Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Unfair World!

Do you ever feel like nothing goes right? That you continue to work hard do the right things and yet you never get the breaks that others do. You show up on time for work you never violate company policies and yet things always pan out for the other person. 

Don't you just hate it when you hear of somebody getting cancer and you wonder why it happened to them and not someone else?

Do you ever just sit back and look at the people with money and see them just blow it on stupid stuff when they could've given it to someone in need? I get really aggravated by that situation, I believe if I had the money others have I would give as much of it away as I could. But life just doesn't seem to work that way. 

We live in a world of complete unfairness, a world that has really turned itself upside down from the way God had intended it to be.  Two bites of an apple took the whole theory God had in mind for this world and turned things in the opposite direction.  I often wonder when I do something sinful why is it my fault.  I didn't create sin so why should I feel guilty?  Why are we stuck between God and Satan's battle here on Earth? It is a strange way of life and  sometimes a crazy story, but to God it makes sense.  Devotion.  Devotion to him is what this strange story of life is about.  When I think of the word "Grace" it really starts to make sense.  His grace is given to all of us, if we just simply accept him as father and Jesus as his son.  The word grace makes the whole theory of fallen man easy to grasp.  He says it's really not our fault, things happen and to make you free from what happened in the garden I give you my grace, my pardon from this act of sin.  My son is my gift of grace, believe in him and you will not perish because of your sin. So easy!

Yet many just can't grasp this gift. They feel they have to push God as far as they can to try and prove the theory of creation or that there is such a thing as a creator.  They just can't accept the true fairness of God through his grace and mercy.  He has pardoned us from the unfairness of the world and made it fair enough for us to live in.  To me it seems he's saying this thing called sin is not your fault it's Satan's and I will deal with him when the time is right. But accept my pardon, my grace and this will protect you and be your ticket home. Devote yourself to God's calling and make sure your ticket is with you so he doesn't one day shut Heavens door on us and say, " I never knew you!" This is my thought for tonight. God Bless! 

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