Friday, February 19, 2010

Jesus Is Neither Republican or Democrat! He Has His Own Agenda!

It's hard for me to judge all Democrats as "unchristian."  It's also very hard for me to call many Republicans as "Christians!"  The person I go to get my haircut by, is a major Christian Republican!  I believe he feels that all Democrats are evil and Republicans are going straight to heaven.  I wish I could change him, but I see no possibility in doing that.  It would take a totally neutral person who is very knowledgable about politics to do so, I am not that person. 

The discussion came up because of the guy who slammed the plane into the IRS building in Texas.  There was a guy on Fox news channel who had written a book on politics and hope for the people of the US.  The anchor asked if he believed Jesus was a Republican, and the guy answered "No!"  He said Jesus would be niether!  So my barber said  Jesus would be a republican, because the Bible said so. I never read that in the Bible! 

Wasn't the Pharissee's a basic form of the Republican party?  The Republican party use the Christian stand to get elected, they don't really mean to be true Christians.  I'm sure there are many good people in that party that are Christians,  yet it's not what Jesus wants to be.  This type of legalism is what he taught against and tried to escape.  I believe Jesus would agree on many issues that both parties try to represent, but I don't think he would join their party, if he wanted to be politically correct he would have joined the Pharissee's agenda.  But he didn't!  The Pharissee's were the code of conduct police back in the day, that is really all they knew.  When Jesus came he turned the table over when it came to living religious.  He was a new hope in the world and many didn't understand how this teaching was right.

My barber continued to repeat the things that Democrats believe in.  Homosexuality is one he repeated with great emphasis!  I'm not a person that believes in homosexuality and really believe God is against it, so I will be also.  I stated that there are Republicans that are gay and have abortions.  The room got silent,very silent!  He had real no answer for that.  So I left it at that, I'm not one for confrontation, but I could have gone a little farther.  I just decided to let it go. 

I quit going to him for a little while because I get disturbed by his comments on Blacks and other things.  I might be looking for new barber again ,but maybe I will stay and give him the true teaching of Jesus.  Jesus was not political, he was not a judge of anybody.  He seemed to me to be more critical of the Pharissee's than he was of the lost.  So he chose to go the other direction of the world.  He came to save those who were being judged, he came to save the Underdog.  Christ was merciful to those who were judged by a Republican gang that demanded cleaness.  Through Jesus we all became clean, from the world's judgemental mindset.  We're free!  Thank the Lord for his love! I'm  am eternally grateful. Don't live by the political realm of  who's clean and who is not.   I claim no party, except the wedding party Jesus has waiting for us in the end!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holding Up Signs In LIfe!

I often can look at a picture and sometimes that is where a post comes from.  Many of my blogs I just looked at a picture and out came a new post, but today I can't do that.  I have the day off and have been to a few stores and drove around town for a little while and that got boring.  So I went to mazzio's and got a salad to go and came home and talked to my wife for a few minutes, and she left to go take a test. 

So I thought for a minute about what I could do around the house and I quickly lost interest in that.  So \I decided to shut myself up in the computer room put earphones in my ear and start writing another post.  I decided that this would be the best way to spend my time off today.  I figure the best thing you can do when you really have nothing else to do is try to write something to maybe inspire somebody who needs it.  I don't know what people think about this blog and I don't write it to get any kind of attention or great responses, but I do pray every time it will turn somebodies life around. 

As  my wife and  I went to Little Rock yesterday, we passed a few people holding signs up against abortion.  I really never have seen anybody do that in real life, I have only seen it on TV.  I wondered how their sign holding and protest actually stopped abortion.  To me I thought it was a waste of time.  I'm a person who want to dig in to the real problem, I want to see quick results.  Many would say to me that I'm not seeing the whole picture.  I often think if I don't go to the top cause of the problem I won't see results at all.  It's like when you call about a problem on one of your bills, we don't want to talk to some little  customer represntative, I want to talk to  a manger or the CEO, if I had it my way.  Usually, when you do talk to a manager you get the results you wanted.  So me holding a sign would not be productive, I would want to have a personal appointment with the staff and doctors of the clinic.  I want to go in and choke it by the neck.  Obviously, sign holding in front of an abortion clinic is about the best way to share your religious beliefs on the matter.  I don't know if anybody has ever spoke to amy staff members at a clinc, but so far all I ever see are signs.

My blog sometimes feels like I am holding a sign sometimes.  I don't really know the results of my writing sometimes.  Over the past couple of years I have seen the big picture of my blogging.  Most of my readers are from the United States and I have had a few hits from a lot of different countries.  Which is great!  I know I won't reach everybody in the entire world, it would be nice to reach every person, but the statistics are always going against it.  In my heart when it comes to preaching or writing about Christ, you won't reach everyone, many will take time to read and many will skip over it altogether.  I normally post a link on Facebook which has helped, yet the readers are few.  That's Ok though, if I can reach one person that is great results and mankes the effort all the better.

Life is also like holding up a sign.  Human beings are always trying to hold up a sign to get some kind of attention from others.  Here are some of the signs I see everyday in life.  The way people dress some very dressy in the best clothes others dressing in a very different rebellious way.  Political signs on the back of their vehicles, they really want people to know that they are Republican or Democrat.  This sign can usually get you in the right place or the rebellious side of life.  If your an elephant you have good standing with Christians and if you are a donkey your considered Satans best friend.  (Which is completely stupid!)  Many of us wear our titles as our sign of greatness in life.  Like DR. or CEO, which makes people think you are  smart, which they do have some brains but makes them no different from the person living in the ghetto or the single mother trying to raise children by herself.  The underdog who survives life is my true hero, not somebody with a title. 

So why do we hold the signs up in life?  Why do we care what people think about us?  I used to think that I had to be something to have somebody give me praise, then I realized Christ's teaching and the way he lived his life.  Humble was Christ who wore no title at all.  He was the greatest man who ever lived on Earth, yet he never made himself greater than the master, he was a servant not just for his father but for all of us.  I hate titles they are the signs that separate the world from each other, and that is not what God's want. He wants us to be in unison and to be together for all eternity.  Hold up a sign that states, " I am nothing but a messenger for Christ, let's talk!"  To all who read my blog I hope you continue and hope it helps in some way! Thanks

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Real Meaning Of Jesus!

Those of you that know me, know that I am not a very serious guy.  I am always cracking a joke of some kind, and really never serious about anything.  I just am not that kind of person.  I often say I don't worry, but I do, probably more than I let on.  I usually don't worry about some things that other people do.  I catch myself worrying about finances, time, funny feelings I get in my health.  I usually don't tell anybody about my worries though.  I just don't feel they are worth telling anybody about. 

I do have a serious side to my life, my walk with Jesus is probably the most serious thing I think about.  I constantly read Christian authors to get a better understanding of the story of Christ.  I think about our world and how we really have turned the true story of Christ upside down.  I don't like a lot of things we as Christians are doing to share our message of Christ.  I don't like it when Christians use a political agenda for their Christianity to shine out. To me that just discourages people outside of Christ.  We do need morality to be pushed, but not in a political way.  We as Christians have totally missed the point of Jesus being here.  I don't think He would've pushed the death penalty, even though he died in a death penalty way.  I don't think he would've marched in front of abortion clinics or raged a huge battle agianst homosexuals.  Even though none of those things he is for, but he would've communicated a different way to those who go about doing such things. 
The more I read about the life of Christ, I am amazed at who he really was.  Jesus defined the word "love."  His compassion continues to blow me away.  How loving he was to stop what he was doing and heal a person or hug little children.  He loved the one's the world had set aside.  He had no intensions of leaving anyone behind.  The people he hung around were considered the worst of the community, and to those who thought they were something thought he was crazy.  He was the shepherd among the sheep, the lost sheep. 
Our world today puts no thought into saving the homeless, hungry or drug addicts.  Only those who really understand the true compassion of Christ believe in these causes of need.  I want to have that compassion, I want to be selfless.  I want to deny self and give myself to others, and give them the love they need.  Yet, I fail in an awful way of beng like that.  
Deep down beneath all this earthliness inside of me is a person who really needs to find himself in Christ.  I want to continue throughout my life to be like Christ.  I want every person also to have that same understanding of him.  Life here is not about being the best or the richest.  Life is not about getting all the attention on yourself, it's about compassion and love for others, especially for those who can't help themselves. 
Tonight my prayer is not to gain but to give.  To show the world about the true mission of Christ, and his real story for being here on Earth.  He wanted to save us all, he wants no one to suffer Hell but to be with him forever.  Forever in an eternal paradise that we can't even imagine.   Give until it hurts! Love until you fall over dead. Let's all open our hearts to the real meaning of Christ.  Love never fails!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Prayer. Why do we not do it?

How many times do you pray?  That is a question  I need to ask myself everyday.  I do pray and miss many oppurtunities to pray daily.  My prayers are little tid bits here and there.  Usually at night and one in the morning.  But during the day it becomes more difficult to pray.  I am one to not let anybody see me pray.  I don't pray  aloud in restaurants like I see some Christians doing.  For some reason that bothers me, I guess it's because Jesus stated to pray in private and that is exactly what he did.  I don't ever recall Jesus praying in public, he usually prayed off in a quiet place.  So when I pray I try to keep it to myself and God.  We need to pray daily. We aren't forced too, because of the free will God has given us here on Earth.  He has given us the option to pray or not to. The choice to follow him or not, the choice is ours and if we don't follow we may suffer an eternal punishment. 

Prayer is needed for all, and many need our prayers.  My prayer list increased by five people in one week, people around me and in my life have become sick and I feel it is my duty to pray for their well being.  I do love to pray for others though, I don't know the outcome of my prayers, but I do know it is good to hope the best for others lives and they do deeply appreciate it.  My prayers in the past have been about my needs and how I needed an immediate answer from the Creator.  As I have matured I see prayer as giving thanks to God for all He has done for me and a time to pray for those who are hurting or are sick or in great financial need. 

Prayer for me has taken off many stresses I have had in life.  For many it's a religious necessity a ritual, they feel if they don't do it that they are going to be cast to hell or be on God's bad list.  I don't think that is true!  I used to feel that way also, but I now look at prayer as a time to converse with God, an intimate conversation between two friends or a father.   I try to converse in a way that feels comfortable, giving thanks because God has given me peace and has kept me safe in his grace.  I thank him for the good times and also for the bad times I go through.  A lesson can be learned from bad times in life, and I ususally tell him what I have learned from rough experiences and thank him for the lessons I have learned.  I always try to visualize God listening to my prayers.  I see him leaning with His hand on his chin and listening to me with great excitement.  I see him wanting to answer all my requests, wanting to show everything to me but he doesn't.  He is just like us as parents, he gives little by little.  He doesn't give in huge amounts, because that would spoil  us and we would become expecting massive amounts and never learn the lessons of humbleness.  Same with us as parents, we know if we constanly give into our childrens wishes and give them all they need they become spoliled and greedy.  They expect a new toy everyday, and never learn the lessons of earning the toy through good deeds or working for something.

For those who only pray in times of great need and never lift a word toward heaven any other time need to learn God is listening.  God is not not our magic 8 ball.  I believe God wants to hear form us but not just in certain situations though.  He is listening still to all prayers at all times.  He listens to all who pray in dire emergencies and to all who converse to him every day.   Not all prayers are answered though.   That's where people get discouraged, they expect an answer to their request then, not later.  So they give up on God and never return to him again.  God does answer, but usually in his own time and what he wishes.  So that makes him not a magic 8 ball God.  He wants constant communication.  He wants you to see what He has planned for you over a long period of time.  He is a mysterious being that has nothing but good intensions for us all.  So as I learn to communicate with him and you do to, realize God has answered most of our prayers we just need to sit back and see how he has answered them.  If you take time and look at all the great things he has given us, then you will realize how great he is and how wonderful it is to talk to him. Pray at all times, because he is waiting to hear from us!