Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God's Job. Could You Do It?

We live in a world of great wonder, with so many things living and breathing.  A world full of history that is so vast that we only have so much of history recorded.  Our world is a living rock full of so much that we can't comprehend it all in one lifetime.  We probably would never fully know it all in a million lifetimes.  Our world is so amazing that it has to be a wonderful story that God is just waiting to tell us all how it all was created and how He did it in 7 days.

When you think about  how much goes on in a days time it's too much.  Billions of people going about their busy lives doing whatever it is to keep their world running.  Trillions of animals moving, flying, swimming to keep the food chain going, it's just astounding to me.  So how do you think God keeps it all going? The little bit I have going on in  my life seems complicated.  So what does God do to keep the ball rolling here on this planet?  I don't know and won't know until he calls my name and tells me to come home. He may never tell us how he did it, but I really hope he does. 

God's work to us is a complicated matter, he sees so much every day. He has so many prayers to listen to, he has Satan keeping him busy in the forgiveness department, he has to keep the world spinning, the weather patterns are his job also so we don't burn up or freeze. Plants and animals depend on Him to keep things going also.  Could you imagine doing the job of God?  In the movie "Bruce Almighty" Bruce tried to do just that but he failed  and found the job was way past his human ability.  I couldn't do it and neither could you.

I hope after reading this we will come to a deeper respect of our living Creator.  That those who don't believe will reconsider their disbelief.  When we do things that are against God's will I hope we will think about how much He does for us.  We are nothing without God and will always be the apple of his eye. Thank you God for all your wonderful creations and taking time daily to consider a sinner like me. Amen!

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