Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unplugged from the World!

This is how  I feel right now, I want to be unplugged for a while, detached from everything.  Just a day or two to be rested from life itself, I want to have somebody take me away like the Calgon commercial states.  A day where all of life's worries, drama and its lies just go somewhere and just leave me be.

It seems that some new worry always comes up to pop its head out, and looks me in the eye's and says, " some day I will have to be faced."  A bill that you know is coming up and somehow you have to find the ways and means to pay it.

There is always something in the news that makes you feel some type of worry. Our world feeds on fear, the news feels it has to put you on the edge of your seat.  Our country is going to fall apart if we don't quit spending. Or they tell us about new studies about new ways we can get cancer.  It's too much! That's why I quit watching the news, it's not my cup of tea.

Why does life have to suck everything out of us? Why can't we just enjoy life? Why do we dwell on fear?  It just makes absolutely no sense!

I have no answer to those questions, but I do know if you go to God and give your worries to him it can make life much easier.  Our world would be a much better place if Satan was gone and out of our lives, for he is the one causing all these problems. 

What would happen if the entire world put their faith in God? What would happen if every soul on Earth would all pray at the same time? What would happen if we gave all our worries to God above?

The answer? The world would be a better place!  Enough said! Go to God now and have a little conversation, and see how life starts out tomorrow. It'll be a little better.

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