6 Years is that how long it's been? I saw the flags at half mass today and I was wondering why they were. I thought somebody important had died. I just couldn't figure it out. Until I got home and Shannon said "Uh, duh! It's 9/11." How ignorant am I?
Today is also Shannon's 29th birthday. Her last year in her 20's so I said enjoy it while it lasts.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I was so focused on her birthday I just plain forgot about the real signifigance of this day. How quickly we forget.
The question everybody asks on the TV shows is, Do you remember where you were on 9/11? Of course I do!
I was on my way to work in Little Rock. I usually always listened to the morning radio shows on the way, but for some reason I decided to listen to a CD. I was listening to one of my favorite bands "Better than Ezra" it was their new CD so I had to listen to it. So as I joyfully sang with the CD and probably played some air guitar with it, I didn't have a clue what was going on in our world.
I was pulling in the parking lot of work and as I got out and entered the garden center everybody was in total shock. So my joyous trip in the car went from joyous to complete disbelief. After the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon it felt like the world was going to end. We all waited to see what was going to happen next, when one women said they could blow up a good portion on of Arkansas if they hit the arsenal in Pine Bluff. Oh! that made things a whole lot better.
As the work day had ended I get a call from Shannon saying I needed to get as much gas as I possibly could because they said it was going to run out. Do you all remember that scare?
But to put this day into perspective we still remember the days and weeks that followed. The pictures of the missing hanging anywhere there was space. The many days and months of cleaning up at ground zero and the stoppage of work because someone thought they heard a voice out under the rubble.
I don't like to recall what happened that day, because it was a bad day for all Americans even worse for those who lost loved ones. But through it all I think alot of people saw God for the first time and haven't let go since. Many brought God back into their lives and yet many never acknowledged Him at all. What does it take to see the Almighty? For some it's just reading His word or seeing other Christian examples, and others have to see Him when things are completely bent out of shape and out of the norm. Remember this day forever and praise God because nothing like this has happened since. May God protect our country and His children.
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