Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The World's Most "UNMANLY" Show Is Over!!!!!!

Thank the Lord above that this Horrible show is over!!!!!!!!
I can't even describe with words how much I "Hate" this waste of air time.
If there is a show that would make "Tim the Toolman Taylor" Puke it would be this one. If Superman saw this show he would fly back to Krypton!
When Shannon would have this show on I would be on the floor yelling for Brayden to get my "man pills" and turn on ESPN. I was being drained of all my "Manpower" when I would hear that awful theme song. Shannon would tell me about it and I would say "I don't care." "I don't want to hear anything about it, the show does not even exist in my mind."
But now I am at peace, I won't hear that horrible song NO More!
Coming in January, I will annoy her about the show "24". Because that is the best show on TV!
If you have a comment about how much you hate "Dancing with Nobodies", please feel free to discuss your displeasure!
Everybody needs to say a prayer for the WVU - Pitt game. Because Pitt might actually play a good game this year!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving '07

I not a huge Turkey fan. But this would be the kind of Turkey I would tear up with my Bare Hands. I'd put this "Foul Bird" in a "Turkey Fryer" On High Heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And flames shooting out the side with Guinness Record Height.
My Thanksgiving Wish? The Hogs need to be at their best and defeat this "Beast!" Arkansas has blown many games they should've won, but the Mountaineers need the Hogs to win.
If Kansas loses to Missouri, WVU can kiss their hopes for a national Championship good bye!!!!!!! The experts say if Missouri wins they will jump WVU in the polls. GO JAYHAWKS!

This year is our best chance for a National Title! To bring respect to the Big East and make the Mountaineer fans very Happy. I wish our season was over, because the UCONN game makes me very nervous. We can't fumble the ball like we have in the past and think we can win. Because we won't! UCONN is pretty good, their NO pushover!

I hope everybody has a safe and filling Thanksgiving and take time to remember what God has graciously blessed us with.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Holidays or Christmas?

Well it's almost that time of year again. Not the time where everybody goes nuts trying to buy the perfect gift or the overspending on the credit cards. It's not that time yet, that's next weekend.
But it's the time of the year for the politically correct. Should we say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." What a crock! It's both you Morons!
I get these emails from American Family Association the past week about stuff like this. And I agree with it, even though I don't celebrate Christmas as his Birthday it's everyday. But I don't care if I say Merry Christmas and it offends an atheist, a Muslim or Jewish person. What do I care if I hurt their feelings. It hurts my feelings when they win their evil battles over taking the Ten Commandments statue out of a court house in Alabama. My feelings get hurt when the ungodly take prayer out of public schools and try to destroy the pledge of allegiance by taking out the phrase "Under God." The most recent thing lately was the taking out the name of God off the dedication plate on the Washington Monument. Some government "Guru" thought it might offend somebody. It did it offended "The Creator" of this world, by removing it! In the end they put it back on.
One of the emails I received was about Lowes calling their Christmas trees "Family trees" in their ad. Well that's just stupid! Who is going to go out and pick up a "Family Tree." Is there a holiday called "Family Day?" That sounds exciting! It's a Christmas tree, there is no other name for it.
You don't call a Ford F-150 a "loading truck." It's a pick-up truck, that's the name of it don't change it. Lowes said it was a typing error. That's not a typo, that's just plain ignorance! I think lowes would not sell to many trees with that title.
As a Christian I can't sit back and let these people ruin my beliefs. I don't care if somebody is offended by my proclaiming of God and Jesus. If they want to burn for their beliefs that's their choice, but I will stick to my guns and say what I want to say. Let's not sit back and think this will blow over, because it won't. Satan will work these unbelievers in small bites. And then "POOF" will be trying to worship our God in secret places in fear of being tossed in prison. I'm tired of it, ARE YOU????????????????? Stand your ground and your reward will be eternal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ohio State?????????????

Now that John hasn't been blogging for awhile, I thought he would come out of his bloggitis this week. It being Michigan time for the Buckeyes and all. So I will be the first to tip my hat to "The Fighting Illini "for allowing the Mountaineers to move to #5 in the polls. "Thank YOU!" I thought the Buckeyes would have gone all the way this year again. But we have all seen how this season has gone, with a new number 1 being crowned alot. So that moves me to the number 5 team in the nation. "Da' EER's!"
WVU has definitely held their ground this year, except for that lousy South Florida game. My prediction is for an Arkansas upset against LSU on Thanksgiving weekend. Kansas and Oklahoma have no need being in the position they are in. So I believe the BCS will be a WVU- Oregon national championship game this year. If the stars align right and Martians show up on earth. It will happen!!!!!!!!!!!!
So where is all the smack talk for this weeks "Buckarines" game. I miss it! Come out of your blog shell John and get it started! Your Bloggitis ends now. Start talking that smack and wear that "Steelers Tie" with pride.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

$ Golden False Prophets$

I heard today that the IRS are getting ready to scan the books of the top 6 TV evangelists SOON! 5 out of the 6 replied to the news reporter doing the piece on them. The only one that didn't reply was Kenneth Copeland I think he is the next Jim Baker. He has a 23 room mansion and a jet plane all bought by the people who watch his telecasts. The jet was for the purpose of spreading the gospel faster across the world. I believe the news report stated jet has been used more for vacations in paradise for him than it was for getting others to the heavenly paradise.
I believe hard work has its rewards for every body but in the world of preaching the gospel on TV and begging its viewers for money because the lights are going to be turned off is pitiful. If there ever was a scam of all scams it's the TV evangelists. They have suckered so many people of their money because of the shows poor factor.
If your going to ask loyal people of their hard earned money, do something right with it instead of making your pockets heavier.
I'm going to email Kenneth Copeland and see if he will give me $59,000 dollars to help pay my uninsured friends cancer bills. That's where it should go! There is so many ways to spend that money that people give. Of course I would like to find out who these gullible people are who give to these religious CROOKS and shake them good. But people will never learn, the religious CROOKS are good actors and will continue to wear their expensive suits, continue to pretend they can heal, and act like the show is going to off the air if people don't send their money RIGHT NOW! If anybody who reads this and gives to these preacher$ QUIT! May God direct these preachers money and send it to those who really are in need!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

God's Wonderous Fall Display

There is no other season I enjoy the most than Fall. I used to love summer, but living in Arkansas there is no joy to the heat at all. So I look forward to fall as soon as the first day of summer hits here. I always look forward with great anticipation for this Sugar maple tree here in Searcy. It's my favorite spot in the whole town. For the 7 years I have been in Searcy full time I have enjoyed these three trees on this one particular street. So after picking up Brayden from school today we went by there and took some pictures of them. The pictures are good but they truly don't bring out the true beauty of color that God has displayed in them.
I stand in awe of God when I see their outstanding color. I believe they are the most beautiful thing he has ever created on earth. The sugar maple is a strong tree but the gentleness of it's soft leaves brings out to me the kindness and mercy that God provides every day to us. I often think of what Heaven will be like and how badly we all yearn for it when I look at these sugar maples. When I see these trees and their beauty and how amazed I am at them, I can't even come close to imagining the splendor of His work in The Eternal Heaven. Take time to look at nature and watch how your faith in The Living Creator grows. Thank you God for your Fall Display!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Barney Fife, Bo Peep & Her Lost Sheep! Halloween '07

Best costume and kid of this Halloween Season. Cayden was Bo Peep's lost sheep and was a very good sheep. He had a massive fit against this costume when we put it on him. We think he was scared to death of this big wooly thing being put on him. But he was very cooperative with the whole ordeal once he saw the candy coming. Cayden eats like a 15 year old boy, but he's not fat. He's just like Macy built like a Singer big boned and solid as a rock. The kid loves food just like the Singers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brayden dressed as a police officer, but I called him Barney Fife because he's skinny and clumsy just like Barney. And then there is the modern version of Bo Peep! The shepherd's hook was a weapon toward Brayden not the sheep. It had to be put up until trick or treat before somebody got injured. They were both cute but between the hook and the police baton all we needed was a boxing ring and everything would've been complete. Brayden and Macy are in that stage of life where their relationship as brother and sister is a love/hate one. I hope it changes soon.
This is Macy's best friend Lilly and our neighbor, you can't separate the two. They are in the same preschool class and Harding Academy doesn't know what their in for in the near future. Two peas from the rotten pod!
The Sugar rush started quick for these two at Trunk or Treat at Church and it continues still. I hope everybody had a safe halloween and a good weekend coming up.