Monday, November 12, 2012

Give Because You can!

Many this year are without and many never expected to be out. But life tosses many different things at us. We don't always know what to expect from day to day. We may be blessed with a lot and then in a snap our world is turned upside down.

I learned tonight that a friend I went to junior high and high school with was killed by a drunk driver this morning. I know she didn't expect to not be on this Earth today but life can some times catch us by surprise. My heart goes out to her family and children.

I'm sure those who have been hit with a loss of a job or a sudden hit by a hurricane didn't expect it either. These are times when God says to us, "make a miracle happen" by giving to people in these circumstances.

I'm not the best giver, but I will try my best to help in some way. We all need to find the blessings behind giving. Satan tries to tell us not to give but to keep all we have. He is wrong!

If your gift is small because you don't have much to give, don't hesitate to give it. I think God loves a giver of any amount. Our gift helps no matter how big or small.

There is a story in the Bible about a poor lady giving her last ounce of money to the Lord. It wasn't the biggest gift that caught the eyes of Jesus, but the big heart behind the smallest gift. He saw the heart first before her gift. She gave from her desire to serve God, not to be seen by man.

Don't give your gift with a desire to gain human attention, but give to catch the eye of Jesus. Allow him to see your heart for goodness and love. Don't tell no one just give it and thank God that you could. Great things happen to us when we give, our reward in heaven becomes better and our hearts go away from self and expands to others. May we all give this season to those in need and continue throughout the year. May God bless our hearts to give and help others in many dynamic ways.

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