Friday, February 19, 2010

Jesus Is Neither Republican or Democrat! He Has His Own Agenda!

It's hard for me to judge all Democrats as "unchristian."  It's also very hard for me to call many Republicans as "Christians!"  The person I go to get my haircut by, is a major Christian Republican!  I believe he feels that all Democrats are evil and Republicans are going straight to heaven.  I wish I could change him, but I see no possibility in doing that.  It would take a totally neutral person who is very knowledgable about politics to do so, I am not that person. 

The discussion came up because of the guy who slammed the plane into the IRS building in Texas.  There was a guy on Fox news channel who had written a book on politics and hope for the people of the US.  The anchor asked if he believed Jesus was a Republican, and the guy answered "No!"  He said Jesus would be niether!  So my barber said  Jesus would be a republican, because the Bible said so. I never read that in the Bible! 

Wasn't the Pharissee's a basic form of the Republican party?  The Republican party use the Christian stand to get elected, they don't really mean to be true Christians.  I'm sure there are many good people in that party that are Christians,  yet it's not what Jesus wants to be.  This type of legalism is what he taught against and tried to escape.  I believe Jesus would agree on many issues that both parties try to represent, but I don't think he would join their party, if he wanted to be politically correct he would have joined the Pharissee's agenda.  But he didn't!  The Pharissee's were the code of conduct police back in the day, that is really all they knew.  When Jesus came he turned the table over when it came to living religious.  He was a new hope in the world and many didn't understand how this teaching was right.

My barber continued to repeat the things that Democrats believe in.  Homosexuality is one he repeated with great emphasis!  I'm not a person that believes in homosexuality and really believe God is against it, so I will be also.  I stated that there are Republicans that are gay and have abortions.  The room got silent,very silent!  He had real no answer for that.  So I left it at that, I'm not one for confrontation, but I could have gone a little farther.  I just decided to let it go. 

I quit going to him for a little while because I get disturbed by his comments on Blacks and other things.  I might be looking for new barber again ,but maybe I will stay and give him the true teaching of Jesus.  Jesus was not political, he was not a judge of anybody.  He seemed to me to be more critical of the Pharissee's than he was of the lost.  So he chose to go the other direction of the world.  He came to save those who were being judged, he came to save the Underdog.  Christ was merciful to those who were judged by a Republican gang that demanded cleaness.  Through Jesus we all became clean, from the world's judgemental mindset.  We're free!  Thank the Lord for his love! I'm  am eternally grateful. Don't live by the political realm of  who's clean and who is not.   I claim no party, except the wedding party Jesus has waiting for us in the end!

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