Whoever gives to the poor will have everything he needs, but the one who ignores the poor will receive many curses. - Proverbs 28:27
Sometimes it's hard to give to the poor if you really don't know anybody that's poor. I really don't know anybody who is in need right now. I don't see homeless people here in the street here in Searcy, but there is somebody in this town needing help. I'm thankful for those who have found people in need, I wish I had their vision. When I walk into work I see a tree loaded with little children who need help. The angel tree is one of the greatest ideas of love ever invented. I've taken a couple of tags off that tree, and others have also. It will break my heart if there are any tags left on there when Christmas rolls around. Every day I am tempted to take all the tags off there and buy something for all of them.
Many look at the poor as a pain in the tailend of our society, I don't feel that way though. Many feel as though they are not worthy to be given anything at all. I agree that there are many who just feel it's easier to beg than to work. So they just decide to live like animals in the outdoors. It's hard sometimes to give to somebody who neglects the needs of their children, but they always have the money to buy their cigarettes and beer. Yet their children go to bed hungry. Many will remain poor if they remain ignorant of their laziness and expect others to feed them.
But it's not the poor adults I look at, it's the innocent children that are suffering because they can't help it. On Air one the Christian radio station I listen to, stated that 700,000 children will go hungry this year in our country this year. Why? This country has so much to offer and our food supply is enormous, why do they go hungry. I often get angered when our country goes to another country and feeds the hungry there, but neglects their own. Then I realized if we don't go and do it in other countries nobody else will. The United States is a very giving nation and I hope that never stops, yet we still need to help our own also. That's where we Christian step up and do our part to feed and clothe the poor. I have passed our churches His House and have seen a line of people there waiting for some kind of hand out. It makes me feel good to see somebody helping somebody even if they are really not in need.
In your Thanksgiving prayer tomorrow remember those who will not have much or anything to eat tomorrow. Pray that we all can step up and find someone who is in need and help them as much as we can. God loves a giving heart, He gives to us all in great abundance every day. I thought the other day about how much God has given me and I just feel my cup is overflowing. I don't feel in need at all, but I am eternally grateful to him.
When you give don't even think about the tax deduction you will receive. That bothers me a lot when people say I will give to so and so and talk about the tax deduction they will receive. I believe God will think that is a sign of greed. Give because you can and not because you will receive something in return. We should give because God has given to us, give out of love not because of the IRS. Have a great Thanksgiving and remember the less fortunate.
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