I watched a show tonight on The History Channel that was titled "How the Earth was made." It talked about how a meteoroid 6 miles long hit the earth and devastated the planet and wiped out the Dinosaurs. Volcanic ash hovered over the planet and ended up making the planet empty with no air to breath. Ok maybe?
Then it talked about how the earth's platelets have moved over time to form a new geographical form. Ok I can see that maybe?
But then man showed up and of course we looked like monkeys. Ok this is evolution. Old news!
During the whole show they talked about how Earth is it's own being. It just does it's own thing, no God involved at all. Ok Mother nature theory! Which I don't believe. They still continue to go against a Creator. I think scientist evolved from monkeys the way they think. So if i didn't believe in God I probably would've believed them. At the end of the program they come to figure out that earth will eventually run out of power and burn out like Mars. Ok, we'll see. But I won't be around in 50 million years to see it happen.
So the next show came on and it said that scientist's believe that a huge gamma ray explosion will one day destroy the earth. What? I thought they just said earth would end by it running out of natural ability. So it proves they still haven't got it figured out yet. I do! When Jesus comes back, the earth will be done. Easy enough! Our God above is still the only theory to prove itself to all Christians. Until the scientist's can give a good argument, we Christians will stay with ours. Nice try guys and girls.
Have a good Lords day.
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