As I write this it's 2 hours before Christmas 2008 arrives. The kids are nestled all snug in their beds, eagerly waiting for Santa. Shannon and I are trying to figure out how were going to get the presents laid out without somebody waking up. Our living room is right next to the bedrooms, so we worry about being noisy. I think we can pull it off though.
I really wish I was home in West Virginia this year for Christmas, we always feel like it's more Christmasy there. But we have had a good night being together with family and each other. It has felt like the evening has just slowly gone by, but now it is time to get things laid out and head to bed. I pray for those children who will wake up to nothing in the morning, and hope next year there will be something there for them. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts with you this year. Merry Christmas!
My hubby and I were able to spend our 35th wedding anniversary at home this year (Moundsville). It wasn't Christmas but everything was decorated and we visited the family we left behind. We spent a few days at Oglebay (we stayed there on our wedding night) and enjoyed the festival of lights. It snowed when we wanted it and didn't when we needed to travel around visiting. I had my coleman's fish sandwich and thought of you as I ate my DiCarlo's Pizza. We bought a whole tray of it.
I enjoy your blog. You inspire me.
Think on Things Divine
Let Your Light Shine
In 2009
God Bless you and yours.
Charlie Wade
South Daytona, FL
I'm glad you and your husband got to go home this year. It's always nice to go back to Wheeling and eat our favorites. I'm jealous though. Have a great New Year and thanks for the comment. I don't get too many, but it's nice to hear people like it. Thanks again and God bless. Clint
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