Well baseball is finally over and the next event was VBS at College Church. It was mine and Shannon's first time to help out and it was a great experience for both of us and the kids. They put alot into it and it turned out to very nice. I haven't heard how many kids were there between 4 churches but there were a great multitude present.
The last night they had a pizza party for all those that had helped and their families. I have never seen so many pizza's , they ordered 100 from Dominoes and 100 from Little Caesar's. I sat there and thought that is the total amount of pizzas I ordered my first year in college. But they came close to running out, just kidding! I was really impressed with the attendance I would guess there were about 400 kids for all four nights.
Every child is truly blessed by parents who take them to VBS, so much fun to be had by all! May God bless the children of his Church. May they always be taught with love.
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