Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dedication To A Great Man!

It's amazing to think of those that have recently passed onto the other side. Especially those who have ran the race of glory and came out victorious. What are they seeing? What are they doing? Can you imagine the satisfaction they are feeling?
They are complete in Christ. They are feeling love like we only wish we knew. Our world lost a great man this past week. He wasn't a world leader or a famous actor, but to me he was Superman. I never thought there was no way to take this man out of this world, but God felt it was time.
Our church back home lost a great man and Christian this past week. His name is Bob Cronin, and there is nothing that could keep me from writing about him. He was a definite example of Christ, a leader that made Jesus proud to have him on his team. To me he was one of my finest examples that helped shaped my life. When you would head to National Road Church of Christ you would find him at every service no matter what. I remember Bob from my childhood and remember he always had something to say to me and everyone that walked through those doors. A kind and funny man and a great song leader. I can still see him in the pulpit on many Sunday and Wednesdays giving announcements or doing his favorite thing, singing. I remember playing Church league softball with him and I was just amazed how he could still snag a ball at his age. I'm still amazed to this very day. When I heard he had past away, I thought it couldn't be.
There are people in our lives that make some type of impact in us. Bob was one of many for me. It's hard some times to believe that certain people leave your life and go to a higher place to be with the one that created them. Death is our final destination here, but another life is waiting for those of us who believe in a risen Savior. What a day that will be, to finally find what we have been looking for and have been trying to discover all our days. I heard a quote the other day that really made me think about life. It states, "Death is the only chapter man can not write for himself." It's so true for some. Those who believe in our God have been writing our chapter of life after death. Those of us that are faithful have completely written over the word "death" and have written the word "life." We know what the reality of after death is, we can't see it but we believe it. We don't know what it will look like, but we do know it's there. Complete satisfaction that we have been longing for since the loss of paradise in Eden. Only there, was life complete and satisfactory, until Satan broke the human race out of that dream. Now we only dream of Eden again until it is our time to go to the father.
Many Christians are there with God waiting for all things to be renewed. They are right now comfortable and living in the completeness of God. I believe Bob is there with God and seeing a beauty that we will one day know. No more tears, fears, pain or agony. Just the things our hearts long for, complete happiness.
While there is a hall of fame for every activity in our world. I think there should one created for great Christians. I know of thousands of people who belong in it. Our world would not ever think of creating a shrine like that, but don't worry God has created one that is awesome. It is Heaven!
My heart goes out to the Cronin family as they mourn a great loss, yet rejoice because Bob has gone to be with our Holy Father the safest place to be for all. I want to dedicate this post to those who have gone to be with the Lord and have had a great impact in my life. I want to list their names in remembrance.
John Massey
Bob Cronin
Opal Thomas
Harold Taylor
Vernina Beckett
Lucian Beckett
Bob Riley
These are people that have been a great influence in my life and for our Church back home. They were always people that stood out, and I always noticed how kind and Christ like they all were to me. Isn't it great that God blesses us with great people in life to bring us hope and a smile when we think of them. When I look back in the past I feel I am truly blessed to have been born in such a great community of Christians that reside in Wheeling, WV. Our life can truly be a blessing if you lived it right and have such a gift of people like this to be in our path of vision. It's time we look at life for what it is. If you choose the right way to live and gain God in your life you can truly get the best out of life. Don't complain, just live and find our Heavenly Father waiting at the door for us all. Choose Him and recieve true life, choose the world and all you get is the world, nothing else. Praise God for fine examples of Holy people!

Friday, December 26, 2008

A World At War

This is a picture of a man that was good and then he let his anger get the best of him. This is the guy who dressed as Santa on Christmas eve and took the lives of 9 people, including an 8 year girl. Who was shot in the face as she innocently answered the door. Bruce Pardo we forgive you and so does God.
The book I am reading is called "Waking the Dead," by John Elderedge. In it he talks about this world we live in and how we don't realize we are a world at war. That being against Satan. He is the destroyer of all that is good, and that is his goal. It seems that Satan got to Bruce Pardo really fast. He put all that he had into Bruce and Bruce released it all. Angry from a costly divorce that was finalized last week and then losing his job, Satan put it all out there for him. So Bruce with no past history of violence went ballistic and Satan was cheering him on as he destroyed the lives of 9 innocent people.
Anger is a sinful thing and can be controlled by the right person, but some have no control and just go the distance with it. People need to realize their actions, and realize they need God to control their rage. Their are so many people in this world today that just don't realize what their anger can do. It scares me!
The Bible states "Do not sin in your anger." We need to learn about our tempers and identify how far we can go with our anger. Violence is not the way, God is. Just let it go, and release your issues with our heavenly Father. We were born into a world at war. Yet if you think about it, if we choose God we are on the side of eternal victory!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas 2008

As I write this it's 2 hours before Christmas 2008 arrives. The kids are nestled all snug in their beds, eagerly waiting for Santa. Shannon and I are trying to figure out how were going to get the presents laid out without somebody waking up. Our living room is right next to the bedrooms, so we worry about being noisy. I think we can pull it off though.

I really wish I was home in West Virginia this year for Christmas, we always feel like it's more Christmasy there. But we have had a good night being together with family and each other. It has felt like the evening has just slowly gone by, but now it is time to get things laid out and head to bed. I pray for those children who will wake up to nothing in the morning, and hope next year there will be something there for them. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts with you this year. Merry Christmas!

Is Fear Holding You Back?

I've been reading this book titled "Waking the Dead," by Christian author John Elderedge. This is the second book of his I have read and have really learned a lot from them.
The thing I read this morning was about letting fear hold us back from what we're really meant to do. Our heart is not being free to let God do with it what he wants.
We have abilities we have not yet discovered and God is calling us to open our hearts to him and allow him to get over the fear to lead and do other great things in His name.
There are so many things I want to do for him to further his word, but I don't do them because I allow fear to take over with excuses. Fear keeps us all from receiving our glory from God, we are allowing it to keep us from fully experiencing the great things he has planned for us to do.
In the book He says we are hiding from our real self. We have things in our inner being that we know we have, but were faking it and hiding from people what we really can do. He talks about an experience with a counselor in college. Here's is some of it from the book.
As part of our course requirement, we had to meet with a graduate assistant for an hour each week. This being a Christian program, I thought she would go after my sin. Instead, she went after my glory. No one had ever done that before.
"Why are you holding back?" she asked.
I hesitated, stalled. "I'm not sure what you're talking about." She said, "Yes, you do. You are holding back, playing it safe."
I was squirming. Is this the what Adam felt as he heard the voice of God coming closer to his hiding place in the bushes? Where are you? Now she said to me, "Now you are gifted enough to pull it off, make it look like you're engaged with us. But you are running on only six cylinders; I know you have eight. Come forward and lead us."
It was a more than a little unnerving, I'd been seen; I'd been found out. But not as a disappointment, not as a bad heart exposed. Rather it was my glory that had been seen. My gift needed to come forth.
I like what he wrote about that. That he had been discovered by someone else that he was playing it safe he was fearful of becoming a professional counselor because of fear. He needed to let his gift come forth. Are there things you feel that need to come forth and allow you to lead? Projects, talents that are burning inside you that you really feel you want to be doing. Fear holds us back. It may be the fear of others holding back your dreams. Fearful that they don't believe in you, that you can't do it. So you let those dreams or gifts melt away in your soul and they never come forth.
I like the phrase his counselor says in the book, "Come forward and lead us!" I was hesitant about doing this blog when my cousin John asked if I would do it. I didn't think anybody would want to read a bunch of blabber from me. But I jumped out of my fear and chose to write one and I lost my fear of being afraid of saying the wrong thing and maybe angering somebody. But I chose to not allow others to fear me away from this. I love it, and I think God's words that he writes through me have helped some and have maybe given a little light to those that were in darkness.
I have watched my daughter over the past couple of years and I can already predict her future being in God. She is bold in the things she says and has no fear of anybody. She is very nurturing to her little brother and just has so much love for her little friends at school. She is like me in many ways, I have really never met a stranger, I really have no fear of talking to anybody. But over the past few years I have really started to become a slight introvert. I really didn't think I had a lot in common with people. I kind of feared going to our Bible class party the other night, I just didn't feel I had anything to talk about with anybody. But that all changed when I decided to just walk through the door and let God take over. I had the best time and really had a lot in common with all of them. Shannon and I are just really blessed by our decision to attend College Church and glad we chose the class we did. These are great young people with a Godly desire to love, serve and help one another. Fear is our greatest enemy and Satan knows it's his best weapon. "Come Forth and Lead."

When It Rains It Pours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Christmas came early for me this year. Yesterday as we came back home from Little Rock and our garage door got hung up and would not open at all. So they guy is coming out to fix it today. That will be a nice bill!
Then as I was leaving for work my truck would not start. It must be the starter or the alternator. Another bill! So things seem to be going down hill for us, but I just didn't get mad about it. It's just part of life, and things happen.
Yet things are still great to me. I'm not going to be hampered down by things falling apart in life. God is good and God is great! If things feel like they are falling apart don't get down about them, just go with it and don't blame God for it. He gives good gifts not pain or sorrow. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Does It Feel Like it's Christmas? I'm Not Sure!

To me it just doesn't feel like Christmas. We've had some cold weather, I've sold Trees this year and we have bought all our presents already. I've been listening to Christmas music since November to put me in the mood. But I just don't feel it yet.
I think it's because we are not home in West Virginia this year, it seems so much more like the holidays there. Our house is fully decorated and there are all kinds of houses lit up this year, but I just can't get a hold of the idea that it is already here.
I remember when I was a kid and the time span between Thanksgiving and Christmas felt like an eternity. What happened to all that time? I am usually just a Christmas freak, and just love every minute of it. It just seems as you get older it kind of loses it's magic. I hope I never lose that sense of excitement for this time of the year.
I do believe this the greatest holiday of the year. There is just something about it that just fills us all with something great. I'm not quite as gift hungry as I used to be. About ten years ago all I wanted was my presents, but now I like to give more then receive. Everybody asks me what I want and I just have no answer for them. There is plenty I would like to have, but I just don't want to tell anybody and really feel like I don't need them. I think Shannon has a little to do with that. I will ask her what she wants and she just says don't waste your money. Well that is a trap for any man to fall in, because I just don't know what to do then. But I always find something for her. I had alot of things I was going to get her this year, but that fizzled out when she said, "I just bought my present off the Internet." What????????????
But don't worry I still got her some things.
I think this whole thing with the so called financial crisis has something to do with it. It put us in such a down and fearful mood, that it took the excitement out of the season. The way Walmart was here today I really don't see the crisis, at all. It's just crazy though, maybe it has taught us all a lesson about spending and consumption. I went down stairs tonight and gathered all the stuff together for the kids and just couldn't believe that we actually did spend less on them this year.
We always have went overboard on presents in the past and then in the fall we end up throwing away or giving away most of that stuff because it was never played with. So we just decided to get exactly what they wanted and not buy all the other junk they don't like. I'm glad we did!
I have found that over the years that giving is a great thing and I really enjoy it more than getting. I hope we all can learn to give more than to receive, but it is always nice to get something. Give the gift of God's love and see the results from giving it.

Very Cold Today In Arkansas

It is 15 degrees outside today the coldest it has been in Arkansas for quite some time. I love it! I don't like the heat here in the summer time, so I try to soak up as much cold as I can.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Cayden, My Little Angel :)

I can't believe he is three today. Time is definitely flying. This is the sweetest boy ever, he has never been any trouble at all. He has no interest in toys like his older brother does. All he wants for Christmas this year is tools. Play tools of course. I have never seen a child go nuts when he sees tools. Not just play tools, but real tools also. I just can't explain where he gets his interests.
The only people I can think of that he might get his interests from tools is me, his Pappy, his great grandfather and his Uncle Bob. The last two mentioned both worked with tools. My Papaw was furniture repair guy and my Uncle Bob works in the woodworking business. As for me and his Pappy we just like tools, we just haven't found our skill with them yet.
Anyhow I am so thankful for this little boy, he is a wonderful and precious child. Happy Birthday, I love you!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Love, Is What Is Missing!

I don't think I ever heard one of my teachers say they loved their students. This is a thank you note from Brayden's teacher Mrs. Brown a very kind and loving lady and teacher. She loves her students and wants to fill their little spirits and hearts with the love of Christ.
This is what our public schools are missing. Teachers that care and really love their students. It doesn't exist it seems at all. If our public schools would allow Jesus to overtake their buildings things would be better. If we could give the liberal unions and the atheists a huge black eye and tell them to back off, our schools could have loving teachers like Ms. Brown to share her faith and love.
WE have allowed our evil foe to cancel God out of our school systems and allow all Hell to break loose in them. I'm thankful for the love that fills Harding Academy and I pray my children will take advantage of all that love. Thanks you Ms. Brown for your love for my son and all the others lives you have touched. Praise God for love!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Story

Somebody showed this picture to me the other night, and I really was hoping I would see it for myself. Well we did, Shannon pointed it out to me as we left KJ's where we had lunch. Some people have way to much time on their hands.
Tonight I don't have anything really to write about, but I'm sure something will pop up soon. But I have been thinking about the upcoming holidays. It doesn't really feel like it should be here already, but it flies just the rest of time.
This time last year we were in a major bind. I had no job and my insurance career was on the flops. The only income we had was a Discover card and it was quickly building up. We're still paying off last Christmas, but have paid a lot of it off though. We were not sure if we could afford to go to West Virginia for Christmas, but I really had to get out of Arkansas, quickly. I was too the point of just feeling like I wasn't meant to be here and felt like running away and start over some where else.
Our trip home I just kept praying to our God to let 2008 be a new year, a fresh start. When we had gotten back into town things were the same. I continued to sell insurance but only a few policies and the money wasn't coming until a couple of months down the road. I just had no answers! I hounded Lowe's at least three times a week. It was not working, the person who was hiring was on vacation. Things were lousy, but I just kept faithful and hopeful and kept praying. I have never been in a bind like this ever in my life. Finally after three months into the new year, Lowe's finally called me for an interview. They finally hired me! It was only partime but at least it was something. I was so thankful to the Lord for not allowing the world to bury me. A few months later they promoted me to a full time assistant manager spot in the garden center. I'm so very thankful to this very day.
So when I hear somebody complain and start bashing the personnel about things I tell them my story. Some don't care and some do. But it's my story and my faithfulness that makes it so special. Many are there just for a pay check I'm there because God put me there. From November 2006 till March 2008 I went through a lot. It humbled me and made me pay attention to the world around me. This blog is inspired by my story, I feel like it is where God has led me to. I shall tell you what I learned from those two yucky years and now how awesome things are now and will be in the future. God didn't give me a high paying job he didn't make me rich with great things. He made me rich with his wisdom and his great love and mercy.
Many TV evangelist will tell you if you give this little bit you will come upon great wealth and material things. They lie by their definition of great wealth, their wealthy because people give to their shows. If you pray hard and believe in what you prayed for it will come to you. But it won't come the way you see it, it will come packaged the way God wants it. Open your eyes and see what God has given you and then you will know what you really have been given. Then you will see what's to come in the future.
I was an angered person at everything and especially my surroundings. I was hateful to the manager that let me go from my previous job of two years. I held on to that anger for a couple of months and then God hit me with a bombshell. My former manager found out she had breast cancer, so I let go and sent her a text message and told her I would be praying for her. I believed it released me completely from my bad disposition. Today she is a survivor and I found new faith in God.
Like the song says, "God moves in mysterious way." And He does everyday, He has a marketing team of angels always on the move. Seeking ways to keep us in his loving arms and out the evilness of Satan. So this year I haven't asked for anything just to keep my job, keep my faith growing and for this blog to reach every corner of this world. There are things I want and need, but there not important as reaching for God and his lost children. What do you wish for? Where are you in your spiritual faith? Are you hoping for a new year and a fresh start? I hope so Pray and humble yourself before God and look at what he has given you already and things will pan out, you just have to wait and believe. May God bless us all!

Santa Story

As I played Santa the other day at Lowe's I had some requests that were enormous. But I told the children that Santa could bring anything they wanted. Probably not a good idea. Either I cost the parents alot of money or there may be some very mad kids on Christmas day. I might wake up one morning to an angry mob of kids and parents with torches. LOL!

But I had a few that have stuck in my mind and really wished I could help them. One family had three children and weren't quite well dressed. The mother had asked me if I could pay the mortgage and then asked me if I could bring her some shoes that were warmer and didn't have holes in them. I wish I had their name and address I would give her ten pair of shoes that Macy has never worn, but the mortgage I could provide a little. They still are in my mind and I really wish I knew their names. But I failed and didn't ask. Maybe Santa will provide, I mean the Santa in heaven the real one. God, the giver of all things.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Me As Santa

Me as Santa at Lowe's today.

Me and the kids, they knew it was me.

I am showing the kids how Santa deals with really bad children. I put this one in a half nelson.

Me and my friend Nate.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

O' Come Let Us Adore Him

Tis the season where the world adores the baby Jesus. For some this may be the first time they have been to church in a year or more, just because they feel this is the only time to think of Christ.
Many just go to Church because that is how they were raised. They only adore the Christ 2 times a year Christmas and Easter. This way they can put aside their guilt and go adore the Savior of the world. It doesn't make sense to me to only think of Jesus 2 times a year.
I remember growing in a neighborhood of Catholics and they'd tease me because I had to go to Church 3 times a week. Little did they know how those three times made me a better man, a better father, and a better husband. Church has made me a faithful person with little worries about life. I have an answer to everything that goes on in my life. A reason for waking up in the morning and know that each day has been created for me and every other Christian who calls upon our Lord. Each day is a gift not a burden. Every day I come to a new day and adore our Savior, not twice a year.
I do not celebrate Christmas as the official day of the birth of Christ but I am thankful that in the crazy world we live in that a day still exists to adore him and remember his birth. How do you spend your Christmas? Do you spend it in anger because we think other churches are celebrating it as the official day of his birth or do you celebrate it as a day we have set aside to remember our Saviors birth. Nobody knows when Jesus was born or what exact day he died because the Bible does not say. But I believe many of us are guilty of only thinking of his birth during this time of the year. I know I am! I probably haven't really thought about the birth of Christ since this time last year when I blogged about it. So I am guilty but thankful though, for if this time of year did not exist the birth of Christ would probably never run across my mind at all.
Free your minds and remember his birth and try to remember it every day if possible. Come let us adore him.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Loving The Elderly

I often think about those in the nursing homes and pray for them. I pray for their well being and hope that they get the best care. The cub scouts that Brayden joined a few weeks ago went to the nursing home here in Searcy and sang Christmas carols to the patients there. I didn't realize how much they would enjoy it. Many of them strolled in there wheelchairs to the nurses desk and listened to the very good young voices.

It hit me last night how lonely and homesick people are in a nursing home. How a little child's beauty can fill an empty void in their lives. We paused for a few minutes and greeted the older women and men and they were so kind and so much wanted to see youth. Many know there time on earth is coming to a close because of age and sickness. But yet they long for attention, and to see children in their presence makes them feel great and wanted.

The nurse pushed out an elderly lady who looked very frail and not very attentive and Cayden walked up to her and touched her hand and she came alive. It was all she could do to reach over and touch his head and face and she said with a small voice Merry Christmas. God is alive! Tears came to my eyes because I love senior citizens and wonder about their life and what they could tell me about it. I often think of nursing homes as a final resting place of the forgotten and old. I often get angry when children take their parents to the home and run off and forget them because they have their own lives. They have a life because of them, they brought them into existence and now they feel they should leave them be. Not right at all!

The nursing home felt warmth last night because of a handful of Christians came to give them their love. I was very pleased his den did that last night and it gave hope to many who felt they had none left. Let's not forget the elderly this Christmas!

Monday, December 08, 2008

The Sunrise I Saw Today

This is the Christmas set up in Brayden's room this year. Pretty neat! Yet kind of scary with the red lights. He likes it though.
As you know the job loss report came out last week and 533,000 people lost their jobs right before Christmas time. I feel for them, I lost my job at Cingular in 2006 right before Christmas and it is no fun. What a stressful time!!!!!!!!!!!

I will have to say I was amazed by the outstanding come back of the Steelers last night. They played pretty bad until the final 2 minutes of the game to beat the Dallas Cowboys 20 - 13. One the best 4th quarters of Steelers football I had seen in a long time. If you are a Steeler fan we know them all to well. They don't blow out anybody and they will always keep you on the edge of your seat and wear your arm out from swinging the Terrible Towel. Steeler Nation rules!!!!!!

As I woke up this morning I laid on the couch and decided since my throat was sore and I am just exhausted I took one of my sick days. But, as I laid there I witnessed God's beauty. This sunrise was one of the most glorious I have ever seen. The picture doesn't even come close to the real thing though. It just amazes me how an atheist can look at something like this and not believe in a creator. How ignorant! God, I stand in Awe! Have a good day!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Juiced, Finally!

I have thought about the Juice most of the day. I sat there today watching him get sentenced, and of course Shannon and I had our cruel remarks toward him. We both said he was finally getting what he deserved. Then as I thought more about it I'm no better than OJ.
The poor man may have killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend and got away with it, and looked real guilty as he was acquitted. But again there still is that thought maybe he didn't. But this time it was all on video tape and the evidence was clear that he did something wrong. I wonder what has happened with this man? Why has he become so angry over the years? The answer is Satan himself. Satan did all this to him, he caused the anger and the arrogance in this once beloved football player and former actor.
When we do something wrong it's not us behind it, it is Satan. The devil is behind everything that is evil. Satan forged out Hitler's hate and made him one of the most evil men of all time. Satan made Charles Manson crazy and evil. Satan put the ideas behind Jefferey Dahmer to kill and eat all those people. And Satan made the Pharisees kill our King.
I have been reading a book by John Eldridge and it talks about desire in us humans. Our desire can be used for good or evil. Some people have the desire to help others and make themselves to be better. Others follow their evil desires and thrive on them to do evil and harm others to feel satisfaction. Desire is in all of us and sometimes we use it for the wrong reasons. OJ wanted his stuff back so he desired it so much that he did what he did and felt satisfaction in what he did. Now he must feel the wrath of his desire.
Even though I feel good that OJ is behind bars and contained I still feel bad that his legacy has fallen and because of his desire for anger to find satisfaction, he still is one of God creations. It's hard for us to see that point of view, but we all need to look at today and see if we lived a perfect life. Of course we didn't, so how can we condemn OJ and not forgive him when we ourselves in God's eyes are just as guilty as him. A SIN IS A SIN in His eyes. WOW, isn't life just not fair. Trust me one day it will be fair! But only when we can see the way God sees it!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Black Friday Needs To Go!

After hearing about the Walmart employee who died last (Black) Friday, is ridiculous! It's just stupid for stores to cause so much mayhem so people can be the first to get something for a cheap price. I hope that they got all the names of the people in front of that crowd and charge them with murder. Because that is what they did. Walmart will be sued I'm sure and they should be.
Our Walmart here is Searcy had an incident where two women got into a fist fight over bed sheets. How stupid is that. I had to be at Lowe's at 7 that morning to see all the excited bargain shoppers. It wasn't too bad that morning, but our Walmart was packed. I know you are saying I am a party pooper, but people need to realize the safety of others and not be like wild animals so they can save few dollars. Enough said!

Another Video, This One is For Fathers!

This is my third and final post of the night. It's 1 am cst here and I am tired, but I just thought we young fathers needed to see this video. Especially me! So please watch it,it will make you cry a little but very enlightening. Again, click on the green arrow in the title box. Thanks for reading and watching. - Clint

Awesome Video For All Christians To Watch!

I just linked this video that I just found on Godtube.com. Watch it, it's really good. Just click the green arrow box next to the title.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Christian Giving At Christmas

These three bears represent my children every year when I put up the Christmas tree. Always in the way, climbing on the step ladder and wanting to put the ornaments on before there are any lights on the tree.

But their idea of putting out the Christmas stuff is very hectic. My goal is to do one thing at a time and accomplish it first. That is just the way I am, if I start something I want to complete it before I start another project. Well they don't see it that way. They want me at the same time to decorate their rooms while I am leaning over a nine foot tree trying to put the last of the lights on the top. You gotta love them though. They are lucky they have parents who will go out of their way to make every holiday special.

Many children don't have such love like that, they have been abandoned, given up by an ignorant set of adults who only cared about themselves. Every Christmas was a blessing for me and my sister. The house was always decorated to the very best by a Mom that adored Christmas and loved her children very much. Going out of her way to be the best parent any child would die to have. Making the greatest holiday the best day of the year. Even when they didn't have much money to spend they broke the bank to give us what we wanted. We didn't need all that stuff, but it has made me bring such memories to share with my own children.

I have been writing a lot about giving to those children who don't have parents to do such wonderful things. Or children who don't have parents with much money to buy presents. That's where God's children step in and do. We will give what we can to those children who don't have what we have. If there are name tags left on the angel tree and you feel urged to take it, then take it. That urge is God pushing you to do good, to bless a child and give them the hope that someone does care and believes in helping. Santa doesn't really exist, but through kind and giving Christians he really does.

Matthew 25: 35-40 I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was alone and away home, and you invited me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me'.

Then the good people will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food, or thirsty and give you something to drink?' When did we see you alone and away from home, and invite you into our house? When did we see you without clothes and give you something to wear? When did we see you sick or in prison and care for you?'

Then the King will answer, 'I tell you the truth, anything you did for the least of my people here, you did for me.' - Amen!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Time With My Little Cub Scout!

I have enjoyed every Monday night with Brayden over the past month. He decided to join the cub scouts the Harding Academy den. He has really enjoyed and so have I. I like doing things with him that I didn't do when I was a kid. I did a lot of things when I was little. Brayden and I are surely two different people when it comes to childhood activities. I thought since I loved sports as much as I do he would also. He doesn't really like sports very much.

Recently he has been wanting to throw the football and he does it very well. But I just don't think that will be his direction in life, where it is my addiction. We really have been trying to accomplish a lot of things in his book to get his patches. It's really been quite fun. It's good father/son time.

Fathers today don't spend very much time with their kids anymore. Why is that? I'm sure work has a lot to do with it then some Fathers want peaceful time to themselves. I sometimes wish we had more time together though. I recently have noticed that he follows me around the house a lot wanting my attention. It makes me sad sometimes that I think he really is not getting enough attention from me. It's tough to balance enough time with three children around. With Cayden turning 3 this month it's been a lot easier to have more time with all three. But I have come to see how much our children depend on us not only for their physical needs but for their nurturing needs. There is a great need for us as parents as we need to be filling our children with our love, God and time with each other.

I think about some children who have really had no relationship at all with their father. I don't know what life wold be like to not have a good and loving relationship with my Dad. My Dad called me not to long ago which is rare for him to call. I am usually the one who calls up there, but I think he just wanted to talk to me. I didn't have any time to talk because the kids were screaming and being loud. But I called back a couple days later and we talked about an hour. It was great to talk and share some time with him.

Fathers spend your time with your children and give the nurturing and love they need. I know we are all tired when we get home from work and need our space. But we'll all regret it when they grow and move away and leave the nest, and really want that time back to spend with them. May we love our children as God loves His.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Do You Hear the Bell Of Your Faith?

Macy and I just finished watching "The Polar Express." This has become one of my favorite Christmas movies in recent years. It's a movie about restoring the belief of a little boy. He sees Santa Claus and receives the first present of Christmas a bell, and you can only hear the bell if you believe. At the end of movie he shakes the bell and hears it and so does his doubting sister.
The parents then pick it up and it doesn't ring for them and they claim it's broken. As the movie comes to a close the boy now grown up says as the years past the bell grew fainter to the point that he and those around him couldn't hear it no more. It's a sad shock when we finally find out there is no Santa Claus. For at least nine or ten years of your youth is spent believing in a kind jolly man in a red suit that brings you toys to no longer exist. So fades your faith of what you believed in every Christmas. It becomes just a holiday of gifts instead of the excitement of waiting for Santa and being as still as you can be on that Christmas night.
So it is with some when it comes to a belief in a man who came in the middle of night, saved others and died on a cross. The bell of faith glistens and they continue to polish it and ring it loud for all to hear. But as life goes on, the bell becomes fainter and tarnished by their disbelief and the staleness of it all. They hang on to see that nothing great has happened to them, they feel let down because and have allowed their faith to become tangled in the web of Satan and his evil.
The good news is that the bell of faith can once again ring and shine like Bethlehem's star. There is so many great and saving reasons that can make it ring and never stop. A prayer can or a fine example of others faith. We are surrounded by a great God who wants us all to hear his bell and come to his loving arms and wings of protection.
I saw this yesterday. As I came home for lunch Shannon had given me some bad news of child named Conner. His parents Donna and George are a faithful couple in our Bible class. When I got the news he was in a deep coma and the doctors had no answers and still don't. When I had gotten off work at four, we headed to Little Rock to see them at Arkansas children's hospital. When we arrived he was awake and was in great condition. Nobody knows why but only the handful of Christians standing there and his faithful parents. God was there and had no reason to take him home yet. Gods bell of faith rung throughout our congregation who still hear their bell of faith. Prayer from us all brought him back to them, and we all stand amazed. The doctors have no understanding of it all, his mom told them it was God. Again God beat science like He always does.
I heard the medi-vac helicopter rumble over our house the night before to only realize the next day it was Connor who was in it going to Little Rock. I said a prayer like I always do when it shakes our house. When I hear it I know it is a serious case of illness and that person needs a quick prayer. It's time for us all to shine our bell of faith and shake it up and hear it ring. God is calling us all to come to him and believe in something real. He gives more than gifts he give us mercy, love, hope and eternal life beyond comprehension. Shake your bell and believe!
I ask you cotinue to pray for Donna, George and little Connor.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Remember to welcome strangers, because some who have done this have welcomed angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

As we prayed today for our meal I thought about those less fortunate than me. I thought about what I could be doing for them instead of shoveling my face full of food. A book I have been reading titled "A kind of different as me." A really good book based on a true story. If you read it you will thoroughly touched.

It tells of a woman and her husband helping at a homeless shelter in Dallas, Texas. And the way they had turned around that place. It makes you look at homeless people in very different way.

As we continue to worry about the economy and a fear of having another Great Depression. There are many who don't have a clue about the failing economy or that they fear they will lose it all in the stock market. They don't, they already have lost it all and just live the life they have come to know. Taking on the streets and hoping they can make another day.

We had a good Thanksgiving today and I am very thankful for everything and for the first time I actually felt thankful and felt it. God will continue to bless us if we do the right things that pleases Him. He wants us to help those that are in need and who knows like the verse says we might helping an angel and don't know it. May God bless our giving spirit and that we give more that we can.


CAUGHT! About 30 minutes after I wrote this post last night they caught this monster. Happy Thanksgiving Turkey! May God forgive him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Remember & Help Those In Need.

Whoever gives to the poor will have everything he needs, but the one who ignores the poor will receive many curses. - Proverbs 28:27

Sometimes it's hard to give to the poor if you really don't know anybody that's poor. I really don't know anybody who is in need right now. I don't see homeless people here in the street here in Searcy, but there is somebody in this town needing help. I'm thankful for those who have found people in need, I wish I had their vision. When I walk into work I see a tree loaded with little children who need help. The angel tree is one of the greatest ideas of love ever invented. I've taken a couple of tags off that tree, and others have also. It will break my heart if there are any tags left on there when Christmas rolls around. Every day I am tempted to take all the tags off there and buy something for all of them.

Many look at the poor as a pain in the tailend of our society, I don't feel that way though. Many feel as though they are not worthy to be given anything at all. I agree that there are many who just feel it's easier to beg than to work. So they just decide to live like animals in the outdoors. It's hard sometimes to give to somebody who neglects the needs of their children, but they always have the money to buy their cigarettes and beer. Yet their children go to bed hungry. Many will remain poor if they remain ignorant of their laziness and expect others to feed them.

But it's not the poor adults I look at, it's the innocent children that are suffering because they can't help it. On Air one the Christian radio station I listen to, stated that 700,000 children will go hungry this year in our country this year. Why? This country has so much to offer and our food supply is enormous, why do they go hungry. I often get angered when our country goes to another country and feeds the hungry there, but neglects their own. Then I realized if we don't go and do it in other countries nobody else will. The United States is a very giving nation and I hope that never stops, yet we still need to help our own also. That's where we Christian step up and do our part to feed and clothe the poor. I have passed our churches His House and have seen a line of people there waiting for some kind of hand out. It makes me feel good to see somebody helping somebody even if they are really not in need.

In your Thanksgiving prayer tomorrow remember those who will not have much or anything to eat tomorrow. Pray that we all can step up and find someone who is in need and help them as much as we can. God loves a giving heart, He gives to us all in great abundance every day. I thought the other day about how much God has given me and I just feel my cup is overflowing. I don't feel in need at all, but I am eternally grateful to him.

When you give don't even think about the tax deduction you will receive. That bothers me a lot when people say I will give to so and so and talk about the tax deduction they will receive. I believe God will think that is a sign of greed. Give because you can and not because you will receive something in return. We should give because God has given to us, give out of love not because of the IRS. Have a great Thanksgiving and remember the less fortunate.

Hopefully This Ignorant Turkey Is Caught!

This is the suspect that is believed to be the murderer of the anchor Ann Pressley here in Little Rock. I hope they get him tonight. They just announced this at ten o' clock tonight. The entire newscast was devoted to her and the hope to find this disrespectful germ!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Entering His Rest

Hebrews 4:3 We who have believed are able to enter and have God's rest.
This was the sermon this past Sunday morning and I thought about it a lot since. I was just exhausted when I went to work Sunday afternoon and just had no desire to be there or do anything. It was a long work week and just haven't had a lot of rest. Needless to say I made it through my shift that day and just went home and crashed. I went to sleep early and just slept like a log that night.
I thought about how tired I was and how that one day we will no longer feel tired at all. There won't be no need to go to bed early or take any kind of sleep aid to help us to go to sleep. I never really gave much thought to God's rest until I heard the sermon Sunday. Yet, this wasn't really what he was speaking about though. His direction was more geared to taking a break, but we all know taking a break only last so long. God's rest is an eternal rest, a complete rest that never ends.
Go back to a certain day in your life when you just felt completely beat and think about how unpleasant you felt and how that rest wasn't enough. Well God's rest will be exactly what we all long for, never feeling tired ever. How great does that sound? If you don't believe in God, I guess this would be something worth believing in him for. If you are tired from life and it's daily activities and its grind that bears down on you. Take a look at what God has to offer after this wearisome life and remember he offers for free an eternal life and an eternal rest. How great is our Father in Heaven.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Greedy Automakers :(

Another lesson for the greedy CEO's of our nation. I like it when people like this get sobby and whiny and need a bailout for their "evil greedy stupidity." The automakers to me are just like the lousy cable people. They jack up the costs and don't do anything to improve their product and make the consumers happy. I ditched cable about three years ago because what I was paying for with them I was getting ripped off. Direct TV gives more for my money. That is what the automakers has done, they have done nothing to make their big rigs more efficient on gas and just keep with the same old flow of things. That's why we drive Toyota, they are on the ball. I've had the same truck for almost 9 years and it looks new and has never been in the garage for repair. So I don't feel sorry for these lame- ducks.
Give up your big pay and sell your private jets and then maybe I will have pity. I have had this thought since way before 9/11 that our lives were getting to greedy and we needed a wake up call. For some 9/11 was a wake up call. They called upon their God and asked for Him to renew their lives and He did. Yet many didn't give a "HOOT" and continued on their path of ungratefulness and greed. And we will pay for in the long run for peoples greed. It's time we see the real picture of the United States and now we must stand for what is right and live within our means. I don't care for people and their wealth it just makes me mad when they flaunt it. Nobody is worth a million dollar paycheck. It's how they use it to help others out, is what counts.

A Ghostly Picture!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't what you think of or believe about ghosts, but this picture is spooky. I found this picture on a friends Facebook page. It's a picture of her grandfathers car taken probably back in the 80's. She said there was nobody in the car when the picture was taken. When developed these people showed up. You may have to click on the picture to see it better. But in the backseat you can see an old lady sitting behind the passenger seat. Then in the middle somebody is sitting on the front hump. It looks headless, but it's hard to identify though.
I don't really believe in ghosts, but the other side of this life you don't know what's going on. But I believe God takes us all away and doesn't allow us just hang around in 1970 pinto's. Who knows! I just thought it was kind of creepy and wanted to share it you all!

The Gift Of Water

I think this is a neat idea, and everybody should do it. Giving somebody for Christmas a Living Water gift certificate. Everyone that you give helps clean water come to villages in poor third world countries. I have another video linked to this post. It's pretty sad but uplifting and shows you what good things other Christians are doing for those in other countries. The website I found is www.adventconspiracy.com where you can give these gift certificates. I just signed up for it today so I don't have any info yet on how to do this.
It would be awesome if every church or Bible class could do this and send money to these organizations who are bringing clean water and Jesus to these people. Click the arrow in the title box and watch, Please! May God bless our giving hearts this Christmas and every day!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Interesting Video on Christmas And Giving

I got this video in an email today, I thought it might be interesting for others to view. Just click on the arrow in the title box.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Give, Give,Give!

Well it's that time of year again. I cannot even believe Christmas is coming around the corner again. We've decided to have a smaller Christmas this year. The kids will get what they want, but not quite as much as in previous years. I pulled two names off the giving tree this year and try to help those little kids who aren't getting anything at all.
I really think others need more than we do. We were taught a lesson a couple of weeks ago by our minister about giving, and it all made sense. There are many children who have parents that do give a hoot about their children. They would rather spend their Christmas money on their cigarettes, booz and drugs. Which is evil at its purest.
Then there are those who's parents have lost their jobs and don't have a lot of money to spend on presents. So it's up to all of us to help those children. I ask that you would take into consideration those children who will wake up to a tree (or no tree) and help out and give them something there parents won't or can't afford to give. Open your hearts and give what you can to one of these angels on these trees. May God bless our giving spirit this Christmas.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things Of The Past I Miss.

I often look back to the past and think about the good things I miss. I believe we all look back to the past and wish we could relive certain moments. Here's a list of things I really miss.
1) I wish I could have a taste of my Great Aunt Hazels homemade bread and rolls. I miss her and that bread. It was the best! I hope she has some waiting for me in heaven.
2) I wish I could go back to the first time I saw the first Star Wars movie at the drive-in theatre. I remember that night very well, it was a cold fall night back in '77. I loved that moment.
3) I miss the times when my cousins would come to visit us on the weekends and they would spend the night. We would be so excited for them to come. Good Times!
4)I wish I could sit on my Pawpaws lap and he would read the funnies to me and smoke his pipe.
5) I wish I could hang out with my old friends from college.
6) I miss playing neighborhood football after school and on the weekends with my old friends. (I dominated them)
7) I miss me and my sister being little kids and fighting all the time. She always started it, and I finished it. LOL!
8) I miss living with my parents and they paid the bills. (Of course we all miss that)
9) I miss my Aunt Monna's omelette's, they were the best.
10) I miss all the family get togethers at my Aunt Hazels house. They had a farm, and me and my cousin Drew would just have a blast there. I miss the fishing in their pond, but I don't miss walking through the cow patties.
11) I miss living on East Paxton Ave, and we would come home from church on Sunday night and my Dad would say we were getting DiCarlo's pizza. He would spell it out P-I-Z-Z-A! I miss him! I wish I had not beaten up on him as much as I did when I was little. But my kids are getting me back from all the pain I put him in.
12) I wish I could go to work with my Papaw, and watch him work.
13) I wish me and my friend Michael could go to Burger Chef (not king) with our Mom's after ladies Bible class and get a Star Wars kids meal. Or we could play Star wars again together.
14) I wish I could hear, "Here's Johnny" one more time while my Mom rocked me to sleep in the rocking chair.
I wish I could go fishing with my Uncle Bob on Lake Erie again and watch him clean the perch fish and fry them up. Man, that was some good fish.
15) I wish I could relive every Christmas as a kid again. My parents gave us the best Christmas's ever, my Mom made every one so special.
I'm sure there are more moments I would love to relive, but I know they would go on forever. Many hang on to the bad things of the past and allow those memories to ruin their lives. I want to always remember what good things that happened in my life. Of course nothing really bad happened in my past, so it's easy for me to have so many good things to remember. But many out there had a bad life growing up. Things they don't want to recall at all, and I can understand. If you are reading this and have nothing good to remember from your past, allow the future to bring about moments you want to relive. Put God first in your life and He will bring about new memories to come about. I'm thankful for the life that God gave me and how I can extend those memories to my children. Cherish all your good memories and hang on to them because we can never go back to them.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sorry It's Been Awhile.

Well I know it's been awhile since I have written anything. I didn't have much time or really anything to write about. I've just been plain flat on ideas, I guess since the Steelers and WVU both lost this past weekend it just blows my whole week.

So I thought i would post some Redneck pictures on here tonight. The first picture is of a redneck spraying WD 40 on a camp fire. Yeah, that's real brilliant.

The next picture is of Redneck dentures. And the last is of three buck tooth coon dogs. I personally like that one. Thanks for reading and I will be back on Thursday.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Even The Lame Will Carry Off The Plunder!

Isaiah 33: 23 " Then an abundance of spoils will be divided and even the lame will carry off plunder."

The Mexican pinata is a favorite party game for children. Each child has a turn to give the paper' mache figure some resounding whacks with a stick. The children's eyes are covered with a scarf, except for some exceptions for the smallest children. Adults make it difficult by pulling the pinata this way or that on a line strung between two high points. But sooner or later the paper is torn, candies and trinkets fall to the ground and all the children scramble to "carry off the plunder."

Watchful parents have a difficult time restraining the older and stronger children (Republicans) or they will carry off all the candy and leave none for the littlest ones (middle class).

In the kingdom of Christ, there are abundant spiritual gifts for everyone. The strong may have all they want without depleting the supply for the weak.

Even the lame come away from the Lord's storehouse with their arms loaded with spiritual treasure. -Janice Kramer

I found this in a "Power for Today" book, this writer views things like many of us don't. Yes there are people that live and breed off the governments money, and I don't believe it is right. They need to get off of such programs and do their part. I'm not for them. But I do believe in those that just can't make it in life. those who work hard and get paid very little for what they do, and the big wigs get all the spoils. It's not fair! I think those in power of businesses should look at who really keeps their business afloat and realize the measly pay they offer stinks. We don't live in a fair world, but we all can share what we have so it can come close to being fair.

There is a song that states "Give me your eyes so I can see." We need God's eyes to see what is actually going on, to see past the blindness of Satan's schemes. Many suffer and others survive and others succeed and don't share. The wealth that many hoard they need to realize it makes them nothing, for we came into this world with nothing and will leave this world with nothing. God is fair and it's time we quit whining and live in the fairness of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. Share with those who do not have and raise them up that they may get their share of the spoils.