I've been taking this product since January of this year. I've been amazed at the results. I weighed in at 320 pounds in January. Last week I weighed at the Doctors office at 280. WOW!
I lost 40 pounds. Plexus fights your cravings and at the same heals your gut. An unhealthy gut is what leads to a lot of health problems.
What do I take?
I drink the slim drink which helps balance your sugar. This product has helped many diabetics balance their sugar levels. I also take the bio cleanse, pro biotic 5 which helps get rid of the yeast in your body. Yeast is what makes our bodies crave sugar and other junk.
Since being on these products I don't crave sugary treats anymore. Fast food is a thing of the past. I eat less at meal and I never once exercised to lose this weight.
I truly believe God has blessed me to these Plexus products. I amazed and feel so much better. I have no more afternoon crashes.
I get up at 6 am and don't stop until late at night.
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Thanks and God bless! www.csinger.myplexusproducts.com
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