateful and really moody lately.  I have not been kind to those around me and I have really not given a hoot about anything.  I have neglected My God! And I am truly sorry.  The other night I got in such a bad mood it scared me, I was tired of being around everybody. I was hating my job, my town where I live and just wanted to leave everything behind and run off with my family and start out fresh. 

But then I went to God in prayer and stated I had wronged him and had no clue why I was so hateful about life in general. I just decided to give it all to him and asked for a new start.  I had to stop worrying and get back on track of serving him and those around me. I have neglected this blog and have had no intentions of ever writing on it ever again.  I felt it was pointless to write on it because no one ever reads it, but then I remembered I also write this blog for myself.  It helps me to feel better to see what my thoughts were as I read previous blogs. 

My dream is to become a writer and maybe one day author a book about God. To be able to pour out some words on some pages that someone might read and be fulfilled and turn their life to Christ.  I have come to understand that It's not about me it's about God and giving my all to him.  May God bless us all as we further his story in many different ways. Thanks for reading!