Oh, Gee they're are clapping for me! This must be the 35 % who approve of me.

And in this envelope is the name of the person who will replace me. I thought this was the state of the union. No, W it's an INTERVENTION !!!!!! Your addiction to POWER has led us to this moment. And the winner is?

"Oh, I know it's just got to be me. It just has to be me, I'm all over the news."

And the winner is? The Florida dude with the nasty orange wig. It wouldn't surprise me if this weren't true. The way politics is going down the tube it could happen. He's a member of the WIG party.
I would rather have him than Hillary.
Yeah she makes me sick! I thought bush had an annoying smirk, she just looks like she's ready to bite somebody with that scowl on her face. I think the dude with the wig would make a good president.
Now let me say that Barack Obama is going to be one of the top contenders for the presidental spot in 08. This guy is getting support from the Republicans as well as the Democrats. But is this guy for real. Possibly yes. He is very young and people believe he knows what he is doing.
I'm not quite sure about Obama. But I know if he gets it i'll be singing his name to the Labamba song.
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