Well it's almost that time of year again. Not the time where everybody goes nuts trying to buy the perfect gift or the overspending on the credit cards. It's not that time yet, that's next weekend.
But it's the time of the year for the politically correct. Should we say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." What a crock! It's both you Morons!
I get these emails from American Family Association the past week about stuff like this. And I agree with it, even though I don't celebrate Christmas as his Birthday it's everyday. But I don't care if I say Merry Christmas and it offends an atheist, a Muslim or Jewish person. What do I care if I hurt their feelings. It hurts my feelings when they win their evil battles over taking the Ten Commandments statue out of a court house in Alabama. My feelings get hurt when the ungodly take prayer out of public schools and try to destroy the pledge of allegiance by taking out the phrase "Under God." The most recent thing lately was the taking out the name of God off the dedication plate on the Washington Monument. Some government "Guru" thought it might offend somebody. It did it offended "The Creator" of this world, by removing it! In the end they put it back on.
One of the emails I received was about Lowes calling their Christmas trees "Family trees" in their ad. Well that's just stupid! Who is going to go out and pick up a "Family Tree." Is there a holiday called "Family Day?" That sounds exciting! It's a Christmas tree, there is no other name for it.
You don't call a Ford F-150 a "loading truck." It's a pick-up truck, that's the name of it don't change it. Lowes said it was a typing error. That's not a typo, that's just plain ignorance! I think lowes would not sell to many trees with that title.
As a Christian I can't sit back and let these people ruin my beliefs. I don't care if somebody is offended by my proclaiming of God and Jesus. If they want to burn for their beliefs that's their choice, but I will stick to my guns and say what I want to say. Let's not sit back and think this will blow over, because it won't. Satan will work these unbelievers in small bites. And then "POOF" will be trying to worship our God in secret places in fear of being tossed in prison. I'm tired of it, ARE YOU????????????????? Stand your ground and your reward will be eternal.
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