Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life! Seeing God in it.

As a believer in Jesus Christ I've always wondered why God wrote his story the way he did. It's a strange story to understand, and one that many have chose not believe in.

I feel sometimes that he should just end it and take those of us who believe to heaven. That's not how he sees it! Our God has put so much into his creation that he's not giving in so easily.

In the Old Testament God is present in the lives of his people. People were there to see great signs of his presence in those times. The Israelites were guided by a pillar of fire during the night. They were fed manna from the heavens every morning by God. Yet they turned away from him and made idols to worship. They had God right there and they were not happy. If that were to happen today many of us would cry tears of joy to finally hear and see a sign from God.

God continued to guide them to the promised land. He still loved them no matter what they did. He is a creator of great love for his people. A love that never gives up!

He continued his story to get his people to love him back. He gave us freedom of choice. To either choose him or choose the ways of Satan. People still continued to turn their backs on him and he still continued to love and give his children unfathomable grace.

Why does he not choose to just speak from the heavens and tell us he is here and in control?

God wants great faith from us. He wants us to give our hearts to him and to be devoted in our belief in him. It's strange but our God wants to see who endures through life and who can face the world and it's problems. He wants his children to be faithful in him till our last breath.

Many witnessed Jesus in his day do his miracles. He healed people in front of many eyes yet some still doubted his claim to be the son of God. There are times I wish I could reach out and slap those who didn't believe. He was right there in front of them and in their stupidity they mocked him and said he was possessed.

I guess in our day and time we know God's story and understand his reasons behind it. People then knew a savior was coming but didn't understand God's story. We know God's story, we have no excuse to not want to love him for all his goodness. He has blessed us beyond great measure.

Our world has turned it's back on God so many times, you'd think God would just give up. There is always somebody fighting to keep God out of schools, government and public places. They can eliminate God from every place or sight in the world, but they can never take God out of the hearts of his children. For the Lord doesn't dwell in a school or a godly statement written on the wall of a government building. He dwells in the heart of those who believe in him.

The atheists may think they are victorious in their ability to mock our God in their actions. But the heart of a God fearing man or woman they cannot even go there.

Creation swarms with God's great ability. He's in his creation, you can see it in everything both big or small. I have never seen his face but I have seen his glory through his creation and his

I will never understand how anybody can walk the Earth and still say there is no God. These people walk with no purpose in their daily lives. Death is their goal and no after life will be awaiting them.

Faith is our mission in our lives. To believe no matter what. To love no matter what. God is here his story is true. Look a the finer details and you will finally see him. Life it's a story, read into while you can.