In the news today, I heard they had to put to sleep last years Kentucky Derby winner "Barbaro." I'm sorry but it was a horse! I feel bad for the owner, animal lovers get attached to their pets and it's like losing a member of the family.
But I didn't see on the news where the mothers of today's aborted children were mourning over such a great loss. I don't think people are adorning a fence or the mothers front porch with signs saying we loved you little fetus.
I think about abortion and it makes me sad. To think of what that person was thinking when they made the decision to get rid of a precious life. I wonder what the doctor or in my terms the "murderer", had in his mind when he turned on the vacuum and sucked the innocent life out of the womb.
I wonder what the atmosphere is like in an abortion clinic. Is there one person in there smiling? Is the mood somber like a funeral home? I know what it feels like to walk into the funeral home, I don't like it. Does it feel the same when one enters into the clinic?
I like to visit one, one day. But I don't think I will. I might be arrested!
Ignorance! I know I make mistakes everyday and I don't have any right to judge anybody. But it's so hard to think about somebody going to the abortion clinic and going through the process of killing a child. It blows my mind!
So basically, forget the horse, pray for the the little child that never got a breath. Think about what they missed out on in life. They never saw the beautiful creation of God, they never got to be held and cuddled by their mother. They may have missed out on the things in this life but they got a direct ticket to their maker and loving creator.
I wonder what God says to them when they get to him? Does he say :"Good try, we'll try it again next week or come have a seat at my table for the party is about to start as soon as all the guests arrive."
I will pray for all the little one's who get aborted. Or should we pray for them? In my mind I believe they are in safe hands with their Creator. Maybe we should pray for those who made the cruel decision to let them go from this life. I don't have the answers! I would just pray that their killers will be forgiven and make it to where they are sitting right now.
In the end I think I will pray for both parties!
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