This is a picture of a man that was good and then he let his anger get the best of him. This is the guy who dressed as Santa on Christmas eve and took the lives of 9 people, including an 8 year girl. Who was shot in the face as she innocently answered the door. Bruce Pardo we forgive you and so does God.
The book I am reading is called "Waking the Dead," by John Elderedge. In it he talks about this world we live in and how we don't realize we are a world at war. That being against Satan. He is the destroyer of all that is good, and that is his goal. It seems that Satan got to Bruce Pardo really fast. He put all that he had into Bruce and Bruce released it all. Angry from a costly divorce that was finalized last week and then losing his job, Satan put it all out there for him. So Bruce with no past history of violence went ballistic and Satan was cheering him on as he destroyed the lives of 9 innocent people.
Anger is a sinful thing and can be controlled by the right person, but some have no control and just go the distance with it. People need to realize their actions, and realize they need God to control their rage. Their are so many people in this world today that just don't realize what their anger can do. It scares me!
The Bible states "Do not sin in your anger." We need to learn about our tempers and identify how far we can go with our anger. Violence is not the way, God is. Just let it go, and release your issues with our heavenly Father. We were born into a world at war. Yet if you think about it, if we choose God we are on the side of eternal victory!
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