Monday, August 29, 2011

We Make Life Confusing and Stressful, Not God!

IF you look at this picture to the left, it seems that the picture is moving. It looks like water is actually moving, but it really isn't.  It's our eyes and our brains that are really fooling us.  It's just an actual drawing that is made to look like it's doing something, but in reality it's doing nothing at all.  It's actually us making it confusing!

Same way with life it's us who are making life confusing and stressful.  It wasn't supposed to be this way. God had no intentions of the world being this way.  We humans have made it this way.  We put so much on ourselves it's just stupid.

Did Jesus live this way? Did Jesus have to have a master's degree and a PhD to survive in this world?  Did Jesus have to have the most prestigious job in the world? Did Jesus have to have the highest paying job?  Did he have to worry with the profit loss of his company? Did Jesus ever think of these things? NO!  Then we shouldn't either! But the world pressures us through bullying us.  We have to have money to pay our bills, and the greedy continue to raise the prices on items we really need.  So we  have to work harder and work longer so we can survive in this world.  To me it's stupid, but if I want to live a comfortable life and be able to keep up with the greed of this world I can't stay on the porch and watch the other dogs win.  Through the world's eyes we have to run with the pact or be left behind. 

Life is tough and as I get older I see it getting more stressful.  People are what make it the way it is.  You could use the phrase, "it is what it is!" But I won't, I think things could change but only if we do something to change them.  As Satan rules throughout this world and does his best to make things more complicated, it won't be any better.  Through a great amount of prayer it could become a lot better, but many won't go to God in prayer. They won't lower themselves to believe in something they cannot touch.  Greed is their God, and so it is what it is! 

For us who believe in Christ we need to look at his example of how he lived.  He didn't have the best of the best.  His intentions were not about greed or Phd's.  His intentions were about his Father in heaven. His ideals were saving the lost and getting his message across. He came to redo the world and it's thinking.  To bring our lives back to the real source of living because they had it all wrong. Living for God and not for the world was his point. Our lives should be about being the best for him not for man.  We should do our best every day to impress him not some human manager or CEO. 

Bring the real meaning of life back to our world.  Let's set our desires on him not the world and it's lies.  Be for God, and life will get better.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

LIfe Is Rough, But God Can Make It Better!

In life there  are times when things are great and then things go bad, sometimes really bad!  Most days are great and then some are okay and then some days it feels like God has disappeared and our life has gone to hell.  Those are the days when I really believe God stands in the dugout of the field and allows us to pitch by ourselves. These are the days when things just go completely the wrong way. People treat you bad or just plain ignore you that you feel nonexistent.  It's a time when our faith is put to the test, God wants to see us shine through faith and beat this ugly test of life.

I remember the days leading up to  November of 2006,  things were great and then one day during that month things started bad and then my bad attitude turned very sour.  I was fired from my job!  I went four months without a job, I was looking hard but nobody seemed interested in me. I felt worthless, I was angry at the world and not too happy with God.  I was very disappointed in everything, I was not a good person to be around. After being terminated I became cocky and said to my wife somebody will hire me don't worry!  We did! I finally got my insurance license and spent a year doing that, but not much was panning from that either.

I found a radio station called Air one, it's a Christian station that became the turning point in my walk with God.  I started to see that my life had not been lived the way God wanted it to be lived.  I found humility was becoming my best friend during these hard times. I read a book by Joel Osteen that really hammered into me to start thinking about others. I found a book by Phillip Yancey that taught me about God's love and showed be how to live in his grace. I found different pieces to the puzzle that God was putting together for my life. That puzzle continues to be put together piece by piece by God's grace.

Life is hard for us all and  the speed bumps in this life are just reminders to us to become more reliant on God himself.  I'm thinking of some people I know right now that are going through some very hard times.  Life was good and then they found a speed bump to throw them off their intended path.  I wanted to share this section of my life to show that we all face battles in our lives and that through faith and humility we shall rise up in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ and continue on.

I did find a job after awhile, the pay was not good and the hours were part time, but I learned that through tough work and humility you can rise up and become better. I'm still at that current job and making much more in pay, been promoted twice in three years and I still continue to look back to where I was three years ago sweeping floors, loading heavy bricks and mulch to ungrateful customers.  Yet, it inspires me to think that God hired me at this job, he gave me what I needed and I showed him what I was made of.  He made me more faithful and toughened me up through humilty. This little phrase here is now how I see life.  Life is what you make it, by faith is how you build it!     Please stay strong in God and he will show you the great things he has in store for you.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unplugged from the World!

This is how  I feel right now, I want to be unplugged for a while, detached from everything.  Just a day or two to be rested from life itself, I want to have somebody take me away like the Calgon commercial states.  A day where all of life's worries, drama and its lies just go somewhere and just leave me be.

It seems that some new worry always comes up to pop its head out, and looks me in the eye's and says, " some day I will have to be faced."  A bill that you know is coming up and somehow you have to find the ways and means to pay it.

There is always something in the news that makes you feel some type of worry. Our world feeds on fear, the news feels it has to put you on the edge of your seat.  Our country is going to fall apart if we don't quit spending. Or they tell us about new studies about new ways we can get cancer.  It's too much! That's why I quit watching the news, it's not my cup of tea.

Why does life have to suck everything out of us? Why can't we just enjoy life? Why do we dwell on fear?  It just makes absolutely no sense!

I have no answer to those questions, but I do know if you go to God and give your worries to him it can make life much easier.  Our world would be a much better place if Satan was gone and out of our lives, for he is the one causing all these problems. 

What would happen if the entire world put their faith in God? What would happen if every soul on Earth would all pray at the same time? What would happen if we gave all our worries to God above?

The answer? The world would be a better place!  Enough said! Go to God now and have a little conversation, and see how life starts out tomorrow. It'll be a little better.