We have had a lot of firsts so far in this new century. The Red Sox finally won a world series, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won a Superbowl. We had a major terrorist attack, and we have had a clown for a president for 8 years. This time tomorrow, will we have our country's first black President?
Our we fearful of this man or what? I have never seen so many people afraid of our country having a black president. I don't know what to expect of Obama, will he do what he says he will do? I don't know! I will be voting tomorrow, but it won't be for McCain or Obama. I might just write my name on the ballot.
But I am not fearful of either candidate, I think both could do a better job than the monkey we have now. But we as a nation are so driven by fear, that we let others decide for us who we will vote for. We allow the news to feed us more fear. My voting would be about the economy, health care, jobs and energy. I'm not going to allow anybody to push the abortion or the gay marriage thing on me. Abortion will always be a topic that will never change the supreme court is too liberal and weak to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
We have had many Republican presidents in office and they never did a dang thing about it. So to me it's a hopeless cause. The gay marriage thing it makes me puke, but some states allow it.
I see it this way, God is my leader and I will follow his will, we are not of this world but of another. We are still better off than many other countries and I 'm not going to worry about things. I have what I need to survive, but there are many who don't. So maybe Obama's spreading the wealth might be a good thing. I don't want more people to join welfare, they need to get off their tail ends and get a job. But the middle class needs a break, I would like to have less taxes taken out of my paycheck. Wouldn't you?
But whatever the outcome of the race is tomorrow God will be right there with us, He won't let this world fall apart like everyone thinks it is. I say everyone needs to quit whining and do their part. Don't rely on the government to fill our pockets or make judgements on unholy matters. We as Christians need to take that stand ourselves and give up the government to do anything about it. They're all about greed. So Happy Voting!
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