Did you ever wish you had somebody else's talent. I do all the time. I always think if I had this persons ability I could put it together with my talent and I would be successful like they are.
I wish I had talent like Thomas Kinkade. I can picture something like this painting in my mind, and think I could do it. But I can't draw at all, and normally most painters do sketch it before they paint it. Therefore I probably couldn't do it, but then again I have never tried.
I walked into one of Kinkade's galleries recently at a mall in Memphis, and I was in utter amazement. It was a comforting place to be. I just stared at all the beauty of his work, and spun around to each wall and was in my zone of art. Thinking to myself, if I had this mans talent I would be happy. But then I thought, I can't paint. My shoulders would ache from hurting both my rotator cuffs earlier in life and then my "A.D.D" would kick in and I would never finish it. So I just decided to let Thomas paint the nice pictures and I will do something else. I was jealous at first then I realized that is his calling and talent. That's what the sales lady told he said when she had a chance to meet him. He said God gave him the talent and he felt that it was his gift to share. He has his own race to run and complete and so do each of us.
I watch Joel Osteen from time to time and he always has something to say that hits home to me when I do watch. He is the only TV evangelist I would ever listen to. But he talked a few minutes ago about finding your talents and not being jealous of others. Staying in your zone at what your good at and leaving your comfort zone to to do something somebody else can.
He was saying so many of us look at other peoples talent and become jealous and try to be like them and we come to find out we were not meant to have the other persons talent.
We should build our own gifts that God has blessed us with and let others build their own. If we are a 1,000 dollar salesperson and the other person is a 20,000 dollar person, we should try to be the best thousand dollar person we can and cheer the 20,000 person on. Basically, use our gifts to the best we can and not try to live the other person's dream. Sounds like what Christ was saying all along, The servant is not greater than his master.
I often think when I write on this blog that my grammar should be better, but I write the way I speak. I'm not an English scholar I'm a West Virginian. So I will leave the good grammar to the English Geeks and I will write to the best of my ability.
Find your talents that God has given you and nurture them the best you can, and finish the race your were made to conquer and finish.
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