It's amazing to think of those that have recently passed onto the other side. Especially those who have ran the race of glory and came out victorious. What are they seeing? What are they doing? Can you imagine the satisfaction they are feeling?
They are complete in Christ. They are feeling love like we only wish we knew. Our world lost a great man this past week. He wasn't a world leader or a famous actor, but to me he was Superman. I never thought there was no way to take this man out of this world, but God felt it was time.
Our church back home lost a great man and Christian this past week. His name is Bob Cronin, and there is nothing that could keep me from writing about him. He was a definite example of Christ, a leader that made Jesus proud to have him on his team. To me he was one of my finest examples that helped shaped my life. When you would head to National Road Church of Christ you would find him at every service no matter what. I remember Bob from my childhood and remember he always had something to say to me and everyone that walked through those doors. A kind and funny man and a great song leader. I can still see him in the pulpit on many Sunday and Wednesdays giving announcements or doing his favorite thing, singing. I remember playing Church league softball with him and I was just amazed how he could still snag a ball at his age. I'm still amazed to this very day. When I heard he had past away, I thought it couldn't be.
There are people in our lives that make some type of impact in us. Bob was one of many for me. It's hard some times to believe that certain people leave your life and go to a higher place to be with the one that created them. Death is our final destination here, but another life is waiting for those of us who believe in a risen Savior. What a day that will be, to finally find what we have been looking for and have been trying to discover all our days. I heard a quote the other day that really made me think about life. It states, "Death is the only chapter man can not write for himself." It's so true for some. Those who believe in our God have been writing our chapter of life after death. Those of us that are faithful have completely written over the word "death" and have written the word "life." We know what the reality of after death is, we can't see it but we believe it. We don't know what it will look like, but we do know it's there. Complete satisfaction that we have been longing for since the loss of paradise in Eden. Only there, was life complete and satisfactory, until Satan broke the human race out of that dream. Now we only dream of Eden again until it is our time to go to the father.
Many Christians are there with God waiting for all things to be renewed. They are right now comfortable and living in the completeness of God. I believe Bob is there with God and seeing a beauty that we will one day know. No more tears, fears, pain or agony. Just the things our hearts long for, complete happiness.
While there is a hall of fame for every activity in our world. I think there should one created for great Christians. I know of thousands of people who belong in it. Our world would not ever think of creating a shrine like that, but don't worry God has created one that is awesome. It is Heaven!
My heart goes out to the Cronin family as they mourn a great loss, yet rejoice because Bob has gone to be with our Holy Father the safest place to be for all. I want to dedicate this post to those who have gone to be with the Lord and have had a great impact in my life. I want to list their names in remembrance.
John Massey
Bob Cronin
Opal Thomas
Harold Taylor
Vernina Beckett
Lucian Beckett
Bob Riley
These are people that have been a great influence in my life and for our Church back home. They were always people that stood out, and I always noticed how kind and Christ like they all were to me. Isn't it great that God blesses us with great people in life to bring us hope and a smile when we think of them. When I look back in the past I feel I am truly blessed to have been born in such a great community of Christians that reside in Wheeling, WV. Our life can truly be a blessing if you lived it right and have such a gift of people like this to be in our path of vision. It's time we look at life for what it is. If you choose the right way to live and gain God in your life you can truly get the best out of life. Don't complain, just live and find our Heavenly Father waiting at the door for us all. Choose Him and recieve true life, choose the world and all you get is the world, nothing else. Praise God for fine examples of Holy people!
Hey Clint, when I got your email on myspace I remembered you had a blog too and thought I'd come look again. I appreciate your memories about Grandpa; it has been nice to hear about what people think of when they think of him and singing and softball are at the top of the list. It was also really nice to think about Opal, Bob, and the Becketts. You are right, we had really great examples to watch while we were growing up. We are and were so blessed by them. Happy New Year and thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
What a great tribute and beautiful thoughts. Thanks, Clint
Pat Cronin
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