Somebody showed this picture to me the other night, and I really was hoping I would see it for myself. Well we did, Shannon pointed it out to me as we left KJ's where we had lunch. Some people have way to much time on their hands.
Tonight I don't have anything really to write about, but I'm sure something will pop up soon. But I have been thinking about the upcoming holidays. It doesn't really feel like it should be here already, but it flies just the rest of time.
This time last year we were in a major bind. I had no job and my insurance career was on the flops. The only income we had was a Discover card and it was quickly building up. We're still paying off last Christmas, but have paid a lot of it off though. We were not sure if we could afford to go to West Virginia for Christmas, but I really had to get out of Arkansas, quickly. I was too the point of just feeling like I wasn't meant to be here and felt like running away and start over some where else.
Our trip home I just kept praying to our God to let 2008 be a new year, a fresh start. When we had gotten back into town things were the same. I continued to sell insurance but only a few policies and the money wasn't coming until a couple of months down the road. I just had no answers! I hounded Lowe's at least three times a week. It was not working, the person who was hiring was on vacation. Things were lousy, but I just kept faithful and hopeful and kept praying. I have never been in a bind like this ever in my life. Finally after three months into the new year, Lowe's finally called me for an interview. They finally hired me! It was only partime but at least it was something. I was so thankful to the Lord for not allowing the world to bury me. A few months later they promoted me to a full time assistant manager spot in the garden center. I'm so very thankful to this very day.
So when I hear somebody complain and start bashing the personnel about things I tell them my story. Some don't care and some do. But it's my story and my faithfulness that makes it so special. Many are there just for a pay check I'm there because God put me there. From November 2006 till March 2008 I went through a lot. It humbled me and made me pay attention to the world around me. This blog is inspired by my story, I feel like it is where God has led me to. I shall tell you what I learned from those two yucky years and now how awesome things are now and will be in the future. God didn't give me a high paying job he didn't make me rich with great things. He made me rich with his wisdom and his great love and mercy.
Many TV evangelist will tell you if you give this little bit you will come upon great wealth and material things. They lie by their definition of great wealth, their wealthy because people give to their shows. If you pray hard and believe in what you prayed for it will come to you. But it won't come the way you see it, it will come packaged the way God wants it. Open your eyes and see what God has given you and then you will know what you really have been given. Then you will see what's to come in the future.
I was an angered person at everything and especially my surroundings. I was hateful to the manager that let me go from my previous job of two years. I held on to that anger for a couple of months and then God hit me with a bombshell. My former manager found out she had breast cancer, so I let go and sent her a text message and told her I would be praying for her. I believed it released me completely from my bad disposition. Today she is a survivor and I found new faith in God.
Like the song says, "God moves in mysterious way." And He does everyday, He has a marketing team of angels always on the move. Seeking ways to keep us in his loving arms and out the evilness of Satan. So this year I haven't asked for anything just to keep my job, keep my faith growing and for this blog to reach every corner of this world. There are things I want and need, but there not important as reaching for God and his lost children. What do you wish for? Where are you in your spiritual faith? Are you hoping for a new year and a fresh start? I hope so Pray and humble yourself before God and look at what he has given you already and things will pan out, you just have to wait and believe. May God bless us all!
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