Friday, February 05, 2010

Prayer. Why do we not do it?

How many times do you pray?  That is a question  I need to ask myself everyday.  I do pray and miss many oppurtunities to pray daily.  My prayers are little tid bits here and there.  Usually at night and one in the morning.  But during the day it becomes more difficult to pray.  I am one to not let anybody see me pray.  I don't pray  aloud in restaurants like I see some Christians doing.  For some reason that bothers me, I guess it's because Jesus stated to pray in private and that is exactly what he did.  I don't ever recall Jesus praying in public, he usually prayed off in a quiet place.  So when I pray I try to keep it to myself and God.  We need to pray daily. We aren't forced too, because of the free will God has given us here on Earth.  He has given us the option to pray or not to. The choice to follow him or not, the choice is ours and if we don't follow we may suffer an eternal punishment. 

Prayer is needed for all, and many need our prayers.  My prayer list increased by five people in one week, people around me and in my life have become sick and I feel it is my duty to pray for their well being.  I do love to pray for others though, I don't know the outcome of my prayers, but I do know it is good to hope the best for others lives and they do deeply appreciate it.  My prayers in the past have been about my needs and how I needed an immediate answer from the Creator.  As I have matured I see prayer as giving thanks to God for all He has done for me and a time to pray for those who are hurting or are sick or in great financial need. 

Prayer for me has taken off many stresses I have had in life.  For many it's a religious necessity a ritual, they feel if they don't do it that they are going to be cast to hell or be on God's bad list.  I don't think that is true!  I used to feel that way also, but I now look at prayer as a time to converse with God, an intimate conversation between two friends or a father.   I try to converse in a way that feels comfortable, giving thanks because God has given me peace and has kept me safe in his grace.  I thank him for the good times and also for the bad times I go through.  A lesson can be learned from bad times in life, and I ususally tell him what I have learned from rough experiences and thank him for the lessons I have learned.  I always try to visualize God listening to my prayers.  I see him leaning with His hand on his chin and listening to me with great excitement.  I see him wanting to answer all my requests, wanting to show everything to me but he doesn't.  He is just like us as parents, he gives little by little.  He doesn't give in huge amounts, because that would spoil  us and we would become expecting massive amounts and never learn the lessons of humbleness.  Same with us as parents, we know if we constanly give into our childrens wishes and give them all they need they become spoliled and greedy.  They expect a new toy everyday, and never learn the lessons of earning the toy through good deeds or working for something.

For those who only pray in times of great need and never lift a word toward heaven any other time need to learn God is listening.  God is not not our magic 8 ball.  I believe God wants to hear form us but not just in certain situations though.  He is listening still to all prayers at all times.  He listens to all who pray in dire emergencies and to all who converse to him every day.   Not all prayers are answered though.   That's where people get discouraged, they expect an answer to their request then, not later.  So they give up on God and never return to him again.  God does answer, but usually in his own time and what he wishes.  So that makes him not a magic 8 ball God.  He wants constant communication.  He wants you to see what He has planned for you over a long period of time.  He is a mysterious being that has nothing but good intensions for us all.  So as I learn to communicate with him and you do to, realize God has answered most of our prayers we just need to sit back and see how he has answered them.  If you take time and look at all the great things he has given us, then you will realize how great he is and how wonderful it is to talk to him. Pray at all times, because he is waiting to hear from us!

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