Monday, August 16, 2010

Can We Define Paradise?

Paradise.  What on Earth can we call paradise? Many call the beach or any tropical area a paradise on Earth.  Which I could say tropical areas are  sort of a paradise. The beauty of the water and and the white sand and the motion of the water.  It astounds many people to go to these places for vacation.  But if you have been to  the ocean it is a very busy place and there is not a lot of peace there.  It's loaded with a lot of people and commotion and sometimes we don't get the peace and rest we need.  Really there is no paradise on Earth and to find the peace and quiet we need it's not really here.

Are we tied to this Earth?  Do we think about or desire the true Paradise awaiting us in another world? Are we trying more to make a spot here on Earth? Or are we living in a way to reach the other paradise?
I watch people all the time here and I see many enjoying life and I see others trying to hold onto life here,. Many spend there days trying to keep a grasp on life here instead of preparing for an eternal life somewhere else. They are driven for success that doesn't matter to God. They want to please people instead of God. Their desires are to become powerful and rich with money.  I don't have these desires really ever.  I would like a huge sum of money to be dumped in my lap to be able to pay off all of my debt, but I don't have the desire to please men.  I don't have the attitude to become successful to make myself big in the eyes of others.  It's just not my cup of tea.  Yet, others live life daily to become great in wealth and want to become powerful with their money.  One person that really irritates me is Donald Trump.  He just acts like he deserves all of the worlds attention because he is successful and thinks he is powerful with his money.  Yet he's probably forgot totally about the little man.  His head has become so inflated by Satan's lies that he just thinks he is in his paradise.  He's wrong!

A humble life is a tough thing for all of us.  To be completely humble and become a servant for others is the path that leads to the other paradise.  To become a person great in God's eyes is hard for all of us. I heard a song last night that was titled, "A strange way to save the world."  Well you can think about that title in the same way when it comes to living in a humble way.  "A strange way to live!"  The world tells us one thing and the Bible tells us another.  Which way do you live? The way the world tells us to live or the way the Bible tells us?  I would live the way the Bible tells us to live.  Because it is the smart way.

When the criminal on the cross was told by Christ that he would be in paradise he was no longer  a criminal. He was given paradise  and was blessed by the grace that only God can give.  So which paradise do you choose? The one that will not last or the eternal one that lives forever.  Live a life every day of humbleness.  Give, give, give everything you have or can.  Choose the direction or path that leads to God's paradise.  If you see others acting in a way that does not lead to that eternal paradise tell them and help them find that path.  Remember were are but a mist that last only for a little while and we only get one chance in this life. Use it to your advantage and give your life to others so you can find the most beautiful place no man has ever seen.  We can never define the word Eternal until we have tasted that which is eternal!

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