To me it just doesn't feel like Christmas. We've had some cold weather, I've sold Trees this year and we have bought all our presents already. I've been listening to Christmas music since November to put me in the mood. But I just don't feel it yet.
I think it's because we are not home in West Virginia this year, it seems so much more like the holidays there. Our house is fully decorated and there are all kinds of houses lit up this year, but I just can't get a hold of the idea that it is already here.
I remember when I was a kid and the time span between Thanksgiving and Christmas felt like an eternity. What happened to all that time? I am usually just a Christmas freak, and just love every minute of it. It just seems as you get older it kind of loses it's magic. I hope I never lose that sense of excitement for this time of the year.
I do believe this the greatest holiday of the year. There is just something about it that just fills us all with something great. I'm not quite as gift hungry as I used to be. About ten years ago all I wanted was my presents, but now I like to give more then receive. Everybody asks me what I want and I just have no answer for them. There is plenty I would like to have, but I just don't want to tell anybody and really feel like I don't need them. I think Shannon has a little to do with that. I will ask her what she wants and she just says don't waste your money. Well that is a trap for any man to fall in, because I just don't know what to do then. But I always find something for her. I had alot of things I was going to get her this year, but that fizzled out when she said, "I just bought my present off the Internet." What????????????
But don't worry I still got her some things.
I think this whole thing with the so called financial crisis has something to do with it. It put us in such a down and fearful mood, that it took the excitement out of the season. The way Walmart was here today I really don't see the crisis, at all. It's just crazy though, maybe it has taught us all a lesson about spending and consumption. I went down stairs tonight and gathered all the stuff together for the kids and just couldn't believe that we actually did spend less on them this year.
We always have went overboard on presents in the past and then in the fall we end up throwing away or giving away most of that stuff because it was never played with. So we just decided to get exactly what they wanted and not buy all the other junk they don't like. I'm glad we did!
I have found that over the years that giving is a great thing and I really enjoy it more than getting. I hope we all can learn to give more than to receive, but it is always nice to get something. Give the gift of God's love and see the results from giving it.
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