I often think about those in the nursing homes and pray for them. I pray for their well being and hope that they get the best care. The cub scouts that Brayden joined a few weeks ago went to the nursing home here in Searcy and sang Christmas carols to the patients there. I didn't realize how much they would enjoy it. Many of them strolled in there wheelchairs to the nurses desk and listened to the very good young voices.
It hit me last night how lonely and homesick people are in a nursing home. How a little child's beauty can fill an empty void in their lives. We paused for a few minutes and greeted the older women and men and they were so kind and so much wanted to see youth. Many know there time on earth is coming to a close because of age and sickness. But yet they long for attention, and to see children in their presence makes them feel great and wanted.
The nurse pushed out an elderly lady who looked very frail and not very attentive and Cayden walked up to her and touched her hand and she came alive. It was all she could do to reach over and touch his head and face and she said with a small voice Merry Christmas. God is alive! Tears came to my eyes because I love senior citizens and wonder about their life and what they could tell me about it. I often think of nursing homes as a final resting place of the forgotten and old. I often get angry when children take their parents to the home and run off and forget them because they have their own lives. They have a life because of them, they brought them into existence and now they feel they should leave them be. Not right at all!
The nursing home felt warmth last night because of a handful of Christians came to give them their love. I was very pleased his den did that last night and it gave hope to many who felt they had none left. Let's not forget the elderly this Christmas!
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