Sunday, October 06, 2013

No Pain In Heaven!

This week I approached the 40 mark. So far the last  few days have been good to me. Physically I'm 40, mentally I'm 20. 

As each day starts and ends I feel old physically.  My knees hurt, my feet hurt because of heel spurs and my mind is becoming a little forgetful. 

I see these hurts and weariness in my body as reminders of what the future holds for me and all of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior. 

These pains one day will he gone. I will one day in eternity jump higher than Michael Jordan. I will run faster than Walter Payton and feel the joys of complete love in an eternal bliss.

When you come to a point in your life where earthly things stink and heavenly things matter more, then we can all say we have matured in our Christianity.

When we see the signs God gives us and we use them to see his glory, we have the love of Christ in us. When my heels scream in agony for the first few minutes of hitting the floor I think of heaven. When my mind forgets something I think of an eternal mind that will remember everything.

Give God the praise for the good and the bad things and use it for his glory! Amen !