Sunday, December 23, 2012

I Love Christmas!

I have three favorite holidays.
3) is Halloween
2) is St Patrick's Day
1) is Christmas

I love everything there is about Christmas. The lights, Christmas trees and the music. I still wish Santa was real, cause it's a neat story. To think that there would be a man that loved children so much that he would come to every child's house (whether poor or rich) and bring presents. I remember those christmas nights when my aunt and grandfather would come over to our house and spend the night and I would be so excited for them to come. I just couldn't wait till morning to see what Santa had brought me. But as we know life makes us grow up and Santa doesn't exist and those I mentioned have both gone on to be with The Lord. It saddens me that I can never have that time in life ever again. But there is another story that we tell this time of year that gives me hope that I will have a better life ahead and that I will see my aunt and grandfather again

Of all the stories man has written and told there is no more beautiful story than that of the birth of Jesus Christ! A story not written by man but by the hand of our creator himself. It's not the way many thought it would be told, but God had a better version of this story to write than what we thought. When you think of the stories told today most have heroes in them that are praised at the end for some great accomplishment. The story of Jesus should get a prize every time it is read, but for some reason the greatest hero our Earth has ever received never gets the praise it deserves. Why is that?

We all have our favorite books we have read and then we tell others about how great the book was. Yet, when we read the Bible we usually don't recommend it to a friend. That's sad! I'm guilty of this also. I'm here to tell you the Bible and the amazing story of Jesus is the greatest book I've ever read. We all should read it! We should read it over and over. The hundreds of times I've read the Bible there is always something new I see in it. Most books I have read I can remember everything about them. When I read the Bible I see new things that I don't really remember reading before.

It's amazing to me that Jesus came to Earth the way he did. He didn't arrive in a fiery chariot that came bolting from the sky. But he arrived in silence and only two shepherds made the journey to see his birth. No family came and took pictures. His arrival came in a humble way, nobody knew he was even here. This seems to be the way his whole life was. Humbleness was his greatest trait. Even today he doesn't force us to accept him, it's our choice to believe or not to believe.

Christmas over the past few years for me has become a realization about the importance of his birth. Because of Christ we have a free pass to heaven. He became the sacrifice that opened the door to the forgiveness of our sins. A door that was shut until he came and pursued every human being. God has a perfect plan for all of us. He knew the story he was writing needed a superhero in it. He knew we needed a superman to give us some kind of hope to get our attention back on track. Unlike Superman or Spider-Man this man/God was for real and not made up. He had real powers to heal and raise the dead to life. Jesus is the most powerful human to ever live on Earth. He didn't ask for any attention, he just wanted us to love him and believe in him. What superhero has ever asked to love him and then get his love back in return. None of the fake heroes we know of in the comic books have ever asked that. Jesus did and still does today.

We need to be faithful and live a life worthy of his calling then we will have nothing to fear after we leave this planet. Today I challenge you and myself included to give another person this story of a great divine hero. Tell them how great it is to know there is hope in this world. That a real hero once upon a time lived on this Earth and continues to live among us spiritually in our hearts. Start with his humble birth and tell of his great life, ministry and his power to heal especially his ability to heal all mankind while hanging on a cross. This is the reason I love Christmas! To God be the glory forever and ever!