I thought this was a little strange today when I saw this. The signs were good and it was good to see people trying to get the word of Christ out.
But not the way they were doing it. With bullhorns and knocking on peoples car windows.
I just didn't agree with it! It kind of frightened me a little especially when Macy in the back goes "Why is that weird boy knocking on the window?" I just ignored them, it was a kind message they were preaching, but it was unkind and haunting the way they presented it. Hell, fire and brimstone was the way they said it to me. There are times I just want to get in people faces and scream why don't you understand and just quit your evil and accept Christ. But I can't because that isn't the way Christ would ever present his life-changing story. He would have presented it with love, he would've never used a bullhorn.
It's hard to believe in this town you would ever need to be on the streets holding up signs to let people know about Christ. We've got a Church on every corner, a Christian College that pretty much keeps the town running, plus were located in an area known as "The Bible Belt." Why is there a need to be on the streets preaching Christ. SATAN! He's on every corner also!
Being in sales most of my life I've learned alot about people. There are some people who are harder than a brick wall to get through to, and then there are some that are ready to listen to you before you even say a word.
People just don't pay attention very well and then there are some who pay good attention. (They are hard to find!) There are so many different scenario's I could present I would run out of space on this Blog.
But one is this, people are afraid of change. I've come across this with this AFLAC thing I'm trying at the moment. What I have sold so far the clients were very easy to get through to, they didn't have health insurance and found that this was a good thing to do. Where others are just stubborn and won't give you the time of day because they are afraid to change.
Basically AFLAC is going to pay you good money to go to the doctor or pay you cash to pay your bills or help compensate you for an injury or give you $5,000 dollars if you get diagnosed with cancer. Why is it so hard for people to give you time to tell you some good news. They don't like change, their scared to be sold on something good for them. Same way with Christianity, they know the buildings are there, they know they don't have to pay for anything and the people in the Church will welcome them in happily. Then why do we need to go on the streets to bring the Good News? 1) People don't want to change. 2) They need it brought to them. They need to see something tangible. They need to see those of us that have gone through the process and bring them over their fear of change. 3) They need to be taught about something that will bring them relief from their worries.
Christianity and AFLAC are about the same process you have to come back over and over to get through to them. Then once they have signed up they feel good about it and wonder why they were so fearful. Then you have to make sure they stay with it, if you don't the process was a waste of time. It's funny how some things follow the same routine, but that's just how life works in every aspect.
There are many ways we can get the word of Christ out, other then screaming on a bull horn and tapping on peoples car windows. Christianity and people are very sensitive to each other, the delivery must gentle but precise. Nobody would sign their life savings over to someone they didn't trust, neither will somebody sign their life over to a God they don't understand or fear. After what I saw today, if I wasn't a Christian already, I would not have felt good about going to that church either.
Showing through your good example is probably the best method yet. Just like advertising, they say word of mouth is still the best method! Be gentle and precise when sharing the story of Christ.
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