Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Spoiled Jail Birds Release from Her Prison Palace!

Paris Hilton is to me like having the worst flu bug, she makes me throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A spoiled brat! Smiling like she's arriving to her sweet 16 party. How many people who are released from jail everyday have 200 photographers flashing there idiotic cameras at them. Guess what Paris they didn't care one bit about you they just wanted the half million they will receive for your mug!
Do we really care about all this mess the celebrities get into. I don't! They do it just to promote their career. It's the same reason they get divorced 10 times.That glamorous celebrity that they hook up with is just a part of their resume.
My children will not look up to people like this they are horrible role models for any person of any age.
I read an article about teen star Lindsey Lohann. Teen girls and younger use her as a role model, if they were smart they should roll away from that mess as fast as they can. Recently her former bodyguard came out to tell about this little queen. She would threaten him to take her to her local drug dealer and get her drugs, and then she beat up the dealer for some stupid reason. The parties he guarded her at where she used every drug you can imagine. He said he had to carry her out of every party she was at. She was beating up people at the parties because they were staring at her wrong. Great role model for teen girls! What a messy world we live in, to think as I type this there are evil things going on that most of us would be horrified to hear about.
You know how you feel when you hear of things that are going on in this world, and we just hear about it and never see it. Can you imagine how The Living God feels when He sees it all taking place. Don't you think he just wants to wipe us all off the earth again. Or does he feel compassion for us and wants to put all his wrath into Satan himself? I don't know what God thinks, but I know his promise through his son Jesus that we are free from the guilt of sin.
Romans 2:6 - 8 God "will give to each person according to what he has done." To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immorality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self - seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.
I think that scripture just cleared up my previous question don't you ?
Oh, Paris. What are we going to do with you? You won't be a role model in this family will you? Again pray for every person on this earth including ourselves for we are all in the same boat of sin just not all of us are sinking our ship yet! And remember everybody can be saved if they are willing to do it. Even Paris and Lindsay : ) Thank You God for your great mercy and compassion.

Monday, June 25, 2007

My Arkansas Vacation vs. Shannon & the Kids Florida Vacation?

My family decided to leave for Destin, Florida for 11 days and leave their wonderful husband and fantastic father at home.
So the first picture is my wife being ignorant and cruel!!!!!!!!!! This is the view of the beach from the patio of their condo. So I thought I would be the smart elic that I am and send them a picture from my phone and show them my beautiful view from the Singer Motel located in Searcy. Those are my beautiful slippers in the picture. You can't beat that view of my backyard : )
All week she has called telling me of the seafood they have been stuffing their faces with and how good it is, BIG WHOOP! They ought to try my luscious CORN DOGS and HAMBURGER HELPER! Though, I have eaten out a couple of times I just like to make them feel bad.
It's been quiet and very boring though. It's nice to have peace and quiet and not have to break up the kids from a brawl. But I am ready for them to come back soon. The reason I didn't go was because I had to work and had a landscape job to try and finish. So I pray that they have a safe trip back and will be happy to see how well rested their father is .
I did tell them I would be going with them next time, of course our vacation will be Wheeling next summer and maybe Christmas. Shannon asked me before they left what would I choose between going to Wheeling or Florida? I told her I would choose Wheeling over Florida. She thought I was crazy, she likes Wheeling but she would rather go to Florida any day. I'm glad it's not the other way around, for me to spend my vacation in Searcy, I would choose Florida. Everybody have a good week!

P.S. Do we have any new bloggers yet, we need you. This is a great tool to spread God's word, let John know and he'll link you. I'd like to read others view on things.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

VBS 2007 !

Well baseball is finally over and the next event was VBS at College Church. It was mine and Shannon's first time to help out and it was a great experience for both of us and the kids. They put alot into it and it turned out to very nice. I haven't heard how many kids were there between 4 churches but there were a great multitude present.
The last night they had a pizza party for all those that had helped and their families. I have never seen so many pizza's , they ordered 100 from Dominoes and 100 from Little Caesar's. I sat there and thought that is the total amount of pizzas I ordered my first year in college. But they came close to running out, just kidding! I was really impressed with the attendance I would guess there were about 400 kids for all four nights.
Every child is truly blessed by parents who take them to VBS, so much fun to be had by all! May God bless the children of his Church. May they always be taught with love.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Penecostals On The Streets Of Searcy!

I thought this was a little strange today when I saw this. The signs were good and it was good to see people trying to get the word of Christ out.
But not the way they were doing it. With bullhorns and knocking on peoples car windows.
I just didn't agree with it! It kind of frightened me a little especially when Macy in the back goes "Why is that weird boy knocking on the window?" I just ignored them, it was a kind message they were preaching, but it was unkind and haunting the way they presented it. Hell, fire and brimstone was the way they said it to me. There are times I just want to get in people faces and scream why don't you understand and just quit your evil and accept Christ. But I can't because that isn't the way Christ would ever present his life-changing story. He would have presented it with love, he would've never used a bullhorn.
It's hard to believe in this town you would ever need to be on the streets holding up signs to let people know about Christ. We've got a Church on every corner, a Christian College that pretty much keeps the town running, plus were located in an area known as "The Bible Belt." Why is there a need to be on the streets preaching Christ. SATAN! He's on every corner also!
Being in sales most of my life I've learned alot about people. There are some people who are harder than a brick wall to get through to, and then there are some that are ready to listen to you before you even say a word.
People just don't pay attention very well and then there are some who pay good attention. (They are hard to find!) There are so many different scenario's I could present I would run out of space on this Blog.
But one is this, people are afraid of change. I've come across this with this AFLAC thing I'm trying at the moment. What I have sold so far the clients were very easy to get through to, they didn't have health insurance and found that this was a good thing to do. Where others are just stubborn and won't give you the time of day because they are afraid to change.
Basically AFLAC is going to pay you good money to go to the doctor or pay you cash to pay your bills or help compensate you for an injury or give you $5,000 dollars if you get diagnosed with cancer. Why is it so hard for people to give you time to tell you some good news. They don't like change, their scared to be sold on something good for them. Same way with Christianity, they know the buildings are there, they know they don't have to pay for anything and the people in the Church will welcome them in happily. Then why do we need to go on the streets to bring the Good News? 1) People don't want to change. 2) They need it brought to them. They need to see something tangible. They need to see those of us that have gone through the process and bring them over their fear of change. 3) They need to be taught about something that will bring them relief from their worries.
Christianity and AFLAC are about the same process you have to come back over and over to get through to them. Then once they have signed up they feel good about it and wonder why they were so fearful. Then you have to make sure they stay with it, if you don't the process was a waste of time. It's funny how some things follow the same routine, but that's just how life works in every aspect.
There are many ways we can get the word of Christ out, other then screaming on a bull horn and tapping on peoples car windows. Christianity and people are very sensitive to each other, the delivery must gentle but precise. Nobody would sign their life savings over to someone they didn't trust, neither will somebody sign their life over to a God they don't understand or fear. After what I saw today, if I wasn't a Christian already, I would not have felt good about going to that church either.
Showing through your good example is probably the best method yet. Just like advertising, they say word of mouth is still the best method! Be gentle and precise when sharing the story of Christ.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Season Ended With A Prayer!

You won't ever see this at the close of a little league season ever again! Unless Shane Fullerton is your coach. I always hoped Brayden would get to play on Shane's team and it was a blessing to him and to all the parents. The team won 6 straight to finish the season at 7 - 7 only to lose the first game in the tournament. They were up 4 - 3 in the top of the 5 th inning only to get beat 7-4. It was heart breaking to see a team loaded with talent and heart. Every kid was special on that team, they were the best acting and kind children. We enjoyed every game and had some real nail biters at the end.
But to have it all come to the final moment of the season, the prayer. I was tearful and hoped that Brayden would get this opportunity again with Shane next year. There was another team who had a coach from our church who is a good friend of mine. Yet he had his own coaching ways and really made him look foolish to others and our team especially the way he acted toward our team. I was so embarrassed for him I went to his office the next day and had a talk with him. We haven't really spoke much since my visit but I tried. But to see the difference between one coach and another gives me a good picture of how some Christians have their priorities straight and others don't.
A prayer at the end of a little league game! You would never had seen that when I was in little league, half the time my coaches were cussing and smoking cigarettes on the bench.
God bless these little boys and their adventures in life and sports. I pray that Shane will have had an influence on all of them and they will look back and talk about the final moment of the season of 2007. THE PRAYER!

May God Bless the boys of Searcy Medical Center Paite, Paydon, Evan, Brayden, Ethan, Justin, Drew, Wade, Blaine, Colt, Jordan and Coaches Shane Fullerton and Ronnie Harlow. This is from one parent who was truly moved by them all.
Brayden's last at bat! What a sweet little boy. He swung harder and harder at each at bat and only made contact a few times. I told him I was proud every time he stood up there and gave it his best.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

How Well Do You Know God?

Yes, I was back at this place again the other day to talk to one more employee about AFLAC. He sounded interested and we shook hands and pushed the chairs in. As I was turning to leave he asked if he could ask me a question, I said sure. He asked me if I knew the Lord? I said yes with a little shock in my answer. I said I went to Harding and attend College Church. He said that was good, and he was just checking.
I felt weird after that conversation, I had thought about it all day long. Here I was trying to help a guy who had no health insurance and works a full time job and preaches on the weekend to give him some kind of relief. And he was more worried about my soul and salvation. Kind of a mixed up scenario. I'm selling him insurance for earthly reasons and he's selling me a pitch about my salvation. I told him I liked his passion and thanked him for his concern and he said your welcome.
My question is Do we really know the Lord? Do we come right out to a complete stranger and flat out ask them Do you know the Lord? Where is our passion for asking that question every day to somebody? I really need to re-ponder this way of thinking. To think about where I am with the Lord in my life. Am I really doing what I am really here for ? To save as many as possible! Where are you in your walk with the Lord? I'm not talking about going to church and singing songs and listening to the sermon, that's good to do that. But what about our personal relationship with God and the work we are supposed to be doing for Him? I thought about it and graded myself . You know my grade was an "F". I'm not doing enough to serve God and others. I'm just strumming around in life trying to figure out my next move to support my family, but not enough to make my next move toward Heaven. Let's all answer the questions. How well do we really know the Lord? And what are we doing to do his will on earth? May God Bless Us All!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007




Friday, June 01, 2007

Another Reason To Make Fun Of Rednecks In Arkansas!

Well this was one heck of an appointment for me for AFLAC. Good thing the Duck didn't come to this one. The owner said he would set us up in the conference room he should've said Cabela's. I asked him if these were the former board members of the company.
I kept on hearing the song from deliverance in my head. I was waiting for one of them to talk to me, "hey what are you looking at, that's right I didn't run fast enough did I." Kind of reminds me when comedian Bill Engvall was doing his Here's Your Sign bit. Somebody asked "Did you shoot that." And Bill said, "No! It just ran through the wall, and we just put a plaque around its neck." HERE'S YOUR SIGN!
I think I counted about 45 of these things on the wall. So I decided since they kept staring at me the whole time I thought I would have some fun with them. I gave one Bunny Ears!

I thought this one looked like I was getting my picture taken with a famous deer of Santa's. I tried to get one with me looking like I was hanging on the wall like them. But I was afraid the owner would walk in and get mad, remember I was there on business. I didn't care I saw a FUNNY Kodak moment and decided to go for it! I might send this picture to PETA and see what I can stir up there. Have a good weekend!