Friday, November 30, 2012

We're All Lost Sometimes!

It doesn't matter who you are, we all get lost in this world. Ive been feeling this way for awhile. I finally understand how it feels to be lost and lose touch with God. Our world can really pull us away into our own bubble sometimes. Busyness and other activities can weigh us down to the point that God is put on the back of the shelf.

I've allowed too much to get between God and I. I feel right now that life and I are in a 12 round boxing match and the ring feels lopsided. Life is winning and I'm allowing it to keep throwing punches and every punch draws me away from him.

I'm glad it's getting close to Christmas and I can see the importance of this season. When I think of his birth it humbles me. When I think of his death upon a rugged cross it makes me feel honored that he would lay down his life for someone unimportant like you and I. He endured the pain of death and the entire world's sin because we are important to him.

When I hear of some of the cruel things other Christians say about others it hurts me. Most of us haven't grasped the true meaning of Christ. Many hate Christians because they say we are judgemental and many are. There were times in my life when I was one of those judgmental followers of Christ, but it took the loving hand of God to allow me to see the real and compassionate Christ. I finally saw Jesus for who he really is by reading and studying a lot.

I'm thankful now when I become ignorant and lose sight of God and his son, that they give me the help and clarity I need. The ability to see them through the crowds of life. Satan has a lot of ability to allow us to push away God and put other things first. Our priorities can easily get construed and put us on a path we were not meant to be on. Christ will always wait till we finally realize we have traveled down the wrong road and we don't recognize this part of life. When we finally ask for directions we see him with a lamp in his hand guiding us to safety.

If you're lost right now don't worry we all are. We're in a world not meant for us, our home is in heaven with Jesus. He's just a prayer away. He might be just a song away or a video away. That's how it happened to me. I heard a song and then saw a video that made me realize I was lost. You can find Jesus in everything good. He's there calling to us all to come home because we've drifted off on our own path. Stay firm and just do whatever you can to get your focus back on Christ. He doesn't need to find you, you need to find him because he's always right beside us. It's us who have moved way from him, he never left.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanking God!

Our world is an a state of stupidity right now. It seems it's always been this way since the bite into the forbidden apple in the garden of Eden. We humans continue to get ourselves into one mess after another. We see the messes and shake our heads and throw up our hands. We try to find some kind of reasoning for the mistakes happening. We blame others or we blame God.

Every tragedy seems to be blamed on the man up stairs. We take none of the blame on ourselves. We always wonder why bad things happen. Why, why, why??????

I have never blamed God for anything. I won't go there, I usually blame myself or often like any normal human I blame somebody else. The mess our country faces right now I don't blame God. I believe he has everything in control. It's us who have nothing under control. I believe we have failed in going to God with our problems.

In our government there is no mention about going to God for the answers. We legislate to make new solutions but these solutions often fail or become a problem to an old problem. We don't pray! We don't put God first in line for the answers. We don't thank him like we should. This is our failure to our failures.

It takes a big man to say there is no God. It's a path I would never tread, a path no man has a right to walk on.

God is everything here on Earth. He's the creator of trees, bugs, lions, atoms, humans and most of all love. If you don't see these things with your own eyes then I say you are living for nothing. What a waste of a life.

Thanking God is what our world needs to do right now. Give him the praise for everything big or small. Praising him that he has given us grace. That he gave us his son to die for our sins. We should thank him for every blessed new chance we get to redeem ourselves.

If I believe in a great and loving God all my life I will go to be with him in an eternal place that my mind can't even conceive. A place where I don't have to worry about anything. A place I thank him for every day. I always stand amazed every day about him.

I will thank him more and more as life goes on. I often think about the struggles I have had to bare in the past and how I've learned from them. We will struggle but we need to be thankful for those tough times. He's allowing us to grow as we fight our battles with him by our side.

Tomorrow look around and see God and his goodness. Pray to him and say thanks more an ask less requests. Be thankful in everything and he will always look upon us with gratitude and pure love.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Give Because You can!

Many this year are without and many never expected to be out. But life tosses many different things at us. We don't always know what to expect from day to day. We may be blessed with a lot and then in a snap our world is turned upside down.

I learned tonight that a friend I went to junior high and high school with was killed by a drunk driver this morning. I know she didn't expect to not be on this Earth today but life can some times catch us by surprise. My heart goes out to her family and children.

I'm sure those who have been hit with a loss of a job or a sudden hit by a hurricane didn't expect it either. These are times when God says to us, "make a miracle happen" by giving to people in these circumstances.

I'm not the best giver, but I will try my best to help in some way. We all need to find the blessings behind giving. Satan tries to tell us not to give but to keep all we have. He is wrong!

If your gift is small because you don't have much to give, don't hesitate to give it. I think God loves a giver of any amount. Our gift helps no matter how big or small.

There is a story in the Bible about a poor lady giving her last ounce of money to the Lord. It wasn't the biggest gift that caught the eyes of Jesus, but the big heart behind the smallest gift. He saw the heart first before her gift. She gave from her desire to serve God, not to be seen by man.

Don't give your gift with a desire to gain human attention, but give to catch the eye of Jesus. Allow him to see your heart for goodness and love. Don't tell no one just give it and thank God that you could. Great things happen to us when we give, our reward in heaven becomes better and our hearts go away from self and expands to others. May we all give this season to those in need and continue throughout the year. May God bless our hearts to give and help others in many dynamic ways.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Our loving God!

It was an honor this past Sunday night to baptize my middle child Macy. She asked me if she could get baptized a couple of months ago. I hesitated about it because of her age (9). I felt she was too young, but I was wrong. She understands the reason for the process. Plus, who was I to judge her decision. God had obviously determined this for her, so I had no right to say no. So I am very proud of her for making a great decision most adults can't make themselves.

Our place in this world as followers of Christ is an important one. When he said go and preach his word to all nations he meant it. I write this blog in honor of his request. I want to reach the world in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

My prayer is to ask God to write through me beautiful things about him. Our God is not a hateful god but a kind, gracious and loving being. He is determined to save all his people. He is determined to get his message out to all people. He uses his followers to get his work done, yet even if we turned against him he would still get it done without us.

Tonight if you are not a Christian and are sitting on the fence about believing or not believing take a look around your world and see God. Don't listen to those who don't believe just listen to your heart. Listen to the quiet around you. Look at everything you have been blessed with. Most of all look at creation and it's beauty. There you'll find God right there with his hand stretched out waiting for you. He's there you just have to let go of everything and maybe say a prayer or just talk out loud. Talk to him he's there.

Some times there are other Christians who do more damage than most atheists can ever do. Some Christians are into Condemning by scaring people away with their words. Don't listen to them.

Listen to those that speak and preach lovingly. Christ was a loving savior yet he spoke the truth in love. There is no greater example of God than his own son. Look to him by reading the bible. There you will find your savior. Believe, just believe and goodness will flow through you.

My prayer is for all to believe and know how awesome our God is. He loves everybody and he loves you!