The annual White County Fair parade was Monday afternoon, where they show off their their fancy cars for the crash derby. I sat there thinking why am I here watching this? Well I guess to take pictures and put them on my blog.
I've been to the derby one time and it was interesting. They don't go very fast but when they crash the crowd goes "YEE-Haw."
I'm sure this goes on in the North I just don't recall of ever hearing of a Derby taking place anywhere.
The Fair brings out all kinds of creatures great and small, I'll leave it to you to figure that one out. I don't want to offend anybody, but I think you all know what I mean?
A weird thing happened last night while I was writing my blog about 9/11. The doorbell rang about 10 o' clock which has never happened before. So I went to the door with a weapon in the back of my shorts (A knife). I took a knife because some cars had been broken into lately and I thought they might be trying the houses now. It just rang once so I looked out the window and nobody was there. Ok this is weird!
I went back to writing and started smelling this burning scent. The bell part on the wall started humming and that is where the burning scent was coming from. So I ran and got the ladder out of the garage with a screw driver in hand and I'm shaking afraid I was going to get electrocuted. I finally unscrewed the wires and disconnected it. So I worried all night about what I did and if I actually disconnected it right. Has that happened to anybody else before?
Crazy night! I hope everybody has a good week and that the Steelers keep winning and Michigan continues to lose. Later, Clint
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