What can you hope for in another New Year?
I'm actually joining the millions who are looking to lose weight, I've blimped up pretty good over the last 7 years. Sometimes I feel like the GOODYEAR BLIMP when I stand over my kids. But I don't think they could get this "BLIMP" off the ground !
I'm not really into resolutions, I think they are a hopeless cause for me. I give in way to easily.
But we definitely kicked off the new year with some interesting news stories, so far.
1) The Bush's finally got their Christmas present with the hanging of Saddam. Now that we got what they wanted can we get out of Iraq.
2) The Democrats are taking control of Congress and the Senate tomorrow. Thank Goodness !
3) The passing of President Gerald Ford. He sounded like a good man. I was in diapers when he was President, so I don't know that much about him. I watched his funeral today it was very moving to see all that goes into the funeral of a President. The music of the military choruses was the most moving part of the funeral. I know it was hard on Mrs. Ford at her age to go through all that, but she was strong through the whole thing. May God bless her.
The only thing I haven't heard on the news was how many people were baptized into Christ so far this new year. Hmm! You think that would top the headlines, seeing that would be the most important thing anybody could ever report. I heard all day about Nick Saban taking the job at Alabama for $4 million a year. But nobody mentioned anything about how many people changed their lives and repented of their sins so far this year. I heard about two bank robberies and how a drive thru teller was killed by an ignorant robber in Little Rock this past week. But nobody mentioned about how many people took the biggest walk of their life down the Church isle and made the biggest decision of their life. To take their old life and put on the body of Christ.
I think the news people are missing the big stories of the year. I know they wouldn't heap in the big ratings for the news stations. I know telling about people being baptized into Christ doesn't top the murder, rape, child molestation and college bowl stories. But they should. If we as human beings had our priorities right and not live life backwards, those stories of salvation would top the news every night. But when you live in a world that is full of the temptations of Satan what do you expect.
Our resolutions and mine should not be about losing weight or other things that we know we're not going to stick too. They should be resolutions of how we should be better Christians.
1) Read your Bible every night.
2) Pray as much as you can.
3) Lose the anger. Become a humble person, just like Jesus.
4) Build a better relationship with Christ. (These aren't in order of importance)
5) Spend more time with your family. Don't work as much, if you don't have too!
6) Start a blog! And see if you can change the life of some stranger or friend.
7) Visit the sick or a person you think is in need.
I think about life all the time and come to realize my life here is not eternal. I believe Satan makes us believe that.
All I know is that we have one chance at this life and that's it POOF! were done. Make the changes you need to in your life today. Become clean with God, make sure you have done all you can to live a good life. Because POOF! that could be it.
May God bless everybody I know and love and those I don't know to make the changes needed to get to heaven. I'll finish with this verse.
Luke 12: 8-9 " I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." Happy New Year!
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