Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanking God!

Our world is an a state of stupidity right now. It seems it's always been this way since the bite into the forbidden apple in the garden of Eden. We humans continue to get ourselves into one mess after another. We see the messes and shake our heads and throw up our hands. We try to find some kind of reasoning for the mistakes happening. We blame others or we blame God.

Every tragedy seems to be blamed on the man up stairs. We take none of the blame on ourselves. We always wonder why bad things happen. Why, why, why??????

I have never blamed God for anything. I won't go there, I usually blame myself or often like any normal human I blame somebody else. The mess our country faces right now I don't blame God. I believe he has everything in control. It's us who have nothing under control. I believe we have failed in going to God with our problems.

In our government there is no mention about going to God for the answers. We legislate to make new solutions but these solutions often fail or become a problem to an old problem. We don't pray! We don't put God first in line for the answers. We don't thank him like we should. This is our failure to our failures.

It takes a big man to say there is no God. It's a path I would never tread, a path no man has a right to walk on.

God is everything here on Earth. He's the creator of trees, bugs, lions, atoms, humans and most of all love. If you don't see these things with your own eyes then I say you are living for nothing. What a waste of a life.

Thanking God is what our world needs to do right now. Give him the praise for everything big or small. Praising him that he has given us grace. That he gave us his son to die for our sins. We should thank him for every blessed new chance we get to redeem ourselves.

If I believe in a great and loving God all my life I will go to be with him in an eternal place that my mind can't even conceive. A place where I don't have to worry about anything. A place I thank him for every day. I always stand amazed every day about him.

I will thank him more and more as life goes on. I often think about the struggles I have had to bare in the past and how I've learned from them. We will struggle but we need to be thankful for those tough times. He's allowing us to grow as we fight our battles with him by our side.

Tomorrow look around and see God and his goodness. Pray to him and say thanks more an ask less requests. Be thankful in everything and he will always look upon us with gratitude and pure love.

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