Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Waking Up To Heaven!

I felt a cooling breeze upon my body a flow of air that was new to me.
I breathed a huge breath of the cleanest air, filling my lungs like
never before.

My eyes opened and never have I seen a light so bright, a light that
should have blinded me. Yet, the light was pleasant and an unknown
peace came about me. Something my spirit has longed for.

Confusion was set upon me but I wasn't confused. For some reason I
knew where I was. A place I called home before I was ever born. I
liked this feeling that had approached me. A feeling I've always
wanted to know yet for some reason could never feel.

I walked through the light and felt as light as air. The pains I had
always felt every day were now non existent. "Where am I?" I thought.
As I approached through the light I saw people, people I could
recognize. Humans that have passed before me in life. They were
clapping and singing, their arms extended and hugging me. I never felt
so much love. Love that is holy and awesome and sincere. Life has
never given or would ever give this kind of love.

They led me to a man who stood before me and he reached out gave me a
hug. He was strong and his smile was sincere. He said follow me. We
came into the most beautiful place my eyes had ever seen. Heaven is
maybe where I am, I don't know though because this is more amazing
than what I ever dreamed of heaven being. We approached a throne and a
man looked at me. He looked me over and then said to me, "welcome
back, your home for good now, well done good and faithful servant."

From that moment I fell to my knees and bowed before the creator. Or
my true father, the one who gave me life and made me who I am. A
follower and lover of peace! Today I am where I always wanted to be,
home! By Clint Singer

In loving memory of our friend Kenny Robertson 8-31-2010

Kenny was killed in a air vac helicopter crash this morning leaving behind a loving wife Angie and three beautiful children.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Unfair World!

Do you ever feel like nothing goes right? That you continue to work hard do the right things and yet you never get the breaks that others do. You show up on time for work you never violate company policies and yet things always pan out for the other person. 

Don't you just hate it when you hear of somebody getting cancer and you wonder why it happened to them and not someone else?

Do you ever just sit back and look at the people with money and see them just blow it on stupid stuff when they could've given it to someone in need? I get really aggravated by that situation, I believe if I had the money others have I would give as much of it away as I could. But life just doesn't seem to work that way. 

We live in a world of complete unfairness, a world that has really turned itself upside down from the way God had intended it to be.  Two bites of an apple took the whole theory God had in mind for this world and turned things in the opposite direction.  I often wonder when I do something sinful why is it my fault.  I didn't create sin so why should I feel guilty?  Why are we stuck between God and Satan's battle here on Earth? It is a strange way of life and  sometimes a crazy story, but to God it makes sense.  Devotion.  Devotion to him is what this strange story of life is about.  When I think of the word "Grace" it really starts to make sense.  His grace is given to all of us, if we just simply accept him as father and Jesus as his son.  The word grace makes the whole theory of fallen man easy to grasp.  He says it's really not our fault, things happen and to make you free from what happened in the garden I give you my grace, my pardon from this act of sin.  My son is my gift of grace, believe in him and you will not perish because of your sin. So easy!

Yet many just can't grasp this gift. They feel they have to push God as far as they can to try and prove the theory of creation or that there is such a thing as a creator.  They just can't accept the true fairness of God through his grace and mercy.  He has pardoned us from the unfairness of the world and made it fair enough for us to live in.  To me it seems he's saying this thing called sin is not your fault it's Satan's and I will deal with him when the time is right. But accept my pardon, my grace and this will protect you and be your ticket home. Devote yourself to God's calling and make sure your ticket is with you so he doesn't one day shut Heavens door on us and say, " I never knew you!" This is my thought for tonight. God Bless! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God's Job. Could You Do It?

We live in a world of great wonder, with so many things living and breathing.  A world full of history that is so vast that we only have so much of history recorded.  Our world is a living rock full of so much that we can't comprehend it all in one lifetime.  We probably would never fully know it all in a million lifetimes.  Our world is so amazing that it has to be a wonderful story that God is just waiting to tell us all how it all was created and how He did it in 7 days.

When you think about  how much goes on in a days time it's too much.  Billions of people going about their busy lives doing whatever it is to keep their world running.  Trillions of animals moving, flying, swimming to keep the food chain going, it's just astounding to me.  So how do you think God keeps it all going? The little bit I have going on in  my life seems complicated.  So what does God do to keep the ball rolling here on this planet?  I don't know and won't know until he calls my name and tells me to come home. He may never tell us how he did it, but I really hope he does. 

God's work to us is a complicated matter, he sees so much every day. He has so many prayers to listen to, he has Satan keeping him busy in the forgiveness department, he has to keep the world spinning, the weather patterns are his job also so we don't burn up or freeze. Plants and animals depend on Him to keep things going also.  Could you imagine doing the job of God?  In the movie "Bruce Almighty" Bruce tried to do just that but he failed  and found the job was way past his human ability.  I couldn't do it and neither could you.

I hope after reading this we will come to a deeper respect of our living Creator.  That those who don't believe will reconsider their disbelief.  When we do things that are against God's will I hope we will think about how much He does for us.  We are nothing without God and will always be the apple of his eye. Thank you God for all your wonderful creations and taking time daily to consider a sinner like me. Amen!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Can We Define Paradise?

Paradise.  What on Earth can we call paradise? Many call the beach or any tropical area a paradise on Earth.  Which I could say tropical areas are  sort of a paradise. The beauty of the water and and the white sand and the motion of the water.  It astounds many people to go to these places for vacation.  But if you have been to  the ocean it is a very busy place and there is not a lot of peace there.  It's loaded with a lot of people and commotion and sometimes we don't get the peace and rest we need.  Really there is no paradise on Earth and to find the peace and quiet we need it's not really here.

Are we tied to this Earth?  Do we think about or desire the true Paradise awaiting us in another world? Are we trying more to make a spot here on Earth? Or are we living in a way to reach the other paradise?
I watch people all the time here and I see many enjoying life and I see others trying to hold onto life here,. Many spend there days trying to keep a grasp on life here instead of preparing for an eternal life somewhere else. They are driven for success that doesn't matter to God. They want to please people instead of God. Their desires are to become powerful and rich with money.  I don't have these desires really ever.  I would like a huge sum of money to be dumped in my lap to be able to pay off all of my debt, but I don't have the desire to please men.  I don't have the attitude to become successful to make myself big in the eyes of others.  It's just not my cup of tea.  Yet, others live life daily to become great in wealth and want to become powerful with their money.  One person that really irritates me is Donald Trump.  He just acts like he deserves all of the worlds attention because he is successful and thinks he is powerful with his money.  Yet he's probably forgot totally about the little man.  His head has become so inflated by Satan's lies that he just thinks he is in his paradise.  He's wrong!

A humble life is a tough thing for all of us.  To be completely humble and become a servant for others is the path that leads to the other paradise.  To become a person great in God's eyes is hard for all of us. I heard a song last night that was titled, "A strange way to save the world."  Well you can think about that title in the same way when it comes to living in a humble way.  "A strange way to live!"  The world tells us one thing and the Bible tells us another.  Which way do you live? The way the world tells us to live or the way the Bible tells us?  I would live the way the Bible tells us to live.  Because it is the smart way.

When the criminal on the cross was told by Christ that he would be in paradise he was no longer  a criminal. He was given paradise  and was blessed by the grace that only God can give.  So which paradise do you choose? The one that will not last or the eternal one that lives forever.  Live a life every day of humbleness.  Give, give, give everything you have or can.  Choose the direction or path that leads to God's paradise.  If you see others acting in a way that does not lead to that eternal paradise tell them and help them find that path.  Remember were are but a mist that last only for a little while and we only get one chance in this life. Use it to your advantage and give your life to others so you can find the most beautiful place no man has ever seen.  We can never define the word Eternal until we have tasted that which is eternal!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Season of God.

There is a season for everything in life.  We live our life by seasons, there are all the holiday seasons we follow religiously every year. There is baseball season, football season and basketball season.

With all those seasons where do we put in the season of God.  Yes, Easter and Christmas are a season for celebrating Christ and His loving life. But isn't every day the season of God and His story.  Every day we spend our lives working and doing other activities, but do we celebrate God every day.  I don't think we celebrate it enough.

I read in many books about saints and other Christians spending hours daily in prayer and service to Christ daily.  It blows my mind to think about these Christians who spent the better part of their day in complete devotion to God.  I question myself every day about why can't have that much devotion. So I started reading my Bible daily while I am at lunch while sitting in my truck. I try to take any free moment to say a prayer as much as I can.  I have come to learn that Christianity is more than just a Sunday and Wednesday thing. I have come to know that God is listening to me and to all us every second of the day. He always wants to listen and wants to show us the answers to our prayers. Become closer to God by celebrating His season daily and watch how much closer you get to God.