Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

God is always there in the middle of a crisis!!

I got to thinking today about something someone wrote on Facebook awhile back. He was asking why God lets horrible tragedies happen. Basically, he said God is not there and that God never does anything to help. My friend does not believe in God.

So I got to thinking about what he was saying about my God being absent during tragedy and not being a loving father to his creation.

He's always been there. What would the world be like right now if he had been absent?

The Holocaust and Hitler. Yes a lot of bad things happened there to the Jewish people. Hitler was ruthless in his plan to seize power of the entire world. What would our world be like if the Nazis would have won? We will never know because God stopped him and didn't allow Satan to win. Our world would be in bad shape if God would have stepped aside and allowed this evil German empire to rule.
Our God is a fighter and wants no one to live under such tyranny.

What would our world be like if the Northern army had not defeated the southern rebel army?

African Americans would have remained in a life of slavery. Our country would not be the gracious nation it is now. God believes in equality of every man. He knew the plans Satan had against this nation and to keep us from being truly free. If God would have not intervened we would be a divided nation and not a united one.

When I think about the cold war I know God did everything to keep those nuclear missiles from being launched. Ninety miles off the American coast missiles sat in Cuba waiting to be launched. What happened? God intervened and no missiles fired and years later the Soviet Union fell. Freedom rang and God again defeated Satan's plan for evil again.

Years later two planes hit two towers in New York and broke our world's peace. He could have sent an army of angels to stop those planes but he didn't. Instead many perished and went to meet God in his eternal heaven. Tears and screams flew to him and he stepped in and showed Satan the true heart of mankind. Many stepped up in a huge outpour of love, kindness and grace. God gave mankind his strength, love and heart and we cleaned up the wreckage and showed more muscle than this world has ever seen.

When we finally come to realize that we are caught between a battle of God versus Satan we will then understand all the evil here on Earth. Satan is behind every evil act that comes forth on this planet. God is always foiling his plans. Whatever happens we always come out stronger than before.

We will face travesties of all kind and suffering is part of our lives. Pain has always been here. The first temptation in the garden of Eden by Satan started it all. God now will be there in the midst of evil situations and good ones. You may ask why such things must happen? It just does! God wants to see how faithful we will be when bad things happen. He wants us on his side and not the other side.

I have chosen to be on God's side always, no matter what happens. I have come to a point in my life where I know when bad things strike us God will step in and not let us down.

Whatever happens next step back and watch God hear our cries for help, you will be amazed at what he does.

Monday, August 06, 2012

God Is Amazing!

I might not feel like I am in the right place in my life right now, but I can truly say that God is amazing! I believe God has his hands around those who love him. I might not get what I pray for but God knows what's best for me right now.

I spent a lot of time with family and friends last week and it was exactly what I needed. I live 900 miles away from my family and there are times in my life when I lose my confidence in myself. When I go to see them and feel their love for me I feel the confidence come back. I feel God working through me again. There is no place like home.

God is amazing! When I look at the world around me and look at things in a positive way I feel better. I often let all the bad news and others sour and hopeless moods get to me. They bring me down to their level and I don't move forward in life. That's when I ask God to raise me up and allow me to see hope through him. What a view it is when we see through God's eyes.

I look forward to being in heaven one day. Why? Because when I see all the great things in this world I then see how amazing and awesome things will be in heaven. To see the creator face to face and see all he has prepared for us is exciting to think about.

We who believe in God's son Jesus Christ should remember that if we truly believe in him and remain faithful we will have eternal life. We are saved not condemned. Satan tries every day to bring us away from that very thought. He tries to tell us we are not saved and unworthy of God's love. Not true! We are God's chosen people.

Live every day as a prized and saved possession of God. Stand firm and live every day with a smile on your face, because we are saved through Christ Jesus. We will see heaven and see Christ forever and ever. Amen!