So the first picture is my wife being ignorant and cruel!!!!!!!!!! This is the view of the beach from the patio of their condo. So I thought I would be the smart elic that I am and send them a picture from my phone and show them my beautiful view from the Singer Motel located in Searcy. Those are my beautiful slippers in the picture. You can't beat that view of my backyard : )
All week she has called telling me of the seafood they have been stuffing their faces with and how good it is, BIG WHOOP! They ought to try my luscious CORN DOGS and HAMBURGER HELPER! Though, I have eaten out a couple of times I just like to make them feel bad.
It's been quiet and very boring though. It's nice to have peace and quiet and not have to break up the kids from a brawl. But I am ready for them to come back soon. The reason I didn't go was because I had to work and had a landscape job to try and finish. So I pray that they have a safe trip back and will be happy to see how well rested their father is .
I did tell them I would be going with them next time, of course our vacation will be Wheeling next summer and maybe Christmas. Shannon asked me before they left what would I choose between going to Wheeling or Florida? I told her I would choose Wheeling over Florida. She thought I was crazy, she likes Wheeling but she would rather go to Florida any day. I'm glad it's not the other way around, for me to spend my vacation in Searcy, I would choose Florida. Everybody have a good week!
P.S. Do we have any new bloggers yet, we need you. This is a great tool to spread God's word, let John know and he'll link you. I'd like to read others view on things.
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