Saturday, July 21, 2012

We need to pray!

When was the last time you prayed?

I did it this morning and a few times this afternoon. There was a time in my life when I hardly did it. When I did pray it was requests for my life and that's about it.

Prayer for me has become different over the years and after a lot of study. Now it's a conversation with my creator and a prayer that is less about me. Now it's a prayer of thankfulness and hope for others. It's not always perfect but one day I hope to perfect it.

Our world needs prayer and more people to do it. After the recent evil actions in Colorado prayer needs to be said by everyone. Prayer will and can change the world for good. Our world has turned against God. Many have ignored him and taken their lives down the paths they have chosen. Only to find their life is lonely and pointless.

Take a moment tonight and talk to God and tell him what you are feeling and give him thanks and he will do great things for you. He has never turned away from any of us we are the ones who have turned our backs on him. He's waiting to take you back and give you hope and love in a dark world.