Isaiah 33: 23 " Then an abundance of spoils will be divided and even the lame will carry off plunder."
The Mexican pinata is a favorite party game for children. Each child has a turn to give the paper' mache figure some resounding whacks with a stick. The children's eyes are covered with a scarf, except for some exceptions for the smallest children. Adults make it difficult by pulling the pinata this way or that on a line strung between two high points. But sooner or later the paper is torn, candies and trinkets fall to the ground and all the children scramble to "carry off the plunder."
Watchful parents have a difficult time restraining the older and stronger children (Republicans) or they will carry off all the candy and leave none for the littlest ones (middle class).
In the kingdom of Christ, there are abundant spiritual gifts for everyone. The strong may have all they want without depleting the supply for the weak.
Even the lame come away from the Lord's storehouse with their arms loaded with spiritual treasure. -Janice Kramer
I found this in a "Power for Today" book, this writer views things like many of us don't. Yes there are people that live and breed off the governments money, and I don't believe it is right. They need to get off of such programs and do their part. I'm not for them. But I do believe in those that just can't make it in life. those who work hard and get paid very little for what they do, and the big wigs get all the spoils. It's not fair! I think those in power of businesses should look at who really keeps their business afloat and realize the measly pay they offer stinks. We don't live in a fair world, but we all can share what we have so it can come close to being fair.
There is a song that states "Give me your eyes so I can see." We need God's eyes to see what is actually going on, to see past the blindness of Satan's schemes. Many suffer and others survive and others succeed and don't share. The wealth that many hoard they need to realize it makes them nothing, for we came into this world with nothing and will leave this world with nothing. God is fair and it's time we quit whining and live in the fairness of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. Share with those who do not have and raise them up that they may get their share of the spoils.
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