Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gods Greatness!

There are many words to describe God's greatness, but no words in any language on Earth will ever come close. Our ability to describe the Almighty is great but never will it reach his true greatness.
I am always amazed by Gods creation. Everything we see was crafted and created by an invisible creator. An artist who put his dreams into action. I get angered by those who say this universe was just an evolution of matter and just happened.
Have you ever seen a painter take a can of paint and just throw it on the empty canvas. Hoping to create a picture that is in their mind. It would just be a blob of paint. A painting takes time, imagination and the right brushes and paint. It also takes a creator for the painting to become the creation it is to be. Same with the creation of the world. It took many hours, many materials and a vast imagination of our God to create it all. God is our great creator and will always be creating through his greatness.
God's greatness cannot always be defined by what we humans say greatness is. When you say someone is great it is usually described by their talents. Michael Jordan will always be considered the greatest basketball player ever. He won 6 NBA titles and pretty much defied gravity when he dunked the ball.
When I think of God's greatness I think about how he went against man's thinking. When people heard about a savior coming from heaven to save this world from sin. Most thought this all powerful wealthy man would he arriving. Yet, God stung our minds when he placed his beloved son in a manger to be born and then stunned the world by having his beloved son to die upon a cross. God's greatness was truly defined by the moments Jesus arrived and died. What a moment of greatness that quickly became great moments of grace.
God will always be a being of greatness, but only through always loving and shedding his loving grace upon us always!

Monday, November 28, 2011


God's grace is something we humans just can't grasp. It's so hard for us to be able to just accept that God accepts us just as we are. I have thought that my doing good was what got me into heaven, but it seems what I was taught at an early age just wasn't true.
For some reason I thought my doing the right thing and trying to be perfect was my ticket into heaven. I don't remember who or where I was taught that but somehow it was.
God's grace is an amazing gift I just can't understand. Satan seems to keep us from clearly understanding it. I am loved and cherished by my Father in heaven. My sins are not just forgotten but forgiven. Jesus came to give life not to take it away from us.

There is a passage in the Bible that states that Jesus came to Earth full of grace. As we read about the life of Jesus we never see a moment where he didn't show grace. He was a healing messiah to the sick and needy. That was the grace he was full of. He was never ungraceful at all.
I often wonder if I met Jesus on a bench in a park what would the conversation be? It would be a conversation we all would dream of having. The talk would not be about him it would be about us. He would just ask about us. The attention we would receive would be the grace we would want from him.
Imagine talking to your hero or your most favorite person in the world. A person that you love to be around the most. A person that makes you feel great or most inspired. That would be what it would be like talking to Jesus. Yet, a thousand times better. His grace would blow us away.
I can't wait for that meeting in the sky. The day when we will be rejoicing in a shower of grace and having that conversation with Jesus. A day when all things will be set right and we can talk to Jesus for eternity! Believe in God's grace!