Sunday, June 24, 2012

If We Could Write A Letter from Heaven.

This is dedicated to all who are no longer with us.

The final pain was great, the breathing became harder and harder. I kept going in and out of consciousness. I saw loved ones gathered around me. People I've loved all my life, my heart was theirs.

The life I lived wasn't great but believing in God made it better. My final thoughts were unclear yet my soul was hard at work with the holy spirit. I saw a vision of what I didn't know but somehow understood.

People around me seemed to be crying. Things were a mess, yet somehow I felt peaceful and sustained. From what I saw with the sadness of everyone around me, I knew it was time for me to leave this world.

At first it was dark and then there was light. Light so beautiful and radiant it would've hurt my human eyes. I didn't go alone if that's what everyone thinks. I was guided by more than one person or angels I believe.

I looked around and finally felt complete. Holiness had made me who I was to be, a defeater of death. The door was small, but inside it was vast and beautiful. More beauty than I ever imagined. Then the hug I always dreamed of finally arrived. It was Jesus himself wrapping his arms around me. He said, "welcome home we've been waiting a long time."

I wanted to leave so I could tell everyone who was surrounding my bed. Tell them don't worry cause I'm here at the place where others we have loved have gone.

I remember being in places on Earth where thousands of people have gathered for special events, but never like this! A long line of people gathered to cheer for me and welcome me home. Then in front of me stood the God of my dreams, the God of my faith and the God who gave me my first breath. He stopped and gave me a hug and said "today and forevermore this is all yours." I then bowed and began my life as a complete heavenly being and a lover of he who created me.

God himself introduced me to everyone there and then to those of my family I never met while living on Earth. He told me of a great surprise he had in store for me. Walking down the road I saw four people coming. I couldn't make them out until they came closer. I leaped for joy when I realized who they were.

Two sets of grandparents. The two men I knew well from my past life and two women. One a grandmother I never got the chance to get to know and one I never met before. They hugged me and told me how proud they were of me. Two dogs nipped at my heels. Two that I truly missed. One a brown poodle and the other a golden dog who got really excited and barked a lot!

Life here is what the race I was running back on Earth was all about. I have no fear now, just peace. I wished for this all my life and now it is here forever. A place where there is no tomorrow because it will always be today. Always the present. What an honor it is to finally get to be honored by my Savior and the God who created me. I stand in awe!

That would be exactly what I would write to others in a letter from heaven. I would tell them to believe and get ready to be wowed like they never been before.

Many here on Earth are against God, against anything that they cannot see or touch. I've seen to many things here to not have any other reason but to believe.
I believe because I was made to believe. It was instilled in my soul to know of my creator and that my life would always follow him no matter what! I believed yesterday, I believed today and I will believe till my final breath.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

You Are Special to God

There are times in life when you feel absolutely out of of touch with people and God. Life is going to be filled with ups and downs. There will be times when you feel down and completely useless. I've felt that way many times, useless, lonely and unimportant.

We are special to God, he is always there for us. His spirit lives in us and we live for him. We can do many things for our God. We should never say there is nothing important we can do for God. Everything good is important to the service of Jesus Christ. Little jobs are just as important as the big ones.

I feel service for Christ is one of the most important things to make us feel great and we never will know how important our work was but it matters to God.

Jesus had three important jobs for us to do that are extremely important.

1) he said to feed his sheep.
2) give to anybody because it might be him you are giving to.
3) love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.

I believe if we do these three things in our life, wrapped in a huge ball of faith we are good to go. Somebody once said it doesn't matter how much you give just give something because it pleases the Lord.

We are all special to God.
Never forget that!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Why I believe Part 3

Tonight I was watching some videos of some Christian singers on YouTube. I was reminded of who I belong to. I was drifting and somehow through these videos and simple but powerful words I was brought back.

God is not going to let any of us drift to far from him. He'll let us float out and touch the waters of another kind but he knows when we go to far. He knows when our eyes start going blind and our ears can't hear. He knows when we've been away and gently he pierces our hearts and throws us a life line.

I was remind through a Toby Mac song that God is light in him there is no darkness. I envisioned his light all his light. The song states I want to be in the light as you (God) are in the light.

Being out of God's light just doesn't mean doing evil and saying foul words. It means were not attached to very the being who gives us true life. We're in the world being like the world is. Darkness has no room for the light we are to be.

Which means we are floating in life and not swimming in the right direction. Being reminded by God is a major reason I believe. He doesn't condemn me when I fall and fail all the time. He is constantly sending us messages all day every day to turn around and come back to safety. To come back to the boat and stay afloat with him.

God is amazing. He is alive. He is a great and merciful God. He has paid to much to let us go astray. He gave his son as a ransom to declare for eternity that he is love and he will always love us. No matter how bad we fail and fall short of his glory he will remain faithful to us. We must remain faithful and stay attached to the very end. If we remain in him he will remain in us.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that he who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Please believe!