Friday, December 14, 2007

Wheeling or Bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This year will actually feel like Christmas. Me and the family are coming to Wheeling this year to celebrate the holiday. It's been three years since we have been there for Christmas, but things have kept us from getting up there. So I have been threatened by my Mother, that we have no choice. (It was a nice threat though)
So Friday we will make the trek to the Mountain state with three kids and a timeline to make. We only stop for diaper changes and gas. We eat in the SUV and have been blessed with two DVD players to keep the kids entertained.
My favorite part of the trip is when we go under the Arkansas border sign heading into Memphis. It's better than winning the Lottery, I grin from ear to ear, and Shannon hears my joy and screams. It's like the Steelers winning the super bowl, or the happiness of a prisoner leaving prison for the first time.
My 2nd favorite part of the trip is route 64 from Searcy to Memphis, (I actually hate thet part of the trip). I enjoy the name of the towns on that highway. We pass through Ebony, so I start doing my Stevie Wonder impression with my head swaying and my hands clapping. I start singing "Ebony and Ivory" which drives my wife nuts. Then we hit Earle, I sing "Earle had to die." It gives something to look forward too on that horrible Route 64. You either get stuck behind a Walmart truck or a huge tractor that takes up the whole stinkin road.
Of course I will complain about the gas prices and tell Shannon how greedy everybody is in the oil business and then I will blame it on "BUSH!"
When we hit Louisville me and Brayden will say "BOOOOOOOO!" because I don't like Louisville University. Then we hit Cincinnati and really let out the "BOO's" when we pass the Bengals stadium. Sorry Typo, "The BUNGLES!"
Our final leg of the trip is Columbus, we're CRANKY then. We think, should we stop at Aunt Myrna's or Missy's and stay the night. But we never do????? I "Man - Up." And make the trip all the way. Sounds like a fun trip, but to be home for awhile to see family and friends is worth it all. We'll see you all soon!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


This is a picture I enhanced of Tom Brady. Not a big fan of him at all. Especially the way he picked apart our Steeler defense tonight. What a GOON!

Don't worry Tommy yours is coming, we'll get you back in the playoffs, you guys are beatable!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Going Out Famous?

Going out Famous, HUH? Their famous alright! Their Satan's number one victims right now.
If you see a kid in the corner shying away from the party or the crowd we might want to make him or her feel welcomed. Or if you think you heard somebody talking about committing a horrible act of violence, we might want to report it to the authorities.
Society and neglectful parents are part of the reason for these acts of violence. Mental illness is a major part also. But the choices of these people who do them are their decisions.
A world of violence is what brings these people an easy and violent answer to their problems.
Whatever happened to the old knuckle sandwich? It's been replaced by an assault rifle that finishes the business quick. Weak are these individuals, people who wimped out of life and took innocent people with them. As a Christian I hope God will forgive them, but as a human being I hope they enjoy the eternal furnace.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Finding Your Assignment In Life

Did you ever wish you had somebody else's talent. I do all the time. I always think if I had this persons ability I could put it together with my talent and I would be successful like they are.
I wish I had talent like Thomas Kinkade. I can picture something like this painting in my mind, and think I could do it. But I can't draw at all, and normally most painters do sketch it before they paint it. Therefore I probably couldn't do it, but then again I have never tried.
I walked into one of Kinkade's galleries recently at a mall in Memphis, and I was in utter amazement. It was a comforting place to be. I just stared at all the beauty of his work, and spun around to each wall and was in my zone of art. Thinking to myself, if I had this mans talent I would be happy. But then I thought, I can't paint. My shoulders would ache from hurting both my rotator cuffs earlier in life and then my "A.D.D" would kick in and I would never finish it. So I just decided to let Thomas paint the nice pictures and I will do something else. I was jealous at first then I realized that is his calling and talent. That's what the sales lady told he said when she had a chance to meet him. He said God gave him the talent and he felt that it was his gift to share. He has his own race to run and complete and so do each of us.
I watch Joel Osteen from time to time and he always has something to say that hits home to me when I do watch. He is the only TV evangelist I would ever listen to. But he talked a few minutes ago about finding your talents and not being jealous of others. Staying in your zone at what your good at and leaving your comfort zone to to do something somebody else can.
He was saying so many of us look at other peoples talent and become jealous and try to be like them and we come to find out we were not meant to have the other persons talent.
We should build our own gifts that God has blessed us with and let others build their own. If we are a 1,000 dollar salesperson and the other person is a 20,000 dollar person, we should try to be the best thousand dollar person we can and cheer the 20,000 person on. Basically, use our gifts to the best we can and not try to live the other person's dream. Sounds like what Christ was saying all along, The servant is not greater than his master.
I often think when I write on this blog that my grammar should be better, but I write the way I speak. I'm not an English scholar I'm a West Virginian. So I will leave the good grammar to the English Geeks and I will write to the best of my ability.
Find your talents that God has given you and nurture them the best you can, and finish the race your were made to conquer and finish.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

PITT- iful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm SICK !! I can't get this stupid game out of my mind. It's been an hour and I'm still fuming!
I knew it was too good to be true!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The World's Most "UNMANLY" Show Is Over!!!!!!

Thank the Lord above that this Horrible show is over!!!!!!!!
I can't even describe with words how much I "Hate" this waste of air time.
If there is a show that would make "Tim the Toolman Taylor" Puke it would be this one. If Superman saw this show he would fly back to Krypton!
When Shannon would have this show on I would be on the floor yelling for Brayden to get my "man pills" and turn on ESPN. I was being drained of all my "Manpower" when I would hear that awful theme song. Shannon would tell me about it and I would say "I don't care." "I don't want to hear anything about it, the show does not even exist in my mind."
But now I am at peace, I won't hear that horrible song NO More!
Coming in January, I will annoy her about the show "24". Because that is the best show on TV!
If you have a comment about how much you hate "Dancing with Nobodies", please feel free to discuss your displeasure!
Everybody needs to say a prayer for the WVU - Pitt game. Because Pitt might actually play a good game this year!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving '07

I not a huge Turkey fan. But this would be the kind of Turkey I would tear up with my Bare Hands. I'd put this "Foul Bird" in a "Turkey Fryer" On High Heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And flames shooting out the side with Guinness Record Height.
My Thanksgiving Wish? The Hogs need to be at their best and defeat this "Beast!" Arkansas has blown many games they should've won, but the Mountaineers need the Hogs to win.
If Kansas loses to Missouri, WVU can kiss their hopes for a national Championship good bye!!!!!!! The experts say if Missouri wins they will jump WVU in the polls. GO JAYHAWKS!

This year is our best chance for a National Title! To bring respect to the Big East and make the Mountaineer fans very Happy. I wish our season was over, because the UCONN game makes me very nervous. We can't fumble the ball like we have in the past and think we can win. Because we won't! UCONN is pretty good, their NO pushover!

I hope everybody has a safe and filling Thanksgiving and take time to remember what God has graciously blessed us with.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Holidays or Christmas?

Well it's almost that time of year again. Not the time where everybody goes nuts trying to buy the perfect gift or the overspending on the credit cards. It's not that time yet, that's next weekend.
But it's the time of the year for the politically correct. Should we say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." What a crock! It's both you Morons!
I get these emails from American Family Association the past week about stuff like this. And I agree with it, even though I don't celebrate Christmas as his Birthday it's everyday. But I don't care if I say Merry Christmas and it offends an atheist, a Muslim or Jewish person. What do I care if I hurt their feelings. It hurts my feelings when they win their evil battles over taking the Ten Commandments statue out of a court house in Alabama. My feelings get hurt when the ungodly take prayer out of public schools and try to destroy the pledge of allegiance by taking out the phrase "Under God." The most recent thing lately was the taking out the name of God off the dedication plate on the Washington Monument. Some government "Guru" thought it might offend somebody. It did it offended "The Creator" of this world, by removing it! In the end they put it back on.
One of the emails I received was about Lowes calling their Christmas trees "Family trees" in their ad. Well that's just stupid! Who is going to go out and pick up a "Family Tree." Is there a holiday called "Family Day?" That sounds exciting! It's a Christmas tree, there is no other name for it.
You don't call a Ford F-150 a "loading truck." It's a pick-up truck, that's the name of it don't change it. Lowes said it was a typing error. That's not a typo, that's just plain ignorance! I think lowes would not sell to many trees with that title.
As a Christian I can't sit back and let these people ruin my beliefs. I don't care if somebody is offended by my proclaiming of God and Jesus. If they want to burn for their beliefs that's their choice, but I will stick to my guns and say what I want to say. Let's not sit back and think this will blow over, because it won't. Satan will work these unbelievers in small bites. And then "POOF" will be trying to worship our God in secret places in fear of being tossed in prison. I'm tired of it, ARE YOU????????????????? Stand your ground and your reward will be eternal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ohio State?????????????

Now that John hasn't been blogging for awhile, I thought he would come out of his bloggitis this week. It being Michigan time for the Buckeyes and all. So I will be the first to tip my hat to "The Fighting Illini "for allowing the Mountaineers to move to #5 in the polls. "Thank YOU!" I thought the Buckeyes would have gone all the way this year again. But we have all seen how this season has gone, with a new number 1 being crowned alot. So that moves me to the number 5 team in the nation. "Da' EER's!"
WVU has definitely held their ground this year, except for that lousy South Florida game. My prediction is for an Arkansas upset against LSU on Thanksgiving weekend. Kansas and Oklahoma have no need being in the position they are in. So I believe the BCS will be a WVU- Oregon national championship game this year. If the stars align right and Martians show up on earth. It will happen!!!!!!!!!!!!
So where is all the smack talk for this weeks "Buckarines" game. I miss it! Come out of your blog shell John and get it started! Your Bloggitis ends now. Start talking that smack and wear that "Steelers Tie" with pride.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

$ Golden False Prophets$

I heard today that the IRS are getting ready to scan the books of the top 6 TV evangelists SOON! 5 out of the 6 replied to the news reporter doing the piece on them. The only one that didn't reply was Kenneth Copeland I think he is the next Jim Baker. He has a 23 room mansion and a jet plane all bought by the people who watch his telecasts. The jet was for the purpose of spreading the gospel faster across the world. I believe the news report stated jet has been used more for vacations in paradise for him than it was for getting others to the heavenly paradise.
I believe hard work has its rewards for every body but in the world of preaching the gospel on TV and begging its viewers for money because the lights are going to be turned off is pitiful. If there ever was a scam of all scams it's the TV evangelists. They have suckered so many people of their money because of the shows poor factor.
If your going to ask loyal people of their hard earned money, do something right with it instead of making your pockets heavier.
I'm going to email Kenneth Copeland and see if he will give me $59,000 dollars to help pay my uninsured friends cancer bills. That's where it should go! There is so many ways to spend that money that people give. Of course I would like to find out who these gullible people are who give to these religious CROOKS and shake them good. But people will never learn, the religious CROOKS are good actors and will continue to wear their expensive suits, continue to pretend they can heal, and act like the show is going to off the air if people don't send their money RIGHT NOW! If anybody who reads this and gives to these preacher$ QUIT! May God direct these preachers money and send it to those who really are in need!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

God's Wonderous Fall Display

There is no other season I enjoy the most than Fall. I used to love summer, but living in Arkansas there is no joy to the heat at all. So I look forward to fall as soon as the first day of summer hits here. I always look forward with great anticipation for this Sugar maple tree here in Searcy. It's my favorite spot in the whole town. For the 7 years I have been in Searcy full time I have enjoyed these three trees on this one particular street. So after picking up Brayden from school today we went by there and took some pictures of them. The pictures are good but they truly don't bring out the true beauty of color that God has displayed in them.
I stand in awe of God when I see their outstanding color. I believe they are the most beautiful thing he has ever created on earth. The sugar maple is a strong tree but the gentleness of it's soft leaves brings out to me the kindness and mercy that God provides every day to us. I often think of what Heaven will be like and how badly we all yearn for it when I look at these sugar maples. When I see these trees and their beauty and how amazed I am at them, I can't even come close to imagining the splendor of His work in The Eternal Heaven. Take time to look at nature and watch how your faith in The Living Creator grows. Thank you God for your Fall Display!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Barney Fife, Bo Peep & Her Lost Sheep! Halloween '07

Best costume and kid of this Halloween Season. Cayden was Bo Peep's lost sheep and was a very good sheep. He had a massive fit against this costume when we put it on him. We think he was scared to death of this big wooly thing being put on him. But he was very cooperative with the whole ordeal once he saw the candy coming. Cayden eats like a 15 year old boy, but he's not fat. He's just like Macy built like a Singer big boned and solid as a rock. The kid loves food just like the Singers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brayden dressed as a police officer, but I called him Barney Fife because he's skinny and clumsy just like Barney. And then there is the modern version of Bo Peep! The shepherd's hook was a weapon toward Brayden not the sheep. It had to be put up until trick or treat before somebody got injured. They were both cute but between the hook and the police baton all we needed was a boxing ring and everything would've been complete. Brayden and Macy are in that stage of life where their relationship as brother and sister is a love/hate one. I hope it changes soon.
This is Macy's best friend Lilly and our neighbor, you can't separate the two. They are in the same preschool class and Harding Academy doesn't know what their in for in the near future. Two peas from the rotten pod!
The Sugar rush started quick for these two at Trunk or Treat at Church and it continues still. I hope everybody had a safe halloween and a good weekend coming up.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Grandparents Weekend!

WOW! It's been awhile since I blogged anything. We had a good weekend with my parents making it down here to go to Grandparents weekend. I think it's Brayden favorite day of the year. He just loves his grandma and pappy and so do I. It was nice to have them here and be around their caring and loving ways. I think it's time to come home soon, I'm getting homesick. I've had a serious drought with the insurance business and I am completely stressed out with Aflac. I'm finding out I'm not a big fan of the straight commission job. It may be back to the time clock for me, soon!!!!!!!!! I pray that you would all say a prayer for me and that this drought will soon end or something better will come along. Thanks
Macy is coming to find out she's is funny and that people like to laugh at her silliness. She came in one night when my parents were here looking like this. She said nothing and was very quiet when she came into see us and just waited for the laughs. Just like her Dad !

Mom was teaching Cayden how to ice Halloween cookies, but all the icing went into his mouth and not the cookies. He still is a pretty quiet kid, but he is really getting attached to Macy. Which is scary! She's training him in her ways! Great more entertainment!
I will do a better job at keeping up this blog for anyone who reads it. Things have gotten busy lately and i just forget to do it. Have a good week! Isaiah: 53

Monday, October 08, 2007

1st Grade Says Goodbye !

Through many prayers and great hope they weren't enough. I'm sad to say that Mrs. Hatcher has gone to rest in the hands of the Great Almighty tonight. I prayed many nights and days that God would allow the healing of Brayden's first grade teacher Mrs. Hatcher. But His plans were different from ours and so we will rest with that.
She had been in Texas at a cancer clinic and they told her there was nothing more they could do. So on her way back to Searcy, to be in the care of a hospice nurse she passed on to another place while in transport home.
I never met Mrs. Hatcher, I saw her on the first day of school but never had the chance to talk to her I wish I had. She taught class for about 4 days and became ill with a pain in her side. From that point on the doctors found tumors on her liver, stomach and lungs. We were all in shock and heart broken. She lasted 6 weeks, so her struggle was not long at all. I watched a video tonight of Brayden and the first grade that I taped about 4 weeks ago. They sang a little song about a club they have there for them called "Kingdoms Kids." There sitting in the audience was Mrs. Hatcher beaming a big smile at those kids taking all kinds of pictures of them, wanting so bad to be teaching them and being involved in their little lives. I believe that was the last time she saw the kids. She became very ill after that and couldn't get around very well because of breathing problems.
My heart breaks for her family and her first grade class tonight. We explained it to Brayden but he didn't quite understand, one day he will. I asked on this blog for people to pray for her and thank you for doing that. Prayers don't always come out the way we think they should, but we know she is somewhere right now feeling love that words can not express that make our prayers worth while. May God bless her soul and bring comfort to her family, friends and the first grade class of Harding Academy. Pray for someone tonight who you think might need it. - Psalm 23

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

34 Years Old Today! What's Next?

34! There was no party this year, because I didn't want one. Shannon's mom asked if I wanted a cake. I said No. I didn't need one, it would just sit there and I would snack on it. My belly would continue to grow, and I don't need that.
I just wanted a peaceful birthday, no hoopla. I wasn't worried about presents or anybody not saying Happy Birthday. Just peace! I was happy to be alive to enjoy another year of my life. I was happy no matter what happened today.
I think after seeing my friend Al lying in the ICU it just made me think about life. Al died at 2 AM Tuesday morning peacefully. Everybody made it to his bedside just in time to say their good- byes and reflect on his adventurous life. I wasn't sure if I was going to go down to see him in the hospital I was just going to wait for the funeral. He was being cremated so I made the right decision that day t go see him.
I have never been near somebody so close to the end of their life. I saw him lifeless, but when I stared at him I remembered Al and the way he was.
He was like a New York Taxi, always on the move and making money for himself or for someone else. He was grateful for every day He had. He had done and been every where you can imagine. But the thing that made him happy was to be in the dirt gardening or telling people about how plants grow and how to grow them. He asked me one time if I enjoyed the plant business, I said yes very much. I looked up after that conversation and thought in my mind. This is my office, God's beautiful creation. Wide open and Awesome! Why would I want to be in an indoor office doing boring work that I care nothing about. I'm going to be back in that office one day, just not right now.
So I used today to look at my life and think about where God has led me. And where He is going to take me, and that is the fun of it all. We are all in God's dream, and he controls that dream. Making us better, stronger, faithful and happy if we let Him. If we are faithful to the end we shouldn't worry about where we will be after our final breath. Life in God is about true and strong faith, building it through studying His Word and practicing that Faith everyday.
There is a song that came out by a Christian group that everybody has to hear once in their life. It's titled "Come To Jesus." The Lyrics go like this:
Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die.
O' raise your head, for love is passing by.
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live!
Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away.
And precious blood has washed away the stain, so
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live!
And like a newborn baby,
Don't be afraid to crawl.
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall.
So fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live!
Sometimes the way is lonely,
And steep and filled with pain.
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then
Cry to Jesus.
Cry to Jesus and live!
And when the love spills over,
And music fills the night.
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then
Dance with Jesus.
Dance with Jesus and live!
And with your final heartbeat kiss the world goodbye.
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side.
And fly to Jesus.
Fly to Jesus and Live!
Words that have rung close to my heart after I heard this song. Go to Jesus for every matter in your life remain faithful and be thankful for everything he has blessed you with. Then in the end at your final heartbeat we can all Fly to Jesus and live!
Have a good week! And Al I will miss you very much and thank you for your knowledge and goodness in life. Clint

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Special Thanks, To A Fading Friend

I found out some bad news yesterday about a friend of mine. My friend Stacie left a voicemail on my cell phone to give me the bad news. I had goosebumps all over when I heard the news.
My friend Al Bruno had been potting some new perennials with another employee from Good Earth garden center all morning long. The other employee had to leave him for awhile to get her hair cut. When she had arrived back to the plant farm she found Al lying on the ground not making any type of movement at all. When she got to him he was somewhat alert and was making no sense in his speech at all. Al had suffered a severe stroke and had lost all movement on one side of his body.
Al is one of my mentors in the plant industry, he taught me a lot about plants. I had to learn their Latin names because that is all he called them by. I only knew them by their common name,but because of Al that changed.
The three years I spent at The Good Earth I was Al's perennial potting partner. Some times we were back at the potting table 9 or 10 hours a day. Especially in the Fall when our big shipment of spring perennials came in. He talked all the time about his life and his career and his travels. I always looked forward to working with Al. He always brought donuts every morning to the store and would get on me and Stacie about how we would eat all the donuts. He didn't know how much seeing his donut bag on the counter meant to us. We knew Al would be at the store to tease us and tell us some more stories.
Al used to manage the Good Earth for many years so he knew every inch of that place and he knew how to motivate young "ding-dongs" like me and Stacie. It would bug him on the weekends when we were slow and everybody kind of used Saturdays as a break from the rough work week. He would say "If I ran this place still I would work the heck out of you young guys, there would be no standing around." I would re-butt back by saying jokingly, "You're no longer in power so back off, pal."
Al was the fastest perennial potter I ever saw, he could work circles around me. By the time I had three potted he'd have ten ready. He was in his early 80's when I first met him and worked like a 20 year old. He had bad attitude about lazy workers and would send you off if you didn't keep up or talk. It took me a couple of days to learn his process and I never got sent away. He talked fast, worked fast and smoked his pipe very slow. What a character!
Stacie called me today and told me Al was not going to make it. His lungs were filling with fluid and he had lost the ability to cough. I don't know if Al has left this world yet, but if he has may he leave knowing he was loved and truly respected by many.
The only thing I never knew about Al was if he was a believer in God. I don't know, because I never asked and it probably never came up in our conversations. That's to my shame, to know the many hours I worked with him and I never asked the most important question of all.
To know we have the ability and power to ask a great question. "Do you believe in God?" How hard is that for us to ask? It's time to come out of our shell and ask the saving question and then a follow up question. Do you believe in God? If "NO" then the follow up question should be. Do you want me to show you how?
I will give an update tomorrow about Al and how things are going. The doctors gave him an hour to 72 hours to remain with us. Have a good day!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bonds Branded Home Run Ball!

The public has spoken and voted. The guy who bought the Barry Bonds 756 home run ball on Ebay for $750 thousand. Put the vote to the people of the Internet to determine what he should do with the ball. So he gave three options.
1) Brand it!
2) Bestow it!
3) Banish it!
The result was to brand it with an asterisk and send it to the Hall of Fame. How funny is that? Bonds did call the owner of the ball an "Idiot." But it does show how the fans of baseball feel about Bonds and his stand on his possible steroid use. I voted for the Asterisk. How would you have voted? Have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!! : )

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We Are Not Alone!

How quickly my day went downhill. Nothing panned out right all day. No sales, people in my way, others going way to fast on the interstate, spending valuable gas money! To me it was a lousy day! Then I got home and opened my email and someone sent this to me, and then my mood changed. How Satan allows me to forget that there is a God cheering for you and I. He's guiding us in the right direction covering us with his blessings. Then we just roll right over top with our fear, anger and disappointments.

Satan is a piece of JUNK! He covered my eyes up and led me into the wrong direction. I feel guilty for missing the hope and blessings that God showed me today. I pray I won't miss them tomorrow. Watch the video and your mood will change also. Have a Great Day and Night.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Scientists vs. God

I watched a show tonight on The History Channel that was titled "How the Earth was made." It talked about how a meteoroid 6 miles long hit the earth and devastated the planet and wiped out the Dinosaurs. Volcanic ash hovered over the planet and ended up making the planet empty with no air to breath. Ok maybe?
Then it talked about how the earth's platelets have moved over time to form a new geographical form. Ok I can see that maybe?
But then man showed up and of course we looked like monkeys. Ok this is evolution. Old news!
During the whole show they talked about how Earth is it's own being. It just does it's own thing, no God involved at all. Ok Mother nature theory! Which I don't believe. They still continue to go against a Creator. I think scientist evolved from monkeys the way they think. So if i didn't believe in God I probably would've believed them. At the end of the program they come to figure out that earth will eventually run out of power and burn out like Mars. Ok, we'll see. But I won't be around in 50 million years to see it happen.
So the next show came on and it said that scientist's believe that a huge gamma ray explosion will one day destroy the earth. What? I thought they just said earth would end by it running out of natural ability. So it proves they still haven't got it figured out yet. I do! When Jesus comes back, the earth will be done. Easy enough! Our God above is still the only theory to prove itself to all Christians. Until the scientist's can give a good argument, we Christians will stay with ours. Nice try guys and girls.
Have a good Lords day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bonds Can't Play For the Giants!

Say it ain't so Barry! The Giants used him for a marketing tool. 756 happened and is now another memory and boosted the Giants piggy bank. He says he's not done yet. Who will get him next year? This has Yankees written all over it. Big Stein will dish out the money somehow to get another Big Name, so the Yanks will win their 500th world series.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Guilty Famous People??????????????

GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!! What is this mess? He looks like one of those muppets off Fraggle Rock. A hung jury? Take a look at this hair dew. I think this is his reaction when they said it was a hung jury. He was shocked because he knows he's crazy and guilty. I just don't understand the hair. WHY?
Please don't televise the trial, again!
I thought this was funny. I took picture this at the Harding bookstore. You have a bison with legs way too long and a stand holding a shirt with no neck. Kind of silly. It's as if the two one night after the bookstore closed traded with each other. "Hey I'll trade you short legs for that long neck." And there you have it.
With all funniness aside. It's still amazing what Christ could still do for these men mentioned above. I know we all cast guilt on them and others and condemn them to hell. But yet Christ's love is for anybody who repents and washes away their sins through baptism. We all sin and no sin is greater than the other. It's hard but many can still feel His love if they decide they want to.
I still ask that you pray for Mrs. Hatcher. She was supposed to be Brayden's teacher and she was diagnosed with cancer. The spots on her lungs are making it difficult for her to breath. Things just don't sound to good for her. She went down to M.D. Anderson in Texas and they turned her away because of her insurance. We believe she is down there still, there have been mixed reports. But I pray that whoever reads this blog will pray hard for her and that the doctors can find out where the cancer originated from. It breaks my heart to think about it, but prayers from many people can turn things around quickly. Have a good week!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The annual White County Fair parade was Monday afternoon, where they show off their their fancy cars for the crash derby. I sat there thinking why am I here watching this? Well I guess to take pictures and put them on my blog.

I've been to the derby one time and it was interesting. They don't go very fast but when they crash the crowd goes "YEE-Haw."

I'm sure this goes on in the North I just don't recall of ever hearing of a Derby taking place anywhere.

The Fair brings out all kinds of creatures great and small, I'll leave it to you to figure that one out. I don't want to offend anybody, but I think you all know what I mean?

A weird thing happened last night while I was writing my blog about 9/11. The doorbell rang about 10 o' clock which has never happened before. So I went to the door with a weapon in the back of my shorts (A knife). I took a knife because some cars had been broken into lately and I thought they might be trying the houses now. It just rang once so I looked out the window and nobody was there. Ok this is weird!

I went back to writing and started smelling this burning scent. The bell part on the wall started humming and that is where the burning scent was coming from. So I ran and got the ladder out of the garage with a screw driver in hand and I'm shaking afraid I was going to get electrocuted. I finally unscrewed the wires and disconnected it. So I worried all night about what I did and if I actually disconnected it right. Has that happened to anybody else before?

Crazy night! I hope everybody has a good week and that the Steelers keep winning and Michigan continues to lose. Later, Clint

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 A Terrible Day

6 Years is that how long it's been? I saw the flags at half mass today and I was wondering why they were. I thought somebody important had died. I just couldn't figure it out. Until I got home and Shannon said "Uh, duh! It's 9/11." How ignorant am I?
Today is also Shannon's 29th birthday. Her last year in her 20's so I said enjoy it while it lasts.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I was so focused on her birthday I just plain forgot about the real signifigance of this day. How quickly we forget.
The question everybody asks on the TV shows is, Do you remember where you were on 9/11? Of course I do!
I was on my way to work in Little Rock. I usually always listened to the morning radio shows on the way, but for some reason I decided to listen to a CD. I was listening to one of my favorite bands "Better than Ezra" it was their new CD so I had to listen to it. So as I joyfully sang with the CD and probably played some air guitar with it, I didn't have a clue what was going on in our world.
I was pulling in the parking lot of work and as I got out and entered the garden center everybody was in total shock. So my joyous trip in the car went from joyous to complete disbelief. After the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon it felt like the world was going to end. We all waited to see what was going to happen next, when one women said they could blow up a good portion on of Arkansas if they hit the arsenal in Pine Bluff. Oh! that made things a whole lot better.
As the work day had ended I get a call from Shannon saying I needed to get as much gas as I possibly could because they said it was going to run out. Do you all remember that scare?
But to put this day into perspective we still remember the days and weeks that followed. The pictures of the missing hanging anywhere there was space. The many days and months of cleaning up at ground zero and the stoppage of work because someone thought they heard a voice out under the rubble.
I don't like to recall what happened that day, because it was a bad day for all Americans even worse for those who lost loved ones. But through it all I think alot of people saw God for the first time and haven't let go since. Many brought God back into their lives and yet many never acknowledged Him at all. What does it take to see the Almighty? For some it's just reading His word or seeing other Christian examples, and others have to see Him when things are completely bent out of shape and out of the norm. Remember this day forever and praise God because nothing like this has happened since. May God protect our country and His children.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Steelers Superbowl Bound?

What do we Steelers fans think? Will they go 8-8 again or will we see Mr. Rooney hold another Lombardi Trophy? Questions, questions ,questions? I guess we'll see what the outcome will be in January! That's all I'm going to say. I don't want to jinx the season!