Friday, June 28, 2013

I love God!

I love sports! I love almost every sport except golf and soccer. ESPN is really the only channel I watch. 
I love to be at games and watch them on TV. I grew up 59 miles from Pittsburgh, so I am a fan of all three of their teams. 

I get aggravated when my teams don't win and I am in a great mood the next day after they win. I have always been obsessed with sports. 

I always hoped one day I would marry a girl who would enjoy sports as much as I do and I found that girl.  I remember talking to this girl I worked with and she said she hated sports and was thankful her husband didn't either. I felt very glad I didn't get hooked up with her. We'd been divorced in no time. Lol!

I am not as much in love with sports as I am with the one who created me. I love the story of God!  I am humbled every day cause of the blessed life he has given me. I call upon him day and night. I study his word every day. I still stand in awe that he pierced my heart back on a cold January Sunday and asked me to be his son for  all eternity.

I think about the days of early childhood when in recess or gym class we had to be picked on a team. There were times I would get picked toward the middle and sometimes last. There were times I would be devastated that I didn't get picked first. That's not the way God chooses his sons and daughters. He chooses us at the beginning but we usually pick him last.

What a day it is when we choose Christ through baptism and he gets our hearts ready and prepares us for eternity throughout our entire life. 

Many days we choose the world first and then give God our attention for a few minutes each day. I'm guilty if this. I try to put God first in every day but Satan always has his own agenda for me with his usual distractions. 

Our life needs to be focused on God every day. No ifs, ands or buts about it. We need to be God focused.  We need to make every decision through him. He will lead us but we have to allow him.

I love our creator and his son more than anything else in the world. God first, everything else last. God has never just handed me everything I've asked for, he has given way more than I have asked for. God is love, no other religion teaches love as much as God's word does. What an amazing story he has written for us. It still leaves me more excited than a touchdown would ever make me do.