Friday, February 12, 2010

The Real Meaning Of Jesus!

Those of you that know me, know that I am not a very serious guy.  I am always cracking a joke of some kind, and really never serious about anything.  I just am not that kind of person.  I often say I don't worry, but I do, probably more than I let on.  I usually don't worry about some things that other people do.  I catch myself worrying about finances, time, funny feelings I get in my health.  I usually don't tell anybody about my worries though.  I just don't feel they are worth telling anybody about. 

I do have a serious side to my life, my walk with Jesus is probably the most serious thing I think about.  I constantly read Christian authors to get a better understanding of the story of Christ.  I think about our world and how we really have turned the true story of Christ upside down.  I don't like a lot of things we as Christians are doing to share our message of Christ.  I don't like it when Christians use a political agenda for their Christianity to shine out. To me that just discourages people outside of Christ.  We do need morality to be pushed, but not in a political way.  We as Christians have totally missed the point of Jesus being here.  I don't think He would've pushed the death penalty, even though he died in a death penalty way.  I don't think he would've marched in front of abortion clinics or raged a huge battle agianst homosexuals.  Even though none of those things he is for, but he would've communicated a different way to those who go about doing such things. 
The more I read about the life of Christ, I am amazed at who he really was.  Jesus defined the word "love."  His compassion continues to blow me away.  How loving he was to stop what he was doing and heal a person or hug little children.  He loved the one's the world had set aside.  He had no intensions of leaving anyone behind.  The people he hung around were considered the worst of the community, and to those who thought they were something thought he was crazy.  He was the shepherd among the sheep, the lost sheep. 
Our world today puts no thought into saving the homeless, hungry or drug addicts.  Only those who really understand the true compassion of Christ believe in these causes of need.  I want to have that compassion, I want to be selfless.  I want to deny self and give myself to others, and give them the love they need.  Yet, I fail in an awful way of beng like that.  
Deep down beneath all this earthliness inside of me is a person who really needs to find himself in Christ.  I want to continue throughout my life to be like Christ.  I want every person also to have that same understanding of him.  Life here is not about being the best or the richest.  Life is not about getting all the attention on yourself, it's about compassion and love for others, especially for those who can't help themselves. 
Tonight my prayer is not to gain but to give.  To show the world about the true mission of Christ, and his real story for being here on Earth.  He wanted to save us all, he wants no one to suffer Hell but to be with him forever.  Forever in an eternal paradise that we can't even imagine.   Give until it hurts! Love until you fall over dead. Let's all open our hearts to the real meaning of Christ.  Love never fails!


電信 said...

Never hesitate to hold out your hand; never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand of another...................................................

Clint Singer said...
