Sunday, August 08, 2010

Season of God.

There is a season for everything in life.  We live our life by seasons, there are all the holiday seasons we follow religiously every year. There is baseball season, football season and basketball season.

With all those seasons where do we put in the season of God.  Yes, Easter and Christmas are a season for celebrating Christ and His loving life. But isn't every day the season of God and His story.  Every day we spend our lives working and doing other activities, but do we celebrate God every day.  I don't think we celebrate it enough.

I read in many books about saints and other Christians spending hours daily in prayer and service to Christ daily.  It blows my mind to think about these Christians who spent the better part of their day in complete devotion to God.  I question myself every day about why can't have that much devotion. So I started reading my Bible daily while I am at lunch while sitting in my truck. I try to take any free moment to say a prayer as much as I can.  I have come to learn that Christianity is more than just a Sunday and Wednesday thing. I have come to know that God is listening to me and to all us every second of the day. He always wants to listen and wants to show us the answers to our prayers. Become closer to God by celebrating His season daily and watch how much closer you get to God.

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