What a night! History has been made and I wonder why it took so long. None of us know the future, but we only know the present. Where do we go from here? Hopefully up, and now we all must get behind this new President elect and hope for the best.
I know there are some who are not happy with the outcome of this race. There are some who are so fearful about Obama. I decided I won't live in fear of him, only in fear of the Living God. Only through prayer can we truly believe in anybody. Through all the name calling and bashing we came through as a nation of unity. Erase the color of skin and go on with life. For change has happened and now we must clean up the 8 year mess. pray for our nation and pray for our new leader and hope he makes good on all his promises. The wealthy needs to get rid of its wealth and the lazy people in our nation need to get off their lazy tail ends and accept no hand outs. May God bless our nation and all our hopes and dreams.
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