Monday, January 29, 2007


In the news today, I heard they had to put to sleep last years Kentucky Derby winner "Barbaro." I'm sorry but it was a horse! I feel bad for the owner, animal lovers get attached to their pets and it's like losing a member of the family.
But I didn't see on the news where the mothers of today's aborted children were mourning over such a great loss. I don't think people are adorning a fence or the mothers front porch with signs saying we loved you little fetus.
I think about abortion and it makes me sad. To think of what that person was thinking when they made the decision to get rid of a precious life. I wonder what the doctor or in my terms the "murderer", had in his mind when he turned on the vacuum and sucked the innocent life out of the womb.
I wonder what the atmosphere is like in an abortion clinic. Is there one person in there smiling? Is the mood somber like a funeral home? I know what it feels like to walk into the funeral home, I don't like it. Does it feel the same when one enters into the clinic?
I like to visit one, one day. But I don't think I will. I might be arrested!
Ignorance! I know I make mistakes everyday and I don't have any right to judge anybody. But it's so hard to think about somebody going to the abortion clinic and going through the process of killing a child. It blows my mind!
So basically, forget the horse, pray for the the little child that never got a breath. Think about what they missed out on in life. They never saw the beautiful creation of God, they never got to be held and cuddled by their mother. They may have missed out on the things in this life but they got a direct ticket to their maker and loving creator.
I wonder what God says to them when they get to him? Does he say :"Good try, we'll try it again next week or come have a seat at my table for the party is about to start as soon as all the guests arrive."
I will pray for all the little one's who get aborted. Or should we pray for them? In my mind I believe they are in safe hands with their Creator. Maybe we should pray for those who made the cruel decision to let them go from this life. I don't have the answers! I would just pray that their killers will be forgiven and make it to where they are sitting right now.
In the end I think I will pray for both parties!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The state of the Onion!

Oh, Gee they're are clapping for me! This must be the 35 % who approve of me.
And in this envelope is the name of the person who will replace me. I thought this was the state of the union. No, W it's an INTERVENTION !!!!!! Your addiction to POWER has led us to this moment. And the winner is?
"Oh, I know it's just got to be me. It just has to be me, I'm all over the news."
And the winner is? The Florida dude with the nasty orange wig. It wouldn't surprise me if this weren't true. The way politics is going down the tube it could happen. He's a member of the WIG party.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Stepping out. That's what Martin Luther King did back then. He took a step and he took another and another. Until things changed! I don't know a lot about this man. But I know that he stuck his neck for the people of his color. His words of his speech "I Have a Dream" will echo in the minds of every American.

For those of us who were not born yet. He was the front headlines across every newspaper and the nightly television news across America. To the White man he was a trouble maker, to the African American he was a hero. He brought peace to his people and hope to this generation and future generations. He got the wheels turning on racism in our country. Segregation is one of the "Black Eyes" America wants to hide. It's an embarrassment to our nation. It was an egotistical situation for the white America. Not only did whites hate them for their color, it was the fear of the whites that the African American might take over our country. Who's country? Not ours but God's country.

The arrogance of the white man. That's what it was! White people feared the black race for fear of them taking what white people thought was theirs. So we held them back, we bullied them, beat them, enslaved them,killed them, hung them in trees and we segregated them like they were Lepers. What a shame!!!!!!!!!

I have this thing right now about the ignorance and arrogance of mankind. I'm tired of it. I think about this all the time. Every time somebody brings up racism it just fires me up. I don't know if I'm getting old or realizing that this world is just sick! I found my sympathy for people that are victims of racism when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast. Then a couple of days later when all those people were trapped in New Orleans. I kept watching these people huddled in the super dome with nowhere to go. They were trapped! I remember seeing the people dying on the overpass of heat exhaustion and people wading through the nasty water trying to find refuge. And yes the majority of the victims were Black. I know there were a lot of bad seeds there causing looting and raping innocent people. I condemn that completely! But there were a lot of good people there also. Some of them were looting to get supplies for there families, I don't condemn that. But where was the government! Not just the Federal, but also the state government.

In my eyes, if that would've have been all white people there trapped the Federal government would've been there in a flash. I believe racism slowed them down. But that is just one man's opinion.

But I condemn racism! When people make a joke about people of other color, I don't listen. I hate when people hear of a crime, and say it was probably a negro. My thought is this: there are plenty of white people doing the same things. Look how many white folks you see on the news getting arrested in a crystal meth lab bust. Or most people who are convicted of child kidnapping and molestation are mostly white. I'm sick of all racism and the racist who open their mouths. I don't believe Jesus was a racist. I don't believe it says in the Bible he was crucified for the white people only. He was crucified so that all the peoples sins would be forgiven. Period!

I applaud MLK for stepping out against racism. He stood the higher ground when no one else would. United We Stand, Forever.

Monday, January 08, 2007


WOW! What happened? What an end to a crazy football season. What next, Jeff Garcia winning the Superbowl?

Sunday, January 07, 2007


As I sat down at 9 PM tonight to put the baby to sleep tonight, I had to find something to watch on the TV. I went and surfed through the channels and found nothing to watch. I went through them again and this show here pictured on the left caught my attention. The show is called "Intervention." It is a reality based show on A & E, that does Interventions on drug addicts. I've seen it a couple of times and liked it, but I forget what day and time it comes on, so it's been awhile since I've seen it.
Tonight's episode featured a 29 year old man named Tim. Tim was an interesting story to me for some reason. He was basically a child prodigy, he learned how to play piano by ear at age 10, and boy could he play. He then took on other instruments like the drums and guitar. He was going to be going places in his career. He became a producer for some upcoming pop performers and things were going well for him. The money was rolling in and he had lots of clients to work with. As things got too busy for him he wanted to escape, to get away from it all. So he became addicted too crack cocaine. This was not his first experience with this drug. He began trying marijuana and LSD at age 16 and at age 18 he started using crack-cocaine. But then he quit all the drugs for awhile. Then he became the producer and got big and got hooked.
People like that get under my skin. They have talent and a great career that most people would love to have and then they blow it by becoming an addict. What a shame! Mostly, Tim suffers from a rough childhood. His parents were never home they were in a band and were gone most of the time. Then they discovered he had OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and things got really bad quick for him. It was left untreated for two years, so he became a victim of this disorder. He said he would just do things over and over, like pacing in the same spot, tying his shoes again and again. They eventually gave him Prozac and it solved his condition, so he decided to live his life to the fullest. He did! He became a heavy drinker and a drug addict.
This episode of intervention was a bad one. He was very strung out on the crack-cocaine. When he was out of the drug he was uncontrollable, to the point of threatening his girlfriend and her parents. He ended up walking through a marshy wet area covered in mud and landing himself in storm drain in the middle of nowhere. He was calling his girlfriend saying he was going to kill himself and that he just wanted out of life. The producer of the show had to talk him out of suicide and pull him out of the muddy storm drain. What a sad story. The choice this kid made to smoke a pointless drug and want to end it all. His life had hit the downward-spiral and almost ground-zero!
The intervention finally took place his parents, girlfriend and her parents were there to get this fun loving,brilliant person his life back. He agreed to get help and off he went for 60 days of rehab. after 45 days he had been clean and made a video tape for girlfriend. He wrote a song about his life and his situation. He didn't look like the same person, he was fresh and renewed for life. He left the rehab and went back home. But one month later he relapsed and went back to his one true love drugs.
How powerful these drugs are, to control a person's life and change them forever. I feel sorry for Tim, I will pray for him tonight and the millions who are in the same boat. I pray my children don't ever come around such stuff. I know they won't because I will go APE on them if they do. I remember watching a nature show one time about the Silver back Gorilla. They are a violent breed when confronted in the wild. I would be the silver back gorilla if my kids ever get addicted to any drug. My point for this whole thing is this. Parents need to be in their kids business, mine were. We can't fear them being mad at us for being nosy to keep them safe. I don't think Tim's parents were awful and not caring. But we need to be around them a lot, and not just let them run around and do whatever. Know who your kids are hanging out with, be close to them and get them into the church. Show them the best way to live their life. The only way is through Jesus Christ and his Church. Intervene in their life before you have to add the TION at the end.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Bye Bill :(

Well what can you say about one classy coach? I could say a lot! It's kind of sad to see Bill Cowher leave, but I guess we Steelers fans don't have a choice.

I could tell all season long he was going to leave. He just didn't have that killer profile on his face this year. Of course with the .500 season they had to struggle to get, there is no reason to have that desire on the coaches face.

15 years. It doesn't seem like it's been that long. If we had Kordell as our QB it would've seemed like 15 years.

Bill will be missed, especially when he had that chin sticking out ready to tear up the referees for a bad call. When Bill got mad we all got mad and pumped up ready to defeat anyone in our path to get to the superbowl. When the steelers got beat by the patriots in the many playoff games. I was throwing stuff, ripping off my jersey, lauching my terrible towel across the room, ready to reach in the TV and choke Drew Bledsoe and that Michigan punk Brady. I thought Iwas mad; I can't even imagine what was running through Bill's head.

Everytime the Steelers lost a game this year. I would say "I wasted $240 on the sunday ticket for this." I launched the towel across the room many times this season, but I knew I had to appreciate this season it would probably be Bill's last. Now they got to figure out who's going to replace him. They better make a good choice, or the Steeler Nation won't be happy. Good Job Bill !

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2007 Happy New year!!!!!!!!

What can you hope for in another New Year?
I'm actually joining the millions who are looking to lose weight, I've blimped up pretty good over the last 7 years. Sometimes I feel like the GOODYEAR BLIMP when I stand over my kids. But I don't think they could get this "BLIMP" off the ground !
I'm not really into resolutions, I think they are a hopeless cause for me. I give in way to easily.
But we definitely kicked off the new year with some interesting news stories, so far.
1) The Bush's finally got their Christmas present with the hanging of Saddam. Now that we got what they wanted can we get out of Iraq.
2) The Democrats are taking control of Congress and the Senate tomorrow. Thank Goodness !
3) The passing of President Gerald Ford. He sounded like a good man. I was in diapers when he was President, so I don't know that much about him. I watched his funeral today it was very moving to see all that goes into the funeral of a President. The music of the military choruses was the most moving part of the funeral. I know it was hard on Mrs. Ford at her age to go through all that, but she was strong through the whole thing. May God bless her.
The only thing I haven't heard on the news was how many people were baptized into Christ so far this new year. Hmm! You think that would top the headlines, seeing that would be the most important thing anybody could ever report. I heard all day about Nick Saban taking the job at Alabama for $4 million a year. But nobody mentioned anything about how many people changed their lives and repented of their sins so far this year. I heard about two bank robberies and how a drive thru teller was killed by an ignorant robber in Little Rock this past week. But nobody mentioned about how many people took the biggest walk of their life down the Church isle and made the biggest decision of their life. To take their old life and put on the body of Christ.
I think the news people are missing the big stories of the year. I know they wouldn't heap in the big ratings for the news stations. I know telling about people being baptized into Christ doesn't top the murder, rape, child molestation and college bowl stories. But they should. If we as human beings had our priorities right and not live life backwards, those stories of salvation would top the news every night. But when you live in a world that is full of the temptations of Satan what do you expect.
Our resolutions and mine should not be about losing weight or other things that we know we're not going to stick too. They should be resolutions of how we should be better Christians.
1) Read your Bible every night.
2) Pray as much as you can.
3) Lose the anger. Become a humble person, just like Jesus.
4) Build a better relationship with Christ. (These aren't in order of importance)
5) Spend more time with your family. Don't work as much, if you don't have too!
6) Start a blog! And see if you can change the life of some stranger or friend.
7) Visit the sick or a person you think is in need.
I think about life all the time and come to realize my life here is not eternal. I believe Satan makes us believe that.
All I know is that we have one chance at this life and that's it POOF! were done. Make the changes you need to in your life today. Become clean with God, make sure you have done all you can to live a good life. Because POOF! that could be it.
May God bless everybody I know and love and those I don't know to make the changes needed to get to heaven. I'll finish with this verse.
Luke 12: 8-9 " I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." Happy New Year!